1. WSJ: With US funding, Ben Hu with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) was studying how coronaviruses infect humans and became ill in November 2019 with symptoms that American officials said were consistent with either Covid-19 or a seasonal illness. wsj.com/articles/u-s-f…
2. @WhiteCoatWaste got the NIAID grant with Ben Hu's name on it. This is the NIH institute that Tony Fauci ran. Ya' know, the guy who said he didn't fund this research?
Document shows Ben Hu is a subcontractor to Peter Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance.
Hu also reports a USAID grant.
3. The Journal notes that they reported back in 2021 that these three WIV researchers had fallen sick. Those names remained classified until now: Ben Hu, Yu Ping, and Yan Zhu.
So this has been known in classified documents ... for years!
4. Ben Hu works under Shi Zhengli at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Gain of function = "modifying coronaviruses so they can bind to human cells" meaning infect them.
5. The United States poured over $1 million into research at the WIV for researchers working under Shi Zhengli, who was a contractor to Peter Daszak EcoHealth Alliance.
FYI: It's ridiculous that people keep goading China to become transparent. Open the books at NIH & USAID!
6. The media has gaslighted us for years about WIV. Here's NY Times @carlzimmer praising Shi Zhengli: "her accomplishments and foresight are exactly what we need if we want to stop more coronaviruses...."
Zimmer went on to write years of misleading NYT articles on virus research
7. Here's another example of media gaslighting.
Buzzfeed's @paldhous smeared @WhiteCoatWaste last year as "right wing." Does this term even mean anything anymore? Again #scicom writers write, they don't report.
8. As for Ben Hu's USAID money.... as I reported last year, USAID officials illegally redirected some virus grant money to a new thing called The Global Virome Project that is headed up by a former USAID official, Peter Daszak of EcoHealth, and academics at UC Davis.
9. CBS News reported this March that much of that USAID virus money was likely contract fraud.
I have confirmed that the Inspector General of USAID has a criminal investigation into this matter.
1) EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTS: Working w/ @mtaibbi we report on @CCDHate documents showing the Labour Party's political front's objective is "Kill Musk's Twitter" thru "Advertising focus" meaning harass his advertisers.
See internal documents provided by a whistleblower.
2) Internal Center for Countering Digital Hate document shows their annual objective is "Kill Musk's Twitter"
This is their internal monthly planner. Their goal is to also trigger regulatory action, although they are a tax-exempt nonprofit.
3) CCDH held a private conference w/ a slew of liberal groups organizing against Musk including Biden White House, Congressman Adam Schiff's office, Biden/Harris State Department officials, Canadian MP Peter Julian & Media Matters for America
1) Twitter Files: Democrats & media claimed Twitter 1.0 was a “private company” that made its own decisions, despite Biden Administration pressure to censor.
But new emails show Twitter hired a lobby shop staffed w/ Biden loyalists & then coordinated w/ Biden State Dept.
2) “This is John Hughes from Albright Stonebridge Group, the commercial diplomacy firm founded by former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright,” wrote Twitter’s lobbyist to a senior official at State.
Twitter was seeking “advice” and help.
3) Politico reported around this same time that 10 of Biden’s top foreign policy crowd came from Albright Stonebridge.
2) Cochrane's Karla Soares-Weiser put out a statement attacking Cochrane's own mask review due to pressure from Zeynep Tufekci:
“Lisa, I have been back and forth with NYT about the mask review. CAN I GET YOUR VIEWS ON THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS?”
3) Several days later, Tufekci published a "masks work" essay in the NY Times and Karla Soares-Weiser rushed out a statement claiming problems with the mask review.
Soares-Weiser did this w/o consulting the scientists who wrote the mask review.
1) Going through hundreds of emails, it's clear @zeynep bullied Cochrane into publishing a statement against their own review and twisted the words of Cochrane editor Michael Brown.
2) After Cochrane published their 2023 mask review update, Bret Stephens wrote a NYT column ridiculing mask mandate activists--people like Zeynep Tufekci.
3 days later on Feb 24, Zeynep contacted Cochrane, but not the scientists. She went around them to the editors.
3) Zeynep introdued herself to Cochrane editor Michael Brown as an "academic" working on a review "in my own field."
Zeynep has published 0 in the academic literature this year, and one article in 2023--an opinion piece. As for that review, it has never appeared.