My policy is always to block “gender-criticals” and such like here on MuskTwit because they are repetitive, boring, dishonest and always act in bad faith.
It is pointless to engage with them, they are, literally, not worth the time/effort.
However, sometimes this means…
…that I miss the occasional nugget that unintentionally reveals the way they prosecute their propaganda campaign against trans people. And this one is particularly revealing, but only if you unpick the language deployed at a “micro-grammatical”level…
Here the anonymous MuskTwitt account (whoever it is) is arguing against the existence of trans people by deploying tired old bio-essentialism, something that has been discredited on every level from Judith Butler to the overwhelming majority of the world’s biologists…
…however it is the language used that is most revealing; “is defined by…” is in the passive voice. It is deployed in order to remove the *person* from the sentence. It avoids the need to say “I define…” by using a grammatical construction that avoids saying who…
…is doing the defining.
But it is also deployed to make it appear as though the definition is something that somehow exists independently of any humans doing the defining. It is intended, in effect, to essentialise the definition as something that pre-exists the people…
…doing the defining.
In reality no definition is ever essential, pre-existing or independent of the people who do the defining. Definitions are always the products of people, & people have different biases.
So, what the individual behind this account is attempting…
…to do, is give their definition a status or authority that it does not deserve by making it *appear* to be something that pre-exists the definer, a pre-ordained (by God…?) definition, which is being expressed in this way to avoid it being challenged, questioned or…
…contradicted. So it reveals how “gender-critical” narratives function (I am not sure we can give them the status of “ideologies”, they are more like “pretexts/excuses for hatred”).
On the level of the discursive - they are entirely rooted in the (mis-)use of language…
We can see how transphobic “journalists” - especially in broadsheets like the Murdoch Times, the Guardian & the Telegraph, deploy language to make oppression sound like “feminism” and hate sound “reasonable”. This IMO moves them from the category of “journalist” to…
…what I would categorise as “propagandist”. This abuse of language and manipulation of semantics is, however, embedded in the way all “gender-criticals” operate. The abuse of definitions is one such linguistic manipulation.
So what are the implications of this misuse…
Of language…?
The most obvious take-away is that, like their systematic and hermetic exclusion of trans voices from mainstream media, “gender-criticals” cannot make their case without the repeated deployment of misleading language. This, in turn however, also conceals…
…the total lack of *data* in their propaganda; they have to rely on creative language use to distract from the absence of facts to back up their case, and indeed the existence of a considerable body of data that reveals their narrative to be false.
Ultimately their case…
…for the elimination of trans people (even here they cannot be honest about their ultimate aim) is extremely weak and would not survive a level playing field in the so-called “trans debate”, which is why they have to exclude trans people from the “debate”.
• • •
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The UK is fast approaching a demographic tipping-point. You very rarely get tipping-points in demographics because, outside of wars and pandemics, births and deaths are relatively stable. However IMO we are approaching one which will have profound effects on UK politics.
The effect of this demographic tipping-point will be exaggerated by the fact that many people who used to switch from supporting left-of-centre parties around the age of 40, are now not doing so. Indeed the age at which Tory voters start to outnumber Labour ones is…
Probably closer to 50 than 40 now, and it is unlikely to stop there. Home ownership is one of the main drivers of this. However the number of voters over 50 is going to decline quickly over the next few years as the first post-war baby boom starts to die of old age.
The Observer and The Times are two of the most appallingly transphobic “media” platforms in the UK. They both have a clear policy of excluding trans people from writing about issues affecting trans people, they specifically employ deeply transphobic journalists and…
…their “journalism” about us is exclusionary, fearmongering, biased hate-filled mendacity often disguised using “reasonable” sounding language to make the hatred of trans people seem palatable to the middle-classes. It is not “journalism” it is propaganda of the…
…worst kind, because it pretends not to be propaganda. The propaganda techniques they deploy include; inaccuracy by omission, framing, deliberate misinterpretation and disinformation, selective publication and the misuse of harmful stereotypes. These media platforms are …
…(@MetroUK being an exception) have editorial policies that;
a) hermetically exclude trans people from presenting our case (when was the last time you read a piece by trans journalist or heard a trans person speaking uninterrupted on TV/radio?)
b) encourage their…
…”journalists” to produce material about trans people that is dishonest, fearmongering, & misrepresents us - without giving us the right to respond - the responsibility for producing this extremism lies far more with the “journalists” & editors in news platforms like…
1. The Tories want to publish transphobic 'guidance' for schools during the Easter holidays. (They never introduce nasties for schools during term time.)
2. An opaquely-funded extreme rightwing propaganda group ("think tank")...
...produces a 'report' saying this transphobic 'guidance' is needed, after the entire mainstream media has been clamouring for oppressive measures directed at trans children for many months.
3. That 'report' is published calling for repressive measures targeting trans kids...
4. UK Mainstream media uncritically regurgitates the contents of that report as if handed down from God.
5. All this happens right at the end of term so that the Tories can publish their transphobic 'guidance' while teachers are not looking.
.@cambridgeunion There have been two speakers talking about trans people's human rights at Cambridge University this term, both of them cis. Both opposed to trans people's existence.
You platformed one of them.
If there had been two speakers at Cambridge University speaking about lesbian, gay and bi human rights, both of whom were straight, and both of whom opposed the existence of lesbian, gay and bi people there would have been an outcry, and rightly so.
However, when you contextualise this with the way British mainstream media reports about trans people and our human rights, your decision to platform Stock becomes even more problematic.
It has been #TransAwarenessWeek this week and there have been no media articles...