Watching The Trash in the way god intended: dont giving a dime to WB, in Tortuga seas.
The first time Barry runs is LITERALLY a cheap CW clip.
WTF was that hook? And the humor of the movie is horrendous.
Oh god, the Babies scene is some really BAD Looney Toones shit. And the suit looks bad in every angle.
The JOSSTice League gag is HIDEOUS. Every joke just not land well. At all.
Iris is "a friend of college", and the supposed ZSJL is soo fucking thin that not even land. If you never saw the movie before that, what she say doesn't matter. And actually don't.
The actor of Henry Allen was badly cosplayed as Billy Crudup. He deserved better.
"Not every problem have a solution. Sometimes you just have to just let it go."
What the actual hell.
Mama Allen, as i suspected, is the highlight of the movie. She is a terrific actress.
Everything about Barry's life and developnent as a character happen in like, 5 minutes.
And the "i had come back a few moment before, but not a full day" doesnt clarify AT ALL as a ZSJL connection. Some of you are reaching hard for something that wasnt in there.
Everybody looks REALLY BAD inside the chronoball. Worst CGI in a long, LONG time.
There is no logic besides cheap fanservice to make his lighting yellow with the suit.
Barry is constantly be made as a joke of himself. He deserves better, as everyone in the movie.
The teeth. That's why the gag at the end. Is facepal after facepalm.
No joke or "funny" moment here lands. Is just plain bad. Is a movie what tries SO HARD to be funny.
The dude of Game of Thones does a cameo in here.
Fun fact: a bat enter my house while watching the movie. Even a bat tries to not make me watch this garbage.
Sorry, you cant be him.
The Black Zero Event flashback is the best scene of the movie because remind you how great the DCEU used to be, and could be if Warner wasnt soo fucking dumb.
That Thomas Curry joke... The disrespect with Aquaman never ends.
Oh my god, is LITERALLY the Spaguetti-verse. The Batgirl directors weren't lying, they take all from here.
I absolute HATE what they did with Keaton. And for, whatever reason, he tried to tine travel in the past (???)
And im happy and relief to know that DEFINITELY not Burton's Batman. At all.
The movie tried to weigth the drama of Barry, but all things are soo loosed conected that the drama doesnt land (too).
The movie doesnt develop AT ALL the characters.
Is weird see Keaton fighting THAT fast.
Ok, the movie have for now 01 good gag. After like a hour of film.
Besides all the mess, Keaton have some few good moments. But is underdeveloped as all the rest.
An hour and half of movie and absolutely NOTHING is happening.
That Supergirl...
Is that what the Current President says "is the best Superhero movie ever?"
This movienis like "what if we take all the favorite DC movies made, blend them, and make the most void and boring content ever?"
Oh, the yellow light dissipates the blue light from all the speeding. Ok, i can accept that.
Faora appeared in like, 2 shots soo far.
It doesnt make any sense Batman going kamkzake because HE TRIES TO BLOW OUT A SHIP BEFORE AND THAT DIDNT WORK OUT.
3rd appearence of Faora, take a shot.
Is well fitting for DCEU end with a movie what represent everything WB does to DC Film is after Snyder: "just go with the flow, dont fight to save the things you love, is not worthy"
All that cameo galore is imoral, sick and void of meaning. The cheapest kind of fanservice.
The final scene at the market have a unnecessary CGI baby.
The problem of having a emotional punchline to your film is not developing nothing well enough to us to care.
Andy Muschietti also have a cameo.
I know this was bad but WOW. This is JOSStice League 2 in every way, and this is not funny, enraging, is just sad, sad, sad. Is a completely garbage of a movie, the most souless of the contents. Nothing can be saved. Nothing is worthy praised. #TheFlash
"You are becoming the own thing that you hate by spoiling The Trash".
I hate Warner bros, soo if i become then, i'll greenlit Snyderverse ASAP.
If the movie isn't a vile corporate content what crushed DC to ashes, made by a dumb-ass studio what refuse to listen what people REALLY want, maybe we dont get that angered.
And this is the least the studio and the assholes what gave them support to reach on that extreme low level fucking deserve. The guys leaked out half on ZSJL "by accident" so
Is just not a lack of taste using GCI dead people that way, in a void way to cheap claps, but also deny the same history of these people with the character and HOW they wanted to be portrait. And cheap cameos from even the living ones doesn't make thingd right or fait for them.
#TheFlash is a lesson on what DEFINITELY not do in a superhero movie. is worst that we can all imagine. Is JOSStice League with all the red flags high. There is a gazzilion ways to be respectful and do homages than the way the movie did.
Look at CW's Crisis. They did VERY RIGHT in there.
Well, lets try to recap all the current and real soon releases about DC on Film.
#ShazamFuryOfTheGods si already avaliable on Digital and coming this May to Home Video. Some of the really neat covers for you, if you haven't seen yet.
#BatmanDoom already was release at the end of March, and if you like Batman and Cosmic Horror, this is a must see! Check out on Digital and Home Video!
There is SOO many layers here to be dig in guys, the first one is more obvious: Gunn and Safran will cut Wonder Woman and a Cavill's Superman and Supoergirl reunion in The Flash, and Batfleck in Aquaman 2 because "will lead to nothing" [+] #ShazamFuryOfTheGods
but let a scene with 2 characters what no one cares, but are played by Gunn's wife and best pal, to tease somethiujng what, again, will lead to nowhere, because they gonna reboot everything that isn't done by Gunn previously. #ShazamFuryOfTheGods
You know what's gonna happen at Snydercon 2 towards his DC Snyderverse saga? Zack will say the obvious: "I wish to finish that story, but the decision for that happen is not upon me. Meanwhile i'll do my own stuff". #SellZSJLtoNetflix#SellSnyderVerseToNetflix
And i have the CERTAINTY that people will clash over that like "answer A is the right one! No, its answer B" while, again, the answer was clear. Asking for #SellZSJLtoNetflix#SellSnyderVerseToNetflix is a call about that his vision about that universe still matters, [+]
And again, the Armyverse becoming a big franchise for Netflix and the hype around Rebel moon already show to you that we support the guy no matter what he does, and STILL have some people painting like #SellZSJLtoNetflix#SellSnyderVerseToNetflix is otherwise.
I genuine enjoyed the movie, Sandberg still delivers good fun with quality, but i felt the movie, even bigger in scale, still contains the same scope of the first one. #ShazamFuryofTheGods
Which is weird in a certain way, because the 2 movies are heavy-character-centric, but the action of the second is bigger. The movie really comes full circle of Billy as a character, besides he was the only one which the changes were the most negative, [+] #ShazamFuryofTheGods