How did the Kurds do in the municipal elections? Pro-Kurdish Dem Party did pretty well in the elections and gained 3 greater city municipalities (regional capital Diyarbakir, Mardin and Van)
Peoples’ Peace and Equality Party (Dem Party) won 7 (to 9) provinces: Batman, Agri, Tunceli, Hakkari, Mus, Igdir, Siirt. Dem Party claims it’s won Sirnak and Bitlis provinces but ruling AKP did some irregularities there that affected outcome of elections…
According to Dem Party mass voting by security officers & soldiers who were relocated from other provinces to numerous Kurdish provinces impacted the elections especially in Sirnak province. Dem Party reported its provincial head &
100s of other party members were detained today
Kurdish Dem Party also won at least 65 districts and 7 townships. Impressively Dem Party won all 14 elections in Van province (Greater Van municipality and 13 of its districts) Not sure if there is any other example of this in entire Turkey
To sum up in Kurdish region
Dem Party has done a great job and proved once again that it enjoys a strong support from the Kurds. In this map the color purple shows Dem Party municipalities
Prominent figure @leylazanainfo praised by many for energizing Kurdish voters & championing their cause, revitalizing their hopes. There's been a rising discontent among Kurds towards Dem Party, feeling it neglects their aspirations. Zana has emerged as a voice for party's base
@leylazanainfo Amidst a leadership crisis in the Dem Party, many Kurds hope to see Zana assuming leadership. Known as an iconic and wise figure, she's seen as an elder sister to Kurds. This move could help the party overcome challenges following the imprisonment of charismatic leader Demirtas.
@leylazanainfo Dem attributes historic victory of CHP in Istanbul & other western cities partially to its own voters, highlighting their overwhelming support for opposition candidates to uphold democracy & punish AKP. Dem urges CHP to speak out against fraud & irregularities in Sirnak
& Bitlis
@leylazanainfo March 31 marked a monumental day for Kurds, the opposition & especially for CHP! Securing a vital victory, they dealt a decisive blow to Erdogan. CHP's widespread increase in votes across Turkey makes it the strongest party in decades, delivering a historical defeat to Erdogan.
@leylazanainfo While there's much more to discuss about the elections, I'll wrap up for now. If you need additional information on the elections or would like to schedule an interview, please feel free to reach out to me. #TurkeyElections #TwitterKurds
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HDP bu seçimlerin en büyük kaybedenlerinden biri. HDP, Yeşil Sol % 8.81 oy alarak 2018’deki % 11.70 oy oranından % 2.89 daha az oy aldı. 67 olan milletvekili sayısı da 62’ye düştü
HDP hiç bir şehirde oy arttıramadığı gibi partinin 81 ildeki oy oranı düşmüş ve bu düşüş yurtdışı ve gümrük kapılarındaki oy oranlarında da görünüyor. HDP milletvekili sayısını arttırdığı Bitlis, Hakkari, Van ve bu sene 1 vekillik kazandığı Erzurum’da bile oy kaybı yaşamış!
Peki bu durumun sebepleri neler? 1- Parti yönetiminin halkla bağının zayıflaması 2- Halkın eleştiri, talep ve isteklerine iyi cevap olamaması 3- Özellikle aday konusunda tepeden karar alınması, yereldeki dengelere dikkat etmemesi. (Antep ve Adıyaman’daki sonuçlara bakılabilinir)
Urgent! Reliable soyrces report US forces near Kobane have had to redeploy to combat Turkish backed FSA groups. They are being directly targeted. Their security and saftey is in danger!
Had to talk to several people on the ground to confirm the situation. Situation is pretty serious! Lost the contact. Trying to reconnect with #Kobani to get the latest
I have no words to write to this tweet as I speechless after receiving this video from Syria 😔
To clarify: The girl was very very sick—not dead. Mother says dead. In Kurdish the Arabic term ‘janaza’ is also used in the meaning of ‘nearly dead’ Woman’s husband is missing and her daughter is dying. The context was lost in the translation. Video is genuine! Report by K24 TV
Today I had a lengthy interview with the #SDF Chief Commander General Mazlum Kobani who warned that emboldened by recent decision, ISIS sleeper cells may be activated and launch intensified attacks in Raqqa, Dereizor elsewhere @cmoc_sdf#StandWithTheKurds Kurds
@cmoc_sdf General Kobani: "...ISIS will benefit from possible Turkish invasion because it will lead to security vacuum that ISIS will take benefit to launch attacks to destabilize region, destroy achievements we and the Coalition have made so far..." #StandWithTheKurds@LindseyGrahamSC
@cmoc_sdf@LindseyGrahamSC General Kobani: "Many of our fighters' families live in the border region. Their loved ones are under imminent attack so they will have to defense their families. Yesterday we had to pull a special anti-ISIS unit from Dereizor area and sent to the border area #StandWithTheKurds