Wow! Maidan massacre trial verdict confirms that Hotel Ukraina rooms of German ARD TV journalists were shot from "territory controlled by "Maidan,"" specifically, Main Post Office (far-right Right Sector headquarters) & Conservatory, occupied by far-right-linked Maidan company. There are no investigation & no media reports even though bullet from Right Sector HQ narrowly missed female ARD producer in her room 925. ARD Moscow correspondents claimed that Maidan snipers is "conspiracy theory" even though now Maidan massacre trial verdict confirms that Maidan snipers massacred many Maidan protesters and police and shot at ARD and BBC TV journalists.
Verdict: "In addition, the specified data proved with all propriety that the premises of the "Ukraine" hotel were the object of massive shelling with firearms of various calibers, in particular,... from the side of the Conservatory - according to the examined photo and video materials, the territory controlled by "Maidan" (room No. 825); from the side of the Central Post Office - according to the examined photo and video materials, the territory controlled by "Maidan" (room No. 925)."
Maidan Massacre Trial Verdict Selected Excerpts Confirming the False-Flag Massacre in Ukraine (English Google Translation)…
My video appendix of peer-reviewed journal article shows shooting at American, Australian, British, German, Polish & Russian journalists by Maidan snipers during Maidan massacre in Ukraine. There are no investigations & no media reports.
Journalists from "ABC News (US), ABC (Australia), ARD (Germany) twice, the Associated Press (US), BBC, TVP (Poland), RT (Russia), and Sky News (UK) were also shot at by snipers from Maidan-controlled buildings and areas, in particular, the Right Sector headquarters, the Music Conservatory, and the Bank Arkada"…
My open access peer-reviewed journal article:
"Maidan massacre of protesters and police led to the overthrow of the Yanukovych government and ultimately to the Russian annexation of Crimea, the civil war and Russian military interventions in Donbas, and the Ukraine-Russia and West-Russia conflicts which Russia escalated by illegally invading Ukraine in 2022. The absolute majority of wounded Maidan protesters, nearly 100 prosecution and defense witnesses, synchronized videos, and medical and ballistic examinations by government experts pointed unequivocally to the fact that the Maidan protesters were massacred by snipers located in Maidan-controlled buildings."…
Apparent Facebook & X/Twitter accounts of alleged suspect in another attempt to assassinate Trump are filled with support of proxy war in Ukraine, including personal involvement in recruiting of foreigners to fight & trip to Ukraine. His Facebook account, which I examined, is now removed. This is his photo on Maidan in Ukraine.
In this interview, reported suspect in attempted assassination of Trump says in 2022 that he is recruiter for International Legion in Ukraine & that he himself came to Ukraine to fight. His Facebook & X/Twitter accounts are dominated by posts with support of proxy war in Ukraine.…
FBI confirms that Ryan Wesley Routh is suspect in Trump assassination attempt. Media reports confirm that his social media accounts, which I examined, are dominated by Ukraine war. His X/twitter account is not yet removed, in contrast to his Facebook account.
Wow! Nuland basically admits that Ukraine-Russia peace deal, which was close to being finalized in spring 2022, “fell apart” because US, UK & other Western governments “advised” Zelensky government that it was not “good deal” even though even members of Ukrainian delegation stated in recent interviews that this was very good deal, best deal that Ukraine could get & “very real compromise” & that Ukrainian delegation celebrated it with champagne. She basically confirms statements by ex-Israeli PM, head of Ukrainian delegation, Ukrainian officials close to Zelensky, ex-German chancellor & Turkish FM that US & UK blocked this peace deal, which was close to being finalized.
Victoria Nuland does not mention at all Russian war crimes in Bucha, which were inflated & mispresented by politicians, media & self-proclaimed experts as reason for ending peace talks. The peace deal agreement included withdrawal of Russian forces from all territory of Ukraine, with exceptions of Donbas & Crimea, whose status was to be determined at meeting of Putin & Zelensky, in exchange for neutral status & demilitarization of Ukraine.
Former Israeli prime minister said that US and other Western leaders blocked #Ukraine & #Russia peace deal which he negotiated on #Zelensky request in March because they wanted to continue to strike Putin. He said that there was good chance of such deal.
Ukrainian delegation head at Ukraine-Russia talks confirmed that Western countries told Zelensky not to sign peace deal in spring 2022 & said that "Boris Johnson came to Kyiv and said that we would not sign anything with them at all, and let's just fight."
Hunka debacle: "Releasing names of 900 alleged Nazi war criminals who fled to Canada could embarrass federal government, bureaucrats told. Large numbers of soldiers from a Ukrainian Waffen SS division fled to Canada after the Second World War. Those consulted included members of Canada’s Ukrainian community, records show, but Library and Archives Canada, also known as LAC, did not include Holocaust survivors nor Holocaust scholars who had advocated for a full release of the list of alleged Nazi war criminals, Jewish and Holocaust academics say."
I was not consulted even though I am both scholar researching this issue & Ukrainian Canadian & had leading role in exposing SS Galicia veteran debacle in Canadian parliament.…
"It has been almost a year since MPs of all parties gave two standing ovations to Yaroslav Hunka, a resident of North Bay, Ont., who was described by then House of Commons Speaker Anthony Rota as a hero.
But news quickly emerged that Hunka had served in a Ukrainian Waffen SS unit.
The incident became an international embarrassment for Canada as Holocaust historians, Jewish groups and the Polish government pointed out that Hunka’s unit had been involved in war crimes, including massacres of women and children. The division was also used by the Nazis to crush a national uprising in Slovakia, again prompting allegations of war crimes.
But the sight of MPs cheering on a Waffen SS veteran caused intense anger among Canadians, according to documents obtained in June by the Ottawa Citizen using the Access to Information law."…
Orwellian: "Ottawa warned release of names of Nazi war criminals who settled in Canada could help Russia"…
Freedom & democracy: "The Verkhovna Rada adopted in its entirety bill No. 8371 on the de facto ban of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. In the second reading, the document was supported by 265 people's deputies. The president's party cast 173 votes out of a faction of 233 deputies."…
As I said, Zelensky became Poroshenko on steroids. He abandoned as result of far-right & Western pressure his election promises of peace & reconciliation & adopted Poroshenko's nationalist election program of "army, language & faith" after defeating him in presidential elections. This opportunism & weakness of Zelensky had devastating consequences to Ukraine & Ukrainians.
The ban of the largest church in Ukraine on false grounds is Zelensky's decision
One of battalions of Ukrainian drone forces is named Nachtigall after Nachtigall battalion, which was organized by Nazi Germany's Abwehr & Bandera OUN under Shukhevych command. Its members participated in Lviv pogrom of Jews & killed Jews in Vinnytsia in 1941. Commander of current Nachtigall battalion fought in OUN battalion during war in Donbas & posts billboard with photo of SS Galicia division & Nazi SS commander Himmler as recruiting ad for Ukrainian armed forces. He was deputy of Lviv city council from Holos party led by popular singer Vakarchuk.
This battalion participates in ongoing attack of Kursk Region of Russia. This and other mainstreaming of Nazi collaborators & mass murderers is done with de facto approval by Zelensky & Western governments & is exploited by Russian government, which falsely claims that Ukraine is Nazi state. In contrast to condemnation & apologies by Canadian politicians & resignation of head of parliament, Zelensky is still silent about his standing ovation to SS Galicia veteran in Canadian parliament.
In contrast to SS Galicia division veteran debacle in Canadian parliament, there would be revealing omission, whitewashing & glorification by Western media of modern Nachtigall battalion named after Nazi Germany & Bandera OUN battalion. @Reuters report is just beginning: "'Nachtigall' unit of Ukraine's Unmanned Systems Force."…
And leader of neo-Nazi C14 became Deputy Commander of 14th Regiment of Unmanned Aviation Systems of Unmanned Systems Forces. Nachtigall battalion is in this regiment.
Ilya Kononov, Visiting Professor at Carleton University from Ukraine: "This story [Maidan massacre] has been meticulously investigated for several years by Canadian-Ukrainian political scientist, professor at the University of Ottawa Ivan Katchanovski. His conclusions are based not only on the testimonies of the participants, but even more so on video recordings of the events, on trace evidence and forensic examinations. Now materials from the trial and the decision of the Svyatoshinsky Court of Kyiv have been added. Forensic examinations have shown that most of the protesters were killed from top to bottom, from the side and in the back. This indicates that they were shot from the windows of the Ukraina Hotel, where the Svoboda MPs had rented rooms in advance, as well as from the roof of the conservatory ( Katchanovski 2023: 192). In several publications, I. Katchanovski cites the words of O. Tyahnybok and R. Koshulynsky, who admitted in different interviews that during a meeting with them, an unnamed representative of the government of one of the Western countries said that the West would act against V. Yanukovych when the number of victims reaches at least 100 ( Katchanovski 2020: 11; Katchanovski 2023: 195). The Canadian researcher shows attempts to falsify the case of the shootings on the Maidan, attempts to disrupt the trial, which were undertaken by the far-right organization "C14", which attacked the court several times.
On October 18, 2023, the Svyatoshinsky District Court of Kyiv issued a verdict blaming "unknown" shooters in addition to the police for the deaths of protesters. The court gave a rather interesting description of the "peaceful march" to the Verkhovna Rada on February 18. This description is more like a description of an unsuccessful putsch: "On February 18, 2014, as a result of a violent confrontation between protesters and law enforcement officers, during which violence was used on both sides, including the hidden use of firearms, 771 activists suffered bodily injuries of varying severity, of which 19 died, 12 of them as a result of gunshot wounds, and a total of 120 activists received gunshot wounds, in addition, 398 law enforcement officers suffered bodily injuries of varying severity, 8 of whom died from gunshot wounds, and a total of 133 law enforcement officers received gunshot wounds" ( Virok 2023). I. Katchanovski commented on the court’s decision: “This is an important official recognition not only because the violence was the most significant case of mass killings, violent crimes and human rights violations in independent Ukraine at that time, but also because of the subsequent conflicts it led to. Notably, the massacre precipitated the violent overthrow of Yanukovych and his government, who were falsely accused of carrying it out. This then escalated into Russia’s annexation of Crimea, the subsequent civil war and Russian intervention in the Donbas, conflicts between Ukraine and Russia, and between Russia and Western states, which Russia dramatically intensified with its illegal invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022” ( Katchanovski 2024).
The most important role in legitimizing the current political regime in Ukraine is played by the sacralization of the events of the acute socio-political crisis of 2013–2014 and the unconstitutional change of power in 2014, which were officially called the “Revolution of Dignity”. O. Tyahnybok, one of the leaders of the Maidan and the head of the All-Ukrainian Union “Svoboda”, admitted that this name was invented by his fellow party members ( Katchanovski 2020: 14).
Officially, the Maidan of 2013–2014 in Ukraine is interpreted as a democratic movement of the people that led to a revolution. Ivan Kachanovsky convincingly showed that the main force of the Maidan were right-wing and far-right organizations, whose influence disproportionately exceeded their numbers. They were directly connected with the leadership of the Maidan protests. All far-right organizations of Ukraine were mobilized to carry out various actions, and they are primarily responsible for the violence and deaths of people on both sides of the barricades. I. Kachanovsky names such organizations as VO Svoboda, Right Sector, C14 (a branch of Svoboda), and Tryzub (a paramilitary branch of the KUN). He qualifies the Right Sector as a “partially radical nationalist and partially fascist or semi-fascist organization.” The goal of the right was not democracy, but a “national revolution” ( Katchanovski 2020: 10)."…
Katchanovski 2023 – Katchanovski, I. The Maidan Massacre Trial and Investigation Revelations: Implications for the Ukraine-Russia War and Relations // Russian Politics. 2023. N 8. Pp.181–205. Doi:10.30965/24518921-00802005…
Katchanovski 2020 – Katchanovski, I. The far right, the Euromaidan, and the Maidan massacre in Ukraine // Labor and Society. March 2020. N 23. Pp. 5–29. Doi: 10.1111/lands.12457…