Author: Prof S.Kalyanaraman, Neurosurgeon, Chennai
Compiled by Jagadguru Sri Maha Periyava - Kanchi Paramacharya/Fb
On several occasions I have learnt of Maha Periyava’s telepathic powers. Once my father’s bhiksha vandanam was fixed for a particular day in a town.
The previous evening at about six o’clock several persons from that town came to Maha Periyava and requested that they may be permitted to do Samashti bhiksha vandanam the next day. Maha Periyava said “The Dental Surgeon, Dr.Subramanian will be coming” The devotees said “Usually
he comes the previous afternoon itself. May be, he is held up at work and will not be able to come; Maha Periyava replied “You go out and see. He is just entering”. And sure enough my father appeared on the scene in a few seconds. At Sholapur I had the very unique opportunity of
spending nearly an hour with Maha Periyava alone. He questioned me on a number of scientific and medical topics.
His Holiness: Just before extinguishing, the flame of a lamp it burns brightly. Why does that happen?
I replied I do not know.
His Holiness: I have asked this
question to a number of persons including physicists. Nobody seems to know the answer.
On that occasion He told me that sometimes when a devotee wrote a letter to Him, He was able to know what the devotee was writing as if the letter was being written in His presence. He asked
me for the scientific explanation of this phenomenon.
I replied that there was no scientific explanation as yet, although some cases of transfer of thought telepathically from one person to another have been authentically recorded.
A very senior general surgeon from Karnataka,
well known for his services to poor patients recounted this incident to me. He said he was travelling one evening with his wife and children by car on a rather lonely highway. Suddenly there was a torrential rain and visibility became quite poor. He was able to proceed only very
slowly and by about 11 pm he reached a small village. There was a bright light in one of the houses on the road and some persons were standing on the road outside the open door. The Surgeon stopped the car and got out to enquire whether there was any nearby hotel or guest house
where he could stay overnight. The person asked him whether he was a doctor and whether he had come with his family. He replied “Yes”. The people said that they had been waiting for him for more than two hours. “Food is ready. Please come in, have your dinner and take rest”. He
was very surprised and asked whether any of them were his former patients and had recognised him. They said “Please come and have food first. Let the children take rest. We will answer all your questions after dinner”. Half an hour later when everyone had taken their dinner, they
told him, “We heard earlier in the day that Maha Periyava was going to a nearby town through this village to his next camp. We had prepared food for Him and the Mutt people. However, when He came, we requested Him to stop here, take rest and then proceed. He said that He had to
reach the town on time before the rains started. However He added that, late at night a doctor with his family would be coming by car and that they would be tired and would need rest. He told us to look after those guests. So we have been waiting for you more than two hours
wondering when you would come”. This doctor had never seen Maha Periyava earlier. After this event he visited the Mutt and became a great devotee.
Sarvam Sri Krishnarpanam🙏
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2. கஜேந்திர மோட்சத்தை 5 நிமிடம் அளவு நாமே கற்பனை செய்து, அந்த தடாகத்தையும் தடாகத்தில் உள்ள ஆயிரக்கணக்கான தாமரை மலர்களையும் அதில் 1000
இதழ் கொண்ட ஒரு தாமரை மலரை அந்த கஜேந்திர ஆழ்வான் பறித்து எம்பெருமானுக்கு சமர்ப்பிக்க எண்ணியதையும், அந்தக் கைங்கர்யத்தை தடுக்க, முதலை அதன் காலைப் பற்றியதும், தன்னால் முடிந்த அளவு போராடி (ஆயிரம் யானைகளை வைத்துக் கொண்டு ஆயிரம் வருடங்கள் தன் கூட்டத்தோடு) முடியாத பிறகு எம்பெருமானிடம்
சரணாகதி செய்ததை நினைக்க வேண்டும் அந்த சரணாகதிக் குரல் கேட்டு எம்பெருமான் உடனே ஓடி வந்து அதனை ரட்ஷித்ததையும் நம் மனக் கண்ணாலே அனுபவித்து நம்மையும் அதுபோல காப்பான் என்று விசுவாசத்தோடு எம்பெருமானைத் தியானிக்க வேண்டும்.
3. நம் பாதத்தை பூமாதேவியின் மேல் வைப்பதற்கு முன் அவளிடம்
#FoodForThought A Swamiji was traveling in a flight. When they were on air an airhostess started serving complimentary liquor to everyone. When she came to offer Swamiji, he politely refused. The airhostess said, "We offer this service which is not done in any other airlines, top
quality drink, please take it Sir."
Again the Swamiji refused. She persisted, "once you taste this drink you will never stop drinking this."
He refused again. The stewardess said, "At least for my repeated request you should taste a sip."
The Swamiji said, "I am sorry Amma, a
thinker like me cannot consume this mind altering drink. Why don't you offer my share to the pilot please?"
Immediately she replied, "Oh how can he drink when he is working? He might get inebriated and make some mistake while flying, causing an accident killing us all!"
Source: Maha Periyaval Darisana Anubhavangal
A wrestler whose strength it was said was immeasurable, came to Kanchipuram. If a fistful of sesame seeds were given to him, he could crush it to oil quite casually. He had also won a number of competitions in boxing
and martial arts. So he had a horde of followers that admired him. His intention was to get a prize from Periyava. He was ready to exhibit his prowess in front of Periyava and was all set to wrestle with any one Periyava deputed as his opponent. A youngster who visited SriMatham
now and then and served there, let us call him Manakkal Krishna Sastri was a hefty, well-built man. Periyava sent for Krishna Sastri.
“Krishna, stand near the entrance for an hour. You must not move, what do you say?”
Cauvery which was enshrined in the Kamandalam of sage #Agasthiyar liberated by Vinayakar and she started flowing towards Chola Nadu. When informed of the arrival of the holy river, King Haridhwajan
received her with pujas and prayers. The river took a right turn around Lord Siva, circumambulating him (valan-chuzhi) and entered a hole near the Lord (called the piladwaram). The king tried his best to block it but was unsuccessful. He took the help of sage Herandar, who took
the shape of a bee as ordained by Lord Siva and blocked the hole. The Kaveri started flowing again, out of the earth. Since the Kaveri came up from here, this place is also called Melakaveri. The temple is primarily a Chola period construction, and has some beautiful architecture
இந்த சம்பவத்தை சொன்னவர் பெயர் விவரம் தெரியவில்லை.
மகாபெரியவாள் எத்தனையோ திருவிளையாடல்களை நடத்தி இருக்கிறார். சாதாரண நிகழ்வு போலவே அற்புதங்கள் நிகழ்த்தும் கருணா மூர்த்தி அவர். சென்னையில் வசித்து வந்த ஒரு பெண்மணி ஒரு விபத்தில் தன் கணவர் மகன் மருமகள் மூவரையும் இழந்து
பேரன் ஒருவனுக்காகவே வாழ்ந்து வந்தார். பணத்திற்குக் குறைவில்லை. இன்ஷ்யூரன்ஸும் நிறையவே கிடைத்தது. பாங்கில் போட்டு விட்டு கிடைத்த வட்டியில் நன்றாகவே வாழ முடிந்தது. மகா பெரியவாளின் பக்தையான அவர் அடிக்கடி காஞ்சீபுரம் வந்து தரிசித்துப் போவார். பேரன் பள்ளிப் படிப்பு வரை நன்றாகப்
படித்து நல்ல மார்க்குடன் தேறி காலேஜ் சேர்ந்தான். காலேஜில் கெட்ட சகவாசத்தில் புகை மதுப் பழக்கங்கள் வந்தன. பாட்டி கண்டிக்க ஒருநாள் வீட்டை விட்டு ஓடிப் போனான். பாட்டி அழுதழுது பேப்பரில் எல்லாம் விளம்பரம் செய்து பார்த்தாள். பேரன் திரும்பி வரவே இல்லை.
காஞ்சிபுரத்திற்கே குடி வந்தாள்.
From Mr P. Swaminathan who is well known in giving talks on Mahaperiyava at various places in and outside India.(Check YouTube)
Today (19.6.23 Monday) I gave a lecture on The greatness of Maha Periyava at Mylapore Kapalishwarar Temple. I spoke about Veda and
Vedanta. At one point I said, Veda Mantras can be realized, benefitted and enjoyed only through sound, by hearing them. The power of Vedas are such I told. After the event was over I went to Karpagambal Sannadhi with my wife and friend Ravi. We sat in front of Ambal on the left
side. Next second 4 young boys who are learning Veda came and sat opposite us. During Aarathi they chanted the Veda in a loud voice. I was very surprised. I have never seen boys reciting Veda there so far. “Veda can be enjoyed through sound and listening is what you said, so have