For those saying, look at Japan right now (they are experiencing a wave of COVID infections). I took a look at the contextual differences and learned something important:
Japan & the U.S. are worlds apart on pandemic mortality. Look at their cumulative excess deaths. 🧵 1/
Why look at excess deaths? “Given the massive undercounting of the death toll attributed both directly and indirectly to COVID-19, excess deaths provides a glimpse of the true and total impact of the pandemic.” 2/
“The differences across countries remain stark. Again our two countries [U.S. and Japan] stand out (even though Italy ranks first and Canada last now) and cumulative excess death rates vary by a factor of 2.” 3/
Some in the #COVID19 aware community were blocked recently by a long-time stalwart of COVID science and safety because they pushed back on bad optics of a photo showing the person unmasked in a tightly crowded space (reportedly outdoors).
A few thoughts. 🧵 1/
It’s not my intent to demonize the person (w/ over 80K followers) who posted the photo many saw as a betrayal of their COVID aware norms and values. I also won’t come to his defense. He’s a tenured full professor and can manage his Twitter blowback quite well on his own. 2/
But I do want to comment on those in the COVID aware community who were A. disappointed in his tweet, B. showed the courage of their convictions and spoke about it, and C. were blocked for their efforts. 3/
Important Vaccine Updates:
“On June 15, 2023, the committee will meet in open session to discuss and make recommendations on the selection of strain(s) to be included in the periodic updated COVID-19 vaccines for the 2023-2024 vaccination campaign.” 🧵 1/
Two COVID-19 vaccines (original and BA.4/5) are currently FDA approved, one for individuals 18 years + also approved thru EUA for children as young as 6 months (Moderna) and the other for individuals 12 years + also approved thru EUA for children as young as 6 months (Pfizer). 2/
Novavax is currently authorized in the U.S. under emergency use authorization (EUA). 3/
Getting ready to depart on my first international flight since before the pandemic began.
Equipped with layered protections I learned from Twitter U: boosted recently with bivalent vaccine, respirator 😷 , Enovid nasal spray, clinical strength mouthwash with CPC… 1/
Plus, I will wear a 😷 indoors and not dine inside a restaurant. I recognize my privilege to have access to all of these tools. Extremely grateful to the COVID Conscious Community for educating me about how to stay safe and protect others at the same time. 2/
I am especially grateful to the #LongCovid and #ImmuneCompromised communities for raising awareness about why these Covid protections continue to be vitally important for everyone, but particularly for vulnerable groups. 3/
The COVID public health emergency is ending: it now joins the ordinary emergency that is American health 🔥…
“It’s true that covid deaths have declined from the peaks of more than 3,000 daily deaths in winter 2021. Yet, even as covid fatalities finally subside to weekly lows under 1,500 per week, covid is on track to become the 9th leading cause of death in the US.”
“Even before the pandemic, the US spent more on healthcare as a share of its economy while lagging behind most other peer countries in life expectancy, chronic disease burden, and preventable deaths.”
“These results suggest that remdesivir, molnupiravir, nirmatrelvir, and ensitrelvir are efficacious against both XBB.1.5 and XBB in vitro.” 2/
“Lastly, we tested the neutralising ability of plasma from people who were convalescent and people who had had the COVID-19 vaccine against XBB.1.5. “ 3/