🧵Starvation & famine in Gaza is a lie: According to UN World Food Programme's own statistics Israel has delivered double the food necessary to feed all Gaza over 170 days of war. Claiming Intentional famine is a lie (like @repAOC) proven by UN’s own metrics. See analysis: 1/11
WFP issued an emergency response report for Gaza in October and specifically noted that 951 metric tons of food can feed 488,000 people for a week. See link for the WFP report and key deta from their report below. 2/ reliefweb.int/report/occupie…
Israel has facilitated delivery of 233,530 tons of food since the war began via 11,065 trucks. It is well documented that Hamas steals aid, but as proven next, the food entering over the whole war is twice the amount needed to meet basic food needs of all Gazans daily. 3/
See calculations below. Israel has delivered 2x the 104,000 tons WFP itself says is necessary to meet food needs of all Gazans for 170 days. Demolishing constant libel by UN entities &NGOs, repeated by media, all intended to pressure Israel to stop the war and saving Hamas. 4/
In recent weeks Israel has been flooding Gaza with food with aid coming from many countries by sea, land & air far more than needed for basic food needs. Claims Israel is still not doing enough is also a lie. On Mar 21 Israel allowed in one day 5x the daily food needed! 5/
Israel has been allowing in food aid meeting basic needs since late October 23. In recent weeks it has been a “flood of aid” as proven by recent daily entries equal to 5x the daily need per UN WFP guidelines. UN's Guterres is clearly unaware of the actual facts on the ground. 6/
It can be proven from numerous videos (example below) and photos that there is sufficient food in most of Gaza. It seems in pockets in the north, which Israel told Gazan to evacuate in October, are seeing difficulty from distribution problems & theft. 7/
Here are other videos, busy food market in Rafah below and in link central Gaza schwarma restaurant serving customers. The extent of the famine libel is massive. It’s a widespread campaign of disinformation to protect Hamas. 8/
Israel remains the only nation in history that has worked to facilitate massive aid into the territory ruled by an entity it's at war with, Hamas – who steal much of the aid. Here a UN official notes that places like Syria in actual need are being neglected. 9/
Reminder that under international law, Israel’s only obligation is to allow third party aid to enter (absolutely no legal obligation to provide aid itself) under rules Israel creates and can be halted if it “fears” Hamas will steal – which it does. 10/
A feature of every comment by UN officials claiming famine is zero hard evidence or statistics (especially) to back up their claim. It’s obvious no matter what Israel does this is a deliberate tactic to help save Hamas. Expect the libel to get louder. END
🧵Starvation & famine in Gaza is a lie. UN NGO even admitted it yesterday! After months of claiming Israel is starving Gaza on purpose and months of calling famine “imminent” it is now only supposedly happening end of May & July! Here is the Gaza starvation lie exposed: 1/15
Since the beginning of the war Israel has facilitated the entry of 222,580 tons of food into Gaza – that means 1.22 lb/0.55 kg of food per person per day for 165 days of war for every person Gaza. Yet the blood libel of intentional starvation persists. 2/
Yesterday, 3.3 lb/1.5 Kg per person of food entered Gaza, yet @volker_turk says Israel may be using starvation as method of war. It’s obvious no matter what Israel does the Hamas shills at the UN will claim this blood libel. 3/
🧵Luxury Hamad towers in Gaza, below, is a microcosm of the entire Gaza war: massive int'l aid pouring in, Gaza is actually a modern urban enclave, Hamas exploitation of civilian Gaza for war, careful IDF action within rules of war & tragic destruction. Overview & analysis: 1/9
Hamad towers near Khan Younes consists of about 60 5-story buildings with ~3,000 apartments initiated & funded by Qatar in 2016 with over $200 million in donated costs. The towers were built & inhabited in phases as part of a new luxury neighborhood. 2/ gulf-times.com/story/557266/w…
Below is a luxury wedding dress shop housed in retail section of towers. Parks, high end mosques, etc. Sudanis, Yemenis & Afghanis could only dream of this. Didn't you know they have these in open air prisons? Enjoy the whole video about this shop. 3/
🧵Extent of Hamas exploitation of civilian Gaza is deeper than anticipated. Hamas' battle strategy explains massive destruction in Gaza. Here are key aspects of strategy which forces IDF to act with destructive force (much based on this article). 1/10 ynet.co.il/news/article/y…
Many 1000s of civilian apartments & houses were prepared in advance with weapons from light arms to anti-tank missiles. Hamas operatives, dressed as civilians, enter these homes and fire at Israeli forces using these pre-stored weapons. IDF of course fires at these buildings. 2/
Hamas built strategic and long combat tunnels under crowded urban areas, IDF has shown images of many of these tunnels. Explosives required to destroy the tunnels collapses many of the above buildings. 160km of tunnels are estimated in Khan Younes alone. 3/
🧵Gaza Casualty Update: Hamas & UN mouthpiece report 30,960 fatalities on Mar 9. IDF estimate of Hamas killed at 13,300. Overall civilian/combatant ratio remains very low at 1.3:1. New evidence of Hamas lies uncovered. See updates, new analysis & sources: 1/6
On Feb 29 IDF said ~13,000 combatants killed in Gaza. Daily reports since then show ~30 killed/day so add ~300 for ~13,300 today. Add 1,609 killed inside Israel 10/7-10/8 (recently confirmed) 2,000+ captured and ~10,000 injured = 27,000 neutralized. 2/ mako.co.il/news-military/…
Critical new analysis by @adiwyner Professor of Statistics & Data Science at UPenn. Uses statistical analysis to show Hamas faked casualties. It’s not easy to create fake numbers that appear real; analysis can uncover the deception. See full article. 3/ tabletmag.com/sections/news/…
🧵Article in Foreign Affairs making rounds essentially claiming Israeli war crimes in Gaza. It's just a hateful propaganda piece by @BtSIsrael head @AGvaryahu notably lacking even one shred of evidence. Filled with fake int'l law, false claims & omissions. See analysis: 1/13
We know immediately article is dishonest as 9 lines down author cites US Defense Secretary Austin's statement that >25,000 Palestinian civilians died in Gaza – but it was later made 100% clear he referred to total deaths and “health ministry” figures could not be verified. 2/
This grossly misrepresented statement, which is journalistic malpractice, underpins entire premise of article: that IDF does not seek to minimize civilian deaths. Of course no mention IDF says it killed 13,000 Hamas which means a very low 1.3:1 civilian/combatant ratio. 3/
🧵Media, NGO & UN claim that Hamas casualty numbers in past wars have been accurate, therefore reliable today. This assertion is totally false. Hamas lied about casualties in every past war and they are lying now. @UNLazzarini is lying too. See below for detailed analysis: 1/14
After Dec 08-Jan 09 Gaza War (Cast Lead) Hamas claimed ~1,300 Gazans were killed including only 48 combatants. Total number was within range of Israeli estimate (10% higher) but Hamas said 95% were civilians. Like today, it was a lie by Hamas. 2/ english.alarabiya.net/articles/2009%…
In Mar 2009, after actual investigation, Israel released specific names identifying 709 killed as Hamas, out of 1,166 total fatalities. Only 295 killed were civilians according to Israel. 3/ jpost.com/israel/idf-rel…