I repost by citation this important post:
"I have obtained information about hospital-acquired COVID-19 from Queensland Health. From Jan-22 to June-23 an average of 14 people caught C19 in hospital each day, and one of these died each day."
"The data only lists deaths in the hospital, we don't know how many died soon after discharge.
The Queensland AMA has written to the CHO "expressing members' concerns about rising COVID cases and inadequate infection controls within Queensland Health hospitals". "
"They have now published the letter and the non-answer here …
It does not address the doctors' concerns at all. It just says that each hospital should make their own rules, proportionate to the current risk."
In spite of the acknowledged current wave of COVID, here's an example of current guidance from a typical Qld hospital:
Visitors are welcome at Metro South Health facilities, and are asked to help keep patients safe by:
* practising hand hygiene"
"Visitors are welcome at Metro South Health facilities & are asked to help keep patients safe by:
* practising hand hygiene
* staying home if you have any flu-like symptoms
* avoid visiting hospitals,aged care,or disability care centre while you have any cold or flu symptoms"
"As well as being totally inadequate, point 3 seems to assume you'll ignore point 2.
The policy of leaving it to individuals to manage their own COVID-19 protection has now been extended to health care generally, resulting in vast disparity between the safety offered by .."
".. disparity between the safety offered by different services.
If I buy a fridge,
I get to see a star rating & can have confidence that what I buy will have that level of energy efficiency. I can be confident the fridge meets safety standards & it won't electrocute me."
"If I enter a public building I don't have to check that the fire doors work.
But if I am taken to hospital with a broken hip it's pot luck whether I'm exposed to avoidable airborne disease."
"Every single case in which a person with Covid-19 infection infects another person in a health care setting
- patient, relative, or hospital staff member -
is a significant failure of hospital procedures.
Every single instance."
warum denkt @hamburg_de Stadtstaat Schulen
bräuchten keine Prävention von luftübertragenen Erregern mehr?
Wenn die Berater dort denken #Covid sei nicht mehr relevant dann irren sie
dämmt neurotrop Pathogene ein!
@SourceControl21 @nieselregen_com @PSHolstein @stadt_kiel @Bildung_SH @threadreaderapp @hamburg_de Mag sein das die aktuellen Probleme am Leiter des RKI begründet sind
Was treibt die Regierung an
biosafety grade 3
zoonotische Biohazards
zu verharmlosen & hoch präzise Präventiv-Tests zu verunglimpfen
What the heck?
TRBA 250 is still obligatory!
biohazard risk level 3 zoonotic TRBA 462
international guidance for #SARSCoV2 & Monkeypox !
vaccins don't prevent infections enough to drop down prevention concepts
no valid data to urge normalcy;
this is a simulation of normal