DCUMoviePage #RestoreTheSnyderverse Profile picture
Brazilian Fan Page for news of DC Comics projects. Associate Producer on ZSJL. #SellSnyderverseToNetflix #ReleaseTheAyerCut ##ReleaseTheSchumacherCut
Dec 20, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
Well, lets talk about this. The first thing noticible is how fucking UGLY the movie is. Jesus Christ, calling the DP of "The Flash" really make you question if what Gunn said wasnt just propaganda, he genuine liked that crap in everything they offered.
Feb 16, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
The timeline of events:
April 2023: Superman L starts pre-production
May 2 2023: Writer and Actors strike begins
July 2023: Grace Randolph drops that "Superman L" will deal with middle-east crisis
27 September 2023: Writers strike ends
[+] End of September 2023: James Gunn delivers the final shooting script
Oct. 7, 2023: Hamas attack in a disco on Israel
October 2023: Bassem Youssef appears on Piers Morgan: Uncensored
November 2023: Actors strike ends, Bassam supposely was just informed then that his role
was cut.
Aug 25, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
GA ain't coming for a bunch of movies what poorly replicate what Marvel did, inside a shared universe what not just NOT giving what we want to see, as leads to nowhere. And fans, well... [+] First, The Suicide Squad is a FLOP, and is NOT because of COVID, since every damn movie made cash during the period. When you see people saying things like that, you know who made them to.
Jun 16, 2023 47 tweets 5 min read
Watching The Trash in the way god intended: dont giving a dime to WB, in Tortuga seas. The first time Barry runs is LITERALLY a cheap CW clip.
Jun 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
"You are becoming the own thing that you hate by spoiling The Trash".
I hate Warner bros, soo if i become then, i'll greenlit Snyderverse ASAP. If the movie isn't a vile corporate content what crushed DC to ashes, made by a dumb-ass studio what refuse to listen what people REALLY want, maybe we dont get that angered.
Jun 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Is just not a lack of taste using GCI dead people that way, in a void way to cheap claps, but also deny the same history of these people with the character and HOW they wanted to be portrait. And cheap cameos from even the living ones doesn't make thingd right or fait for them. #TheFlash is a lesson on what DEFINITELY not do in a superhero movie. is worst that we can all imagine. Is JOSStice League with all the red flags high. There is a gazzilion ways to be respectful and do homages than the way the movie did.
Apr 11, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Well, lets try to recap all the current and real soon releases about DC on Film. #ShazamFuryOfTheGods si already avaliable on Digital and coming this May to Home Video. Some of the really neat covers for you, if you haven't seen yet.
Mar 31, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Lets at last talk about this crap of post-credit scene. #ShazamFuryOfTheGods There is SOO many layers here to be dig in guys, the first one is more obvious: Gunn and Safran will cut Wonder Woman and a Cavill's Superman and Supoergirl reunion in The Flash, and Batfleck in Aquaman 2 because "will lead to nothing" [+] #ShazamFuryOfTheGods
Mar 21, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
You know what's gonna happen at Snydercon 2 towards his DC Snyderverse saga? Zack will say the obvious: "I wish to finish that story, but the decision for that happen is not upon me. Meanwhile i'll do my own stuff". #SellZSJLtoNetflix #SellSnyderVerseToNetflix And i have the CERTAINTY that people will clash over that like "answer A is the right one! No, its answer B" while, again, the answer was clear. Asking for #SellZSJLtoNetflix #SellSnyderVerseToNetflix is a call about that his vision about that universe still matters, [+]
Mar 18, 2023 20 tweets 7 min read
Ok, lets talk briefly about #ShazamFuryofTheGods. No spoilers here, i think. I genuine enjoyed the movie, Sandberg still delivers good fun with quality, but i felt the movie, even bigger in scale, still contains the same scope of the first one. #ShazamFuryofTheGods
Mar 8, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
#Watchmen made 14 years and still one of the greatest and most unique comic book adaptations ever made. @ZackSnyder placed the comic boook rightfully into mainstream pop culture, while bring a VERY faithful adaptation what retain a LOT of the director's authorship. No easy task. @ZackSnyder You don't have HBO's Watchmen without this movie. Even adaptations of comics like 'The Boys' and 'Invincible'. Either things like 'Before Watchmen' and Tom King's Roscharch.
Feb 10, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read
Oh boy, oh boy, lets talk about this. #RestoreTheSnyderVerse #SellZSJLToNetflix Before everything, lets remind you this: James Gunn is a liar. He lies until people enough swallow up his bullshit for him stop to be question about it.
Jan 31, 2023 33 tweets 6 min read
Good lord, i have soo much to say. BTW, to keep track on things: hear his bullshit here
Nov 1, 2022 45 tweets 9 min read
@TheRock The hierarchy of review will change, with my official review of #BlackAdam for your reading pleasure!!! Check out the thread and good reading! @TheRock The so-called DCEU has been a mess for a long time. After sabotaging Zack Snyder's (great and superior) plans for this shared universe, the "Hope & Optimism" Team formed by Geoff Johns and John Berg swam and died on the beach, especially after the disgrace of 'JOSStice League.
Nov 1, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Guys and Gals, is simple:
Elon Musk, that baldfuck incel, bought twitter, in a attempt to heal his fragile ego by making this site his new 4chan-chat-room. But that's the issue: he spend all his money on the site, money he got from Tesla. He charging for a verify isn't just a desperate attempt to make money atop a very clear bear-trap builded to lure he in, but also allow every lie-spreader, fascist and fake-news cunt make themselves reliable.
Oct 26, 2022 43 tweets 10 min read
My intention tonight was to write about 'Black Adam' (a movie which i genuine enjoyed), but the world remind us if you are a DC Fan, you have no right to be happy. Because THIS happen, and its time to talk about and give my 2 cents. 🧵 Before dive in, FINALLY people are accepting that TSS floped (but a friendly tip, wasn't because of MAX dual release. From Mortal Kombat to Dune, all these movies had dual releases AND made bank).
Oct 24, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Daily remind that:
- Emmerich and his crew hidden the numbers of everything from Discovery, including the real numbers of ZSJL. They are aware of the real numbers and not invest into #RestoreTheSnyderverse is ask for losing easy cash. [+] Also, a very important remind that WBD have all the right to invest into the #DCEU again. Different of the Snyderverse, it proposes a long therm plan "without ending" and a build up for multiple franchises. [+]
Oct 17, 2022 26 tweets 11 min read
Excited for #BlackAdam? Here is some recommended reading before the movie, follow the thread for more! Lets begin with the beginning: The Marvel Family #1 (1945), by C.C. Becker and Otto Binder, was the newest magazine from the Captain Marvel Family, which introduced the anti-hero/nemesis, as his origin and the origins of the Marvel family, #BlackAdam
Oct 15, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Why people on this fandom we are getting discussions and attitudes straight from 2018? Move on from that mentality people, is already damn time. You have all the right to not want to watch a movie, that doesn't make it a boycott, and keeping that in your mind will only lead you to frustration. With that said: Ray Fisher not wanting to watch the movies under Hamada production is not a war call [+]
Oct 13, 2022 38 tweets 11 min read
And because we are here already... lets check out these 4 tie-ins. #BlackAdam Starting with: HAWKMAN! The bastardization of Kryptonite, tho, not nice. #BlackAdam
Oct 13, 2022 17 tweets 5 min read
Lets read this #TheFlash Image Coast City shippment 👀 #TheFlash