Kurdish Affairs Analyst | Tracking #SDF #Afrin #Kobane #Rojava #Yazidi #KRG #Turkey #Syria #Iran | Advocate for #PressFreedom | Your Gateway to the Kurds 🌍
Dec 9, 2024 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Suriye’de Günün Özeti: Menbiç'i hedef alan #Türkiye destekli Suriye Ulusal Ordusu (SNA) operasyonu büyük oranda başarısız oldu. Saldırı, #Kürtler ve diğer grupların #Suriye sokaklarında kutlama yaptığı, işlevsiz ve acımasız #Esad rejiminin düşüşüyle oluşan ivme ve moralden yararlanmak için stratejik olarak zamanlandığı görüşü hakim.
Topçu, hava saldırıları ve şehir içindeki uyuyan hücreler tarafından desteklenen Arima ve kuzey cephesine yönelik büyük çaplı bir saldırı, Demokratik Suriye Güçleri (DSG) tarafından püskürtüldü. Güney girişine sızan #SNA birlikleri, DSG savaşçıları tarafından kuşatıldı ve ortadan kaldırıldı. Uyuyan hücreler etkinleştirildikten sonra gece boyunca yoğun çatışmalar devam etti, ancak savaşta tecrübeli DSG kuvvetleri saldırıyı püskürterek Türkiye destekli gruplara önemli kayıplar verdirdi. Çatışmaların yoğunluğu şu videoda görülebilir. #Şam #Halep #Rojava
Pazar günü #Menbiç'e yapılan büyük saldırı, Türkiye'nin kuzey Suriye'deki nüfuzunu genişletme çabalarının göstergesi olarak yorumlanıyor. Cumartesi gecesi saldırıdan sadece birkaç saat önce görüştüğümüz Rojavanın önemli isimlerinden İlham Ahmed Türkiye'nin Menbiç'e yönelik yoğunlaşan saldırılarına dikkat çekmişti. Ahmed'e göre Türkiye, hava saldırıları ve insansız hava araçları saldırılarıyla kontrolü altındaki silahlı grupları Monvice doğru harekete geçiriyordu.
Ahmed ve görüştüğüm diğer kaynaklar, Türkiye'nin amacının, #Kobani, #Tabqa, #Rakka ve Kürt liderliğindeki Özerk Yönetimi tarafından yönetilen diğer bölgeler gibi Kürt yönetimindeki bölgelere daha fazla saldırı için stratejik bir geçit sağlayacak olan Menbiç'in kontrolünü ele geçirmek olduğuna inanıyor.
Türkiye, Suriye'deki Kürt özerkliğini doğrudan bir tehdit olarak görüyor ve onu ortadan kaldırmak istiyor. Saldırının zamanlaması, Kürtlerin Türkiye'yi Suriye'deki operasyonlarını artırmaya cesaretlendirdiğine inandıkları Washington'daki topal ördek döneminin siyasi boşluğuyla da bağlantılı olduğu görüşü hakim.
Gün boyunca, birçok Türk gazeteci sosyal medyada benzer anlatılar paylaşarak, Menbiç'in Türk destekli SNA gruplarının eline geçtiği iddialarını yineledi. Türk medyası da bu konuda kapsamlı haberler yaptı ve Ankara'nın operasyonun başarısına olan güvenini yansıttı.
Ancak, görüştüğüm DSG be diğer kaynaklar Türkiye destekli grupların saldırganlığına rağmen güçlerinin Menbiç'i ve yönetimleri altındaki diğer bölgeleri savunmaya hazır ve kararlı olduğunu vurguluyorlar be Kobani’de olduğu gibi yenilmez bir direniş sergilemeye kararlı olduklarını dile getiriyorlar.
Dec 9, 2024 • 5 tweets • 4 min read
Syria Update: Summary of that happened in Kurdish-led Syria today. A #Turkish backed Syrian National Army (SNA) operation targeting #Manbij has failed. The attack was strategically timed to capitalize on the momentum and morale generated by the fall of the defunct and brutal #Assad regime, as #Kurds and others celebrated in the streets across #Syria
A large-scale assault on Arima and the northern front—supported by artillery, airstrikes, and sleeper cells within the city—was decisively repelled by the #SDF allies forces. #SNA units that infiltrated the southern entrance were encircled and eliminated by SDF fighters. Intense clashes continued throughout the night after sleeper cells were activated, but the battle-hardened SDF forces crushed the offensive, inflicting significant losses on the Turkish-backed fighters. This video gives an idea about intensity of the fighting. #Damascus #Aleppo
The massive offensive on #Manbij on Sunday can be traced back to Turkey’s escalating efforts to expand its influence in northern Syria. Senior Syrian #Kurdish leader Ilham Ahmed, ( @ElhamAhmadSDC ) speaking to me on Saturday night, just hours before the offensive, highlighted Turkey’s intensifying attacks on Manbij. According to Ahmed, Turkey has been mobilizing armed groups under its control, with direct support from Turkish airstrikes and drone attacks.
Ms. Ahmed and other sources believe Turkey’s aim is to seize control of Manbij, which would provide a strategic gateway for further attacks on Kurdish-administered areas such as #Kobani, #Tabqa, #Raqqa, and other regions governed by the Kurdish-led Self Rule Administration. This administration includes #Kurds, #Arabs, #Syriac #Christians, and other ethnic and religious minorities.
Turkey perceives Kurdish autonomy in #Syria as a direct threat and is determined to dismantle it. The timing of the offensive may also be linked to the political vacuum of the lame-duck period in Washington, which Kurds believe emboldens Turkey to escalate its operations in Syria.
Throughout the day, many Turkish journalists shared similar narratives on social media, echoing claims that Manbij had fallen to Turkish-backed SNA groups. Turkish media also reported extensively on this, reflecting Ankara’s apparent confidence in the operation’s success.
However, SDF leaders I spoke with emphasized that despite Turkey’s aggression, their forces were prepared and determined to defend Manbij and other territories under their administration. They vowed to mount an undefeatable resistance, similar to their historic defense of Kobani, showcasing the same resilience and unity that has come to define their struggle against aggression.
Apr 11, 2024 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
Finally watched the new @netflix series ‘3 Body Problem @3body ’ A nice show indeed. Here is some two scenes feature #Kurdish war hero Leyla Ariç, portraying a #YPJ fighter who defeated ISIS in #Kobane , Raqqah and elsewhere netflix.com/title/81024821
Ongoing debate in Turkey centers on why a Kurd is included among 3 individuals recognized for saving the world. But, globally, Kurds are esteemed for their courageous battle against ISIS, particularly legendary role of Kurdish women, which has served as an inspiration worldwide.
Apr 1, 2024 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
How did the Kurds do in the municipal elections? Pro-Kurdish Dem Party did pretty well in the elections and gained 3 greater city municipalities (regional capital Diyarbakir, Mardin and Van)
Peoples’ Peace and Equality Party (Dem Party) won 7 (to 9) provinces: Batman, Agri, Tunceli, Hakkari, Mus, Igdir, Siirt. Dem Party claims it’s won Sirnak and Bitlis provinces but ruling AKP did some irregularities there that affected outcome of elections bianet.org/haber/turkey-l…
May 15, 2023 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
HDP bu seçimlerin en büyük kaybedenlerinden biri. HDP, Yeşil Sol % 8.81 oy alarak 2018’deki % 11.70 oy oranından % 2.89 daha az oy aldı. 67 olan milletvekili sayısı da 62’ye düştü
HDP hiç bir şehirde oy arttıramadığı gibi partinin 81 ildeki oy oranı düşmüş ve bu düşüş yurtdışı ve gümrük kapılarındaki oy oranlarında da görünüyor. HDP milletvekili sayısını arttırdığı Bitlis, Hakkari, Van ve bu sene 1 vekillik kazandığı Erzurum’da bile oy kaybı yaşamış!
Urgent! Reliable soyrces report US forces near Kobane have had to redeploy to combat Turkish backed FSA groups. They are being directly targeted. Their security and saftey is in danger!
Had to talk to several people on the ground to confirm the situation. Situation is pretty serious! Lost the contact. Trying to reconnect with #Kobani to get the latest
Oct 12, 2019 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I have no words to write to this tweet as I speechless after receiving this video from Syria 😔
To clarify: The girl was very very sick—not dead. Mother says dead. In Kurdish the Arabic term ‘janaza’ is also used in the meaning of ‘nearly dead’ Woman’s husband is missing and her daughter is dying. The context was lost in the translation. Video is genuine! Report by K24 TV
Oct 9, 2019 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
A new video from Qamishlo where homes in residential neighborhood of Bashiria was hit. This is where Kurds and Syriac Christians live together
I have a video of a dead individual in the same neighborhood but can’t share due to graphic nature of it 😞
Oct 8, 2019 • 4 tweets • 4 min read
Today I had a lengthy interview with the #SDF Chief Commander General Mazlum Kobani who warned that emboldened by recent decision, ISIS sleeper cells may be activated and launch intensified attacks in Raqqa, Dereizor elsewhere @cmoc_sdf#StandWithTheKurds Kurds @cmoc_sdf General Kobani: "...ISIS will benefit from possible Turkish invasion because it will lead to security vacuum that ISIS will take benefit to launch attacks to destabilize region, destroy achievements we and the Coalition have made so far..." #StandWithTheKurds@LindseyGrahamSC
Sep 30, 2019 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Ticking Bomb Starting to Explode!!! One ISIS woman killed, 7 injured, 50 women arrested in al-Hol camp @hawarnewshawarnews.com/en//haber/one-…
ISIS women in the camp established a so called morality police ‘Hisba’ enforcing Sharia on other women and punishing those who don’t abide by. Today one woman was killed. Previously an Azarbaujani teenage girl and a pregnant Indonesian woman was killed by them
Aug 16, 2018 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
Angry Turkish man smashing iPhones with sledgehammer to protest of #USA & Trump !
Different iPhone & USA protests in Turkey @AppleSupport