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Jun 20 118 tweets 16 min read Twitter logo Read on Twitter

I am going to write the speech I would have given on 19th June 2023 in Parliament

In response to the Privileges Committee report

You see

I think there were many good contributions from MPs

But none quite reached the level I wanted to see
As this is their *ONE* chance

To put in Hansard a record

Of exactly who and what Boris Johnson was and is

So let's begin
I want you to close your eyes.

Now this is a lesson for school children as much as it is for adults.

I want to set up a leadership laboratory.

I want you to consider the question.

Why would someone follow you?
I want you to consider:

What kind of leader you want to be.

What kind of leader you are.

How to align your behaviour with your goals.

How you try leading a team and test your skills and tools.
How you deal with leadership challenges, manage conflict and assess a team's progress.

How you observe and understand the impact of your behaviour on others.
I want this House to close its eyes.

I want you all to think back to a party.

The laughter, the joie de vivre, the banter, the music, the dancing, the food, the drink.

Visualise what ever you wish to set the scene in your imagination.
Make it a joyous party.

After all, no one wants a miserable party (we'll come back to that word miserable later).
The reason I wanted you to cast your eyes back.

Is that it is fitting that so as the ascent of one man began with a party.

It is fitting that parties play such a role in the leadup to his departure.
So the party I chose to imagine

Was one from 2001

A "jingle and mingle" so to speak

A "Boris Johnson for Henley" party so to speak (to borrow a phrase from Shaun Bailey)

The host: Conrad Black the owner of the Spectator and Telegraph
So even before being at that party

Boris Johnson had *ALREADY* broken a promise he made to Conrad Black

The promise he made to Conrad Black - that he would abandon hopes of a political career - broken as he sought a parliamentary seat.

So now I want to sing a song
Not to worry

I won't sing Abba's Dancing Queen

After all I am sure that song has echoed around 10 Downing St enough

It is fascinating how little his neighbour heard or saw.

Just as well, after all we wouldn't want him to have "effectively" called the Police as Priti says
Not to worry

I won't sing Abba's Dancing Queen

After all I am sure that song has echoed around 10 Downing St enough
Instead the song from a duo from Conrad's party, Kit and the Widow:

“That effrontery so sordid/should be cherished and rewarded/Is a fact to be applauded/As public life goes on/Let honour be accorded/That he’s pulled off such a con/Let it be lauded, the BoJo phenomenon.”
And then Conrad Black dedicates himself to the King

“If Boris wants to run for No 10, the Telegraph is behind him.”

And the audience reaction:

As the guest ruefully observed: “Everybody puddled themselves with guffawing laughter of disbelief at the very thought.”
So now I want to talk about not just one party

Because there is so so much
Whether that be the regular weekly wine o'clock, a jingle and mingle at the headquarters of Fact Check UK - sorry I meant Conservative Central Office, the leaving parties, the garden parties, the No10 residence parties, the Chequers parties.
Margaret Thatcher said

“Integrity is an old fashioned word. There are even some who will tell you it is an old fashioned thing. But, for a politician, integrity is everything.”

To every single Conservative

You *enabled* Boris Johnson

The body of a fish propped up the head
You wanted him

Because he was a *winner*

All you cared about was the "win"

Margaret Thatcher also said

"The manner of winning is a matter of honour"
But that win came at a cost

Hence why Greg Hands when challenged on Boris Johnson with a simple question

Q: Is Boris Johnson a man of integrity?

Greg could not answer Yes, instead he replied:

"I'm in the business of politics, not moral judgement calls"
Here is Margaret Thatcher speaking of Macmillan in 1963

"The Prime Minister is a man of the highest integrity and honour and should not, therefore, suffer for someone whose standards were not as high as his own.”
Here is Margaret Thatcher speaking in 1970

"We want a nation with high standards of integrity, tolerance and personal responsibility."
So that's enough of Margaret for now.

I will come back to her later.

Instead I want to talk of the early days of partygate.

Because it was not partygate that ended the rule of Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

It was only a waypoint in his descent.
So the early days of partygate when the 4th estate reported on it.

Boris Johnson resorted to building a protective square.

A process that many Conservatives are familiar with.
They have done so for so much else whether that be the bullying of Priti Patel, the attempt to interfere with the investigation into Priti Patel so badly an ethics advisor resigns, Dominic Cummings and an eyesight test and so so much else.
I could of course focus on lying to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to unlawfully prorogue the Mother of Parliaments.

But you all enabled that.
Now I want to go back to the early days of Partygate.

And the range of entries put forward by Boris Johnson, his office, his MPs and his press shillsters.

We have several categories: minimisation, equivalence and revenge/personal abuse.
After all you want to give your base a range of material to use.

Especially for MPs or ministers who have to talk out interviews that may last several minutes.

focus on crises
got the big calls right
got brexit done

trivial fluff
there is a war on
draw a line under
like a speeding ticket
move on
only attended briefly
it was a work event
ambushed by cake
Westminster bubble
everyone broke the rules

attacks on the Sue Gray team
its a media MSM campaign
a vendetta from Dominic
Carrie's fault
and there is one weird one which I don't know how to categorise

is that he may have had parties but that they were "miserable" parties
So let's go through these

"Focus on crises"

This is exactly why Partygate is so important.

Trust in government is a vital element of our democracy.
It is *EVEN MORE* crucial amidst a disaster - where we ask citizens to make sacrifices to their liberty for the greater good - that those citizens trust that their government is doing so for good reasons, communicating those reasons & is itself complying with the laws it sets.
"got the big calls right"

The Covid inquiry will report in due course into covid.

You ignored pandemic exercises & preparedness.
You were AWOL for the start of the pandemic.
You let it rip with herd immunity.
You locked down late.
And so so much more.
"got brexit done"

If it got done - why did it have to be "authentically done" by Rishi Sunak according to Steve Baker?

Brexit is not done.

Brexit is a hollow con sold with cheating, lies, racism, xenophobia, law breaking and nativist simplist fantasy nonsense.
"there is a war on"

How dare you exploit the suffering of Ukraine to provide a protective shield for yourself?

How fucking dare you.
"trivial fluff"

It is not "trivial"

In fact if you wanted to learn the value of hindsight - one of the key lessons from previous pandemics - whether that be William Mommpesson or the Spanish Flu in America.

Trust in leaders matters.
"only attended briefly"

This is not the win you think it is.

As you confirm you attended.

The fact that the gathering was illegal is the issue.

So you attended something that was against the rules and guidance and you think arguing you only partook briefly is a "win" ?
"like a speeding ticket"

No it really isn't.

This is about trust.
"it was a work event"

No it wasn't.

You know that.

Everyone knows that.

Stop embarrassing yourself.
"ambushed by cake"

Sigh. For some reason the cake line seems quite a popular one that so many have latched onto.

It's also bullshit.
"Westminster bubble" / "draw a line under" / "move on" / "non-story"

Again the pathetic desperation in these 4 really is pitiful.

I would like to thank their usage though - as they show how afraid of discussing the topic Boris Johnson / Number 10 and a government are.
So that's the initial range of entries in a protective square that was built around Boris Johnson.

The protective square of course says as much about those who aid in the building of a protective square as much as those who are silent whilst it is built.
So the Privileges Committee has reached the conclusion of its report.

There is of course a range of protective square entries put forward at the end:

on Harriet Harman
on it not being a normal courtroom
on the intent behind the lies
on smearing Bernard Jenkin
on the punishment
Just stop.

It is too much.

A man who when he was given sight of the report ahead of Monday 19th June 2016 rather than prepare for his defence on the floor of the Commons.

He used it to fling red meat and incite his base with attack lines smearing anything.
That should tell you (again) everything you need to know about Boris Johnson.

He is a coward.

Who is interested in one thing and one thing only.

The furtherance of his own self interest.

It is after all as he says all about wages.
Boris Johnson is an amoral cheating lying racist corrupt law breaking coward.

He lies to his wives.

He lies to his ministers.

He lies to his own MPs.

He lies to Northern Ireland.

He lies to a nation.

He lies to Josephine.

He lies to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
He lies to anyone, at any time, in any location about anything.

All the lie need to do is serve his own self interest to get him through the next 24 hours.

That is all.
I try so hard to reduce it to one simple point.

One simple question or observation that I think will pierce the veil of craven sycophancy.
If Boris Johnson & Downing Street didn't understand the law/guidance on coronavirus

How could they give daily briefings on why the law was needed, what it was, praise you for following it and

1) offer Her Majesty exemption from it
2) write to Josephine praising her
On Josephine , Boris wrote:
"Josephine sets a great example to us all by postponing her birthday party until we have sent coronavirus packing.

Together we can beat this. In the meantime let's all wish her happy birthday (twice) whilst washing our hands. #BeLikeJosephine #StayHomeSaveLives"
For Prince Philip's funeral

"Downing Street offered to ease coronavirus restrictions for Prince Philip's funeral.

The Queen is said to have refused because it would be unfair for her to have special treatement when others were also grieving for their loved ones in lockdown."
Now I quoted from Conrad Black and a Spectator / Telegraph party from 2001.

So to balance that out.

The writer Elizabeth Day carried out an interview in 2014 with Boris Johnson which I am going to quote from:
Boris Johnson is an amoral cheating lying racist corrupt law breaking coward.

Elizabeth Day: How important is the truth to him?"
Boris Johnson : “Um. It is hugely,” he says quietly. “It is everything isn’t it? And I think the truth will set you free, is my view of the world. So, as far as you possibly can, you’ve got to discover it and explain it.”
He goes on to give an example of Churchill deliberately overstating the size of the British fleet to Parliament during the Second World War, “but basically, I think the reason he was great is he tried to be intellectually honest with himself.”
Elizabeth Day: "So is it justified to tell an untruth if you’re intellectually honest with yourself?"
Boris Johnson: “Um. This sounds like a sort of Socratic dialogue. Well, it’s not desirable as a general rule of thumb. I can see where you’re going with this, Elizabeth, I know. I mean, basically, I think in politics it is almost never justified.”
Elizabeth Day: Almost” is an interesting word in this context. As a trainee reporter in the mid-1980s, he was sacked from the Times for fabricating a quote.
Boris Johnson: “For what it was worth… it was totally, you know, erm, a total cock-up,” he says when I bring it up and launches into a long and elaborate defence of his actions involving a godparent and one of Edward II’s royal palaces.
Elizabeth Day: Has he gained more respect for the truth as he’s got older?
Boris Johnson: “I… er… I try to tell the truth in a way that is whole and entire and as clearly as I can and I think that is the secret of, uh, of success in politics and…”
“I think it is Tony Montana in the film Scarface who says: ‘I always tell the truth even when I lie.’”

Boris Johnson is a liar.

He is a habitual liar.

It is perhaps the one constant in his life.

To all those Conservatives sitting on the benches opposite.

You know he is.

Please stop defending him.
To return to Margaret Thatcher speaking in this place about Aberfan:
"All of us who are here felt with the people at Aberfan that day. It is disastrous enough to lose a child—I think it is the greatest disaster that can befall any family—but to lose a child in that way was so terrible that words can hardly express how we felt. "
"Although he is not here at the moment we also watched with admiration the way in which the hon. Member for Cardiff, West (Mr. George Thomas), went about his duties there, and I feel that we should express this admiration."
Boris Johnson was AWOL at the start of coronavirus.

Whether he was sorting out his divorce papers, whether he was writing his Shakespeare book or whether he was simply chillaxing at Chequers.

I call the Conservative Party to honour the memory of Thatcher.
Instead of fawning over her portrait or her statue.

Honour her words.

Honour her legacy.

Honour her party.

Rather than debasing it as a brand vehicle.
Just imagine.

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland was so shameful that when he went out the coronavirus memorial wall.

He did so at night.

To all those honourable members opposite who claim to be members of the Conservative & Unionist Party

You knew exactly who and what he was and is.

You knew he was a liar.

You know he is a cheat.

You know he is a racist.

You know he will break any law.
Again I return to Margaret Thatcher

“Integrity is an old fashioned word. There are even some who will tell you it is an old fashioned thing. But, for a politician, integrity is everything.”

"The manner of winning is a matter of honour"
And also Margaret Thatcher in 1968

"The dissatisfaction with politics runs too deep both here and abroad. People have come to doubt the future of the democratic system & its institutions. They distrust the politicians & have little faith in the future."
So to all members of this House

I am going to quote Maya Angelou and then I will wrap up with Ronald Reagan.

Before I turn to the Prime Minister at the last.
Maya Angelou

"I believe that a word is a thing. It is non visible. It is audible only for the time it's there. It hangs in the air. But I believe it is a thing. I believe it goes into the upholstery."
"And then into the rugs, and into my hair, and into my clothes, and then finally into my body. I believe that words are things. And I live on them."
Ronald Reagan

"It has been said that an institution is the lengthening shadow of a man. This institution is the lengthening shadow of all the men and women who have sat here and all those who have voted to send representatives here."
So at the last I turn to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The right honourable member for Richmond.
His promise on the steps of Downing Street

"This government will have integrity, professionalism, and accountability at every level. Trust is earned and I will earn yours.
So at the start of my speech I talked about a Leadership and goals and toolkits.

The reason I did that was deliberate.
That is the Year 1 Curriculum from Stanford Graduate School of Business and their MBA course that the Prime Minister I believe attended.

Unless he abstained from that also?
To quote from their website:

"You have big ideas and goals. We give you the most versatile toolkit to achieve those dreams."
"Where do you see yourself five years from now? What about ten? Twenty? Will you be a corporate leader, founder, CFO, nonprofit leader, philanthropist, or all of the above? "
"Our core curriculum is designed to make sure you’re ready for anything and everything — to build your analytical foundation and intuitive skills to succeed in whatever comes next."
To quote from their Core Requirement module "Leadership with Values"
"With leadership comes responsibility. This course explores the numerous ethical duties faced by managers and organizations. It combines analytical frameworks with the latest findings on human behavior to inform a wide range of ethical decisions and strategies. "
"Readings include case studies, insights from experimental psychology and economics, and excerpts from or about major works of moral philosophy"
Through class exercises, rigorous discussion, and personal reflection, you will clarify your own ethical stance, think through ethical dilemmas, practice articulating recommendations compellingly, ..."
"discover the diversity of ethical viewpoints, and find out how to avoid the social and cognitive pitfalls that come in the way of ethical leadership."
To quote from their Core Requirement module "Leadership Laboratory"
"Consider the question: “Why would someone follow you?” This is a course in which you consider what kind of leader you want to be, what kind of leader you are, and how to align your leadership behavior with your leadership goals. "
"You will have an opportunity to lead a squad and in doing so to discover your strengths and challenges as a leader. You will receive feedback about your approach to leadership and you will have the opportunity to try out new skills and tools."
"Students will be placed into 5-6 person squads and the majority of class time will be spent in these squads. Your squad will meet to work on basic leadership challenges, including managing conflict and assessing a team’s progress. "
"There will be the opportunity for feedback so you can achieve a deeper understanding of the impact of your behavior on others. "
"The squads will do role-play cases and group exercises designed to help you think more deeply about the dynamics in your group and to allow you to practice and experiment with new ways of leading."
So the challenge in this speech about the Privileges Committee report.

This report is not about Boris Johnson.

He has fled.

He resigned his seat in disgrace and cowardice.
At the last there was no bombshell dossier.

Just a range of craven sycophants - that may be few who attempted to defend him.
But worse than those that defend him - is those who abstained.

I call you to your oath of office and to all the previous members of Parliament of your party.

As Margaret says:
"The long training I have received has taught me to shape my own opinions judging on the evidence alone. I promise to consider all matters of policy in this light, and in Parliament I should vote as my conscience and not party line dictates."
"I should carry out my task to the utmost of my ability, allowing myself no rest until the duties which fell to my lot were complete."
For the 118 who voted to approve the Privileges Committee report - thank you. It is a long way to climb up from the bottom of the barrel and whilst you can not yet be honest about everything - at least you have started on a path.
For those who voted to reject the Privileges Committee report - thank you. I disagree with you. But at least you had the courage of your convictions to vote.
To those who abstained

You are pitiful.

You are shameful.

You are afraid.

For self and career.

Just in case the King of the World returns or his sycophants punish you.
It is not just that the body of a fish is rotten.

It is rottom from head to tail.

The Parliamentary Party, the Councillors, the members, the donors and think tanks who seek to profit from it and exploit it and of course the media outriders who shill for it.
And in that fear.... well....

You confirm as Boris Johnson says - it is all about wages.

And fear that history remembers you honestly.
Boris Johnson and Michael Gove who lied when they promised that they had a brexit plan prior to 23/6/2016 did say that it would include a "period of reflection"

On just that one element - at least they were telling the truth.

The reflection burns doesn't it?
I will end with one final news story.

Amidst the last 13 years where a party exploited a global financial crash to pursue a political policy that was not necessary economically.

Where it hid the distributional analysis showing the impact of its own policies.
Where it denied the effects of those policies to the mother and aunt of the Prime Minister as well as so many Conservative local councils.

Where it peddled racism and xenophobia with "tens of thousands" to deflect from their policy choices with a "contract"
Summer 2020

"Another argument popular with backbench Brexiteers, but now more popular among ministers, is that coronavirus presents Government with an opportunity to bury the loss of growth from no deal under the cover of the much more dramatic drop in GDP caused by covid"
There are over 230,000 dead from coronavirus.

There will be socioeconomic damage that has impacted so many.

Boris Johnson was the worst possible Prime Minister at the worst possible time.

And you enabled him.
I often wonder of members opposite on the Conservative benches.

At what point would you resile from Boris Johnson.

And for some there is an answer.

Some is better than none.

But still.

The stain of Boris Johnson will linger.
My biggest regret.

Is that I will not be alive to see the National Archives when government papers from the 2010 onwards period are released.

All I can do is write now of what I see and hear.
As Maya Angelou puts it

"So use that anger, yes, you write it, you paint it, you dance it, you march it, you vote it, you do everything about it. You talk it. Never stop talking it."
I would love to stop talking about Boris Johnson.

Because he does not change.

He is a constant.

I want to talk about you.

Why you enable him and how you defend his words and his actions.

It is a reflection on YOU.
So to every Conservative

The most crucial lie is not any of those that Boris Johnson has ever uttered in his life.

The most crucial lie was the one you told yourself that enabled you to live with the fact of whom you were enabling.
The head of the fish could not have ascended to those heights without the body rationalising why they enabled him whether silently or excitedly.

And all that remains now is the body of the fish desperately deny what they did.

The party of "personal responsibility"
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More from @PandaScottish

Jun 19
"With leadership comes responsibility."

"This course explores the numerous ethical duties faced by managers and organizations."

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Jun 18

This is quite a steaming pile of horseshit from brexiteers

So let's get started
1.1 I remember Vote Leave calling the EU the 4th reich
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Jun 16

"All of which leads me to ask about Johnson’s occasionally fickle relationship with the truth. How important is the truth to him?"
“Um. It is hugely,” he says quietly. “It is everything isn’t it? And I think the truth will set you free, is my view of the world. So, as far as you possibly can, you’ve got to discover it and explain it.”
"He goes on to give an example of Churchill deliberately overstating the size of the British fleet to Parliament during the Second World War, “but basically, I think the reason he was great is he tried to be intellectually honest with himself.”"
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Jun 16
I am blocked by most of them

So if I have mistyped their handles I do apologise
So on that pie chart I included at the start

I created that to test my eye sight

As of 9am 24/05/2020

The position of 307 MPs on social media from with regard to Dominic Cummings Image
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Jun 13

I stand with Nadine Dorries

I think it is horrible that she has been so badly treated

Let me explain why

You see

Because it's quite simple

I don't care about who and what Nadine is

I care about the process

A person has been nominated for an honour

In this case this person is an MP

And in this case the honour they have been nominated for is elevation to the House of Lords to become a life peer
Read 23 tweets
Jun 9

There is no joy, no glee, no happiness. Just sadness.

That so as it begun in 2001 (or probably even earlier)

An amoral cheating lying racist corrupt law breaking charlatan & those who enabled him, sponsored him & shilled for him

Have wrought such damage Image
This will be a compendium of threads

Not just on one man

But on those who enabled his ascent

And worse

At every stage of his ascent when it was utterly clear who and what he was

You didn’t care

He was propelled further

A useful totem
The body of the fish used the head of the fish as much as the head used the body

It is a symbiotic relationship

I almost pity Boris

That he was transactionally exploited for his usefulness

All for a cause and cult
Read 22 tweets

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