#BREAKING The federal govt's Restoring our Rivers Bill just passed the Senate, giving rivers a lifeline ahead of the next drought!
Here's all the details on what it means (THREAD) 👇
The Basin Plan has been languishing for a decade — and it's our rivers that have paid the price.
Dodgy political deals + delays have stopped vital water being recovered for the environment.
This legislation aims to get us back on track.
It means the govt can start buying water again to benefit the environment.
Buying water from willing sellers is the most affordable and effective way to get water for rivers and wetlands. But it’s been off the table since Tony Abbott put a legislated cap on this in 2015.
Thanks to HUGE public pressure from our movement, the govt, Greens and crossbench strengthened this plan to deliver more for rivers, communities and First Nations.
Here are the details 👇
💧Ensuring that 450 billion litres of water promised for the environment will be delivered by 2027.
So far, less than 3% has been recovered. This legislation will make sure we can't continue to kick the can down the road.
🐟 Opening the door to more flows in the Darling-Baaka
This is desperately needed to stop the massive fish kills we've seen in recent years. BUT, the devil will be in the detail. We don’t yet know how these critical flows will be returned.
🙅 The power to cancel dodgy water 'offset' projects – with the disastrous Menindee Lakes project likely the first to go
These projects use clever accounting to help state govt's avoid actually returning water to the river.
🖤 💛 ❤️ Crucial improvements for First Nations water rights
Along with increased money for Aboriginal water entitlements, the new deal creates a pathway for First Nations to have a much greater say over how their waterways are managed. lidiathorpe.com/mr_water_bill_…
These are crucial wins for Australia’s biggest river system, the Murray-Darling.
This is a big moment to celebrate — for every person across the Basin who spoke up + demanded action.
Congratulations everyone who made this historic outcome possible and voted for the Bill! 👏
Water Minister @tanya_plibersek Greens Senator @sarahinthesen8 and crossbench Senators @DavidPocock @SenatorThorpe @JacquiLambie @TammyTyrrell_
Today’s deal is a massive win – but it’s just the beginning.
It rescues the river from dire straits, but we’ll need a bigger, bolder plan to ensure the long-term health of the Murray-Darling.
We’ve shown politicians the huge power of our grassroots movement.
Farmers, fishers, scientists, First Nations leaders and environmentalists – from every corner of the Basin, from the city to the country – working together to speak up for healthy rivers 💙
The work starts now!
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@naturensw @ConservationSA @QLDConservation “The government needs to not just be listening, but actually hearing and implementing the teaching from First Nations people on how to look after our rivers and water systems."
— Major Moogy Sumner, Ngarrindjeri / Kaurna Senior Elder
"Contrary to popular belief buybacks are popular with the majority of irrigators who own entitlements, and they are not a factor contributing to irrigator exits."
(An open letter signed by over 280 Victorian businesses and organisations across a range of sectors - full text via THREAD!)
This summer's unprecedented bushfires are a tragic demonstration of the climate crisis we all face.
With only 1 degree of global warming, Victoria is experiencing more dangerous fires, heatwaves, storms and rought. These events cost lives. They put families, workers, businesses and all Victorians at risk.
Raiding journalists. Intimidating whistleblowers. Now outlawing boycotts? The Australian govt is showing a worrying trend towards silencing critics – particularly on environment and climate. (Thread 👇) washingtonpost.com/world/2019/11/…#auspol#yourrighttoknow#climate
Worth asking who stands to gain from making boycotts illegal? Last attempt to outlaw secondary boycotts came from the logging industry under the Abbott government. This time it’s the coal industry wanting to stop climate boycotts. theguardian.com/environment/20…#auspol#yourrighttoknow