We succeeded in recreating Neolithic flatbread!

This is about as close as I can figure out how to make bread as it would have been baked in one of the first daily bread-making cultures, ca. 9,000 years ago. I’ll let you judge the authenticity…but the taste is fantastic. 🍞🧵
I should start from the beginning. I went to the Çatalhöyük site in central #Turkey. A proto-urban Neolithic community, pop. as high as 8,000, inhabited for 1000+ years starting ca 7200 BCE.
In the excavations, I saw the placement of the beehive-shaped ovens and the storage bins that almost every dwelling had. Helpfully, replica houses showed exactly what these looked like.
Lacking though was the means of grinding the bread. This was a saddle quern, which consists of a slab of andesite and a (usually) oval-shaped grindstone. This I found in the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations in #Ankara. Image
For months I tried to find an equivalent, checking with museums all over. Finally I reached out to an archaeobotanist at the British Museum who'd done her own Neolithic bread-baking experiments. She said the closest equivalent was a Mexican metate—she used one with good results.
I tried to source one through Mexican chefs in #Montreal, to no avail. So I ordered one with Etsy. (Yeah, I know.) It arrived from Oaxaca, 22 x 30 cm, on three legs, made of basalt. Image
The next step was to find the ancient grain used by Çatalhöyükans. This is emmer, which they probably first gathered in the wild, but then grew near the settlement. Latin name Triticum turgidum subsp. dicoccum. Italians call it farro—which I found at a grocery store near my home. Image
I wasn't completely sure about the emmer from Italy (sometimes it's another "ancient" grain, spelt), so I ordered some from an organic supplier in British Columbia, Canada. Image
Emmer is a beautiful grain! Very hard, silky and glistening between the fingers. Each grain is about the size of a…mouse turd. (A non-beautiful analogy, it’s true.) Image
I’ve been making sourdough for the last six or seven years, but I’ve never ground my own grain. So I took my emmer and my metate to Marc-André Cye, #Montreal’s knowledgable “Baker on the Go” (His handle on Instagram). Here we are at his HQ! Image
Marc-André was really intrigued by the project. He’s ground grain mechanically before, but never on a quern.
Here are the first passes with the grindstone (or “mano”) on the metate. It is clearly designed to roll over corn (maize) rather than wheat.
The pores in the basalt were huge, but they quickly filled with flour, providing a smoother surface. Marc found tiny flecks of stone in the first batches of flour, so we threw those out. Ancient Egyptian teeth were worn down by microabrasions, probably for this reason Image
Marc had taught me the technique, so at home I got to work grinding enough emmer to make the flatbread. I found 4 tsps, about 20 grams, was a good amount to do per batch. Each batch could take up to 7 minutes to grind into flou
The technique is pretty intuitive—back and forth grinding. (Almost like the quern was a set of molars, part of the pre-digestion process.) But it's physically demanding. It worked better when I put it on the floor, kneeled, and put my full weight into the mano-grindstone.
I averaged about 120 grams per hour. My back was sore for days; the spasms in my upper arms have just stopped; I got blisters on my palms! Making bread was time-consuming and exhausting—people must have really wanted it. Image
It took me four hours, in two sessions, to grind enough for a “daily bread” make. The flour smelled great, by the way, woody, complex, nutty.
According to archaeobotanists (hey Lara and Amaia!) who have excavated at Çatalhöyük, bread there was unleavened. That is, no sourdough starter. The dough may have been left out for several hours to collect natural yeasts from the environment. I mixed the flour with water... Image
I didn't use any oil. However, I did add a few grams of salt. This is controversial, as no salt storage has been found at Çatalhöyük. But absence of evidence is not evidence of absence (and there are many saltflats in the area), so I erred on the side of flavor. Image
What archaeologists did find in abundance at Çatal was wild mustard grains. Descurainia sophia is known in Persian cuisine as Khak-shir. I tracked some down at an Iranian supermarket. Like mustard without the harsh bite, and quite refreshing.
A handful of Khak-shir went into the mix. Overnight, the dough swelled slightly, remained wet and sticky. Now I had to figure out how to bake it. I considered making my own Neolithic firin (wood oven) out of clay, which is what one archaeobotanist did... Image
Instead I decided to turn to an expert for help. I took my emmer dough (including a control batch made with bread wheat, T. aestivum) to Bika, a farm-to-table Turkish restaurant outside #Montreal. Image
I was welcomed by chef Fisun Ercan and her husband Tulga. Fisun grew up in a village near Izmir, where her family baked flatbreads regularly. Image
She also has a large version of a firin, with clay walls. It’s like a big, communal version of the dome-shaped ovens you’d find in Çatal. At 730 that morning she started a fire using logs from ash trees. Image
Fisun rolled out the dough and cut it into pita-sized breads, the way she used to in her village in Turkey. We made a control batch with bread wheat, and did versions with and without wild mustard seed.

Then into the oven on a peel! The emmer ekmek (bread) is on the right. It puffs up more than the bread wheat version. In a Çatal firin, by the way, the dough would probably have been stuck to the oven wall, and removed when it fell off.
Here it is coming out of the oven...
First tastes...
For the full blow-by-blow, you can read more on my Lost Supper blog:

Or read the "Bread Alone" chapter of my latest book, The Lost Supper, in which I explore our relationship with grains going back to the Paleolithic.
cc: @greystonebooks
To order a copy, and for more info:


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🐟 Image
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Nov 1, 2022
We succeeded in recreating a Neolithic flatbread!

This is about as close as I can figure out how to make bread as it would have been baked in one of the first daily bread-making cultures, ca. 9,000 years ago. I’ll let you judge the authenticity…but the taste is fantastic.
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I should start from the beginning. A year ago, I went to the Çatalhöyük site in central #Turkey. A proto-urban Neolithic community, pop. as high as 8,000, inhabited for 1000+ years starting ca 7200 BCE. ImageImage
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Sep 27, 2022
It took 4 months of fermentation, but I made my own garum (or more accurately, liquamen).

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