Russian bullsh*t repeats itself. 1939 issue of RT (Russia Today Society) a propaganda pamphlet from the 30s & 40s produced to counter Western Media. Bullsh*t justifying the Red Army invasion of Finland thats remarkably similar to todays anti Ukraine conspiracies.
A special 🧵 1/
All the greates hits
1)West are hypocrites for condemning the Invasion because whattabout Spain
2)Communists are being oppressed & must be saved
3)the Fascists Finns are actually killing their own civilians
4)Fin is a Western puppet, its a proxy
5)Fin is run by a Fascists gov
6)Finland is not a real democracy
7)Finland is not a real country, they were always part of the Russian empire
Just replace Finland with Ukraine & nothing changes, because bullsh*t works. Russia has been using this playbook for 200 years…
Here is another copy of Russia Today from 1943, this is the famous RT issue that blamed the Germans for the Katyn Forest Massacre. This propaganda was being devoured by Communists in the West & was rarely debunked
This issue also stated that the fascist Polish government was working with the Nazis & that population was oppressed by Polish junta. The West is just Russophobic & the Western media is all lies. Stalin wants a strong independent Poland…
Anyone that grew up under the Soviet/Russian government has heard these tales.
The West are demons
Enemy is at the gates
we must invade because they will
they are fascists
they are Nazis
they are jihadi terrorists.
Russia is never at fault, ever
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Ill remind everyone again why Russia invaded & why Elon Musk changed his stance after his encrypted call with Putin. If you think its about NATO, you are either a grifter or brainwashed.…
Reminder why Russia had to have Mariupol at any cost, half the world's semiconductor-grade neon, critical for the lasers & micro chips is now in the hands of Russia. But maybe it was to save the Russian speakers from evil Bio Lab LGBT Zionist Nazis. dunno…
Ukraine allowed them to rent Crimea basically for years, Russian elite purchased land & property, visa free travel. Yanukovych rented the Naval base in exchange for gas discounts, which they never gave. But why rent when you can steal trillions…
Connecting the Dots behind the RFK Jr Psyop. The man running RFKs Super Pac is one of the main figures behind the Qanon Psyop & FreeAssange movement, Trevor Fitzgibbon, who did PR for his anti-Vax propaganda for years.
A wormhole🧵 1/…
Fitzgibbon also did the Media/PR for other pro Russian ops like “Rage Against The War Machine” & the “Conscious Life Expo”. Coincidentally both events were heavily promoting Free Assange propaganda 2/…
New Age “Conscious Life Expo” which was heavy in anti-West, pro Russian, pro Trump themes, that featured I AM cultist Sean Stone, who was pushing (Satanist Nazi) Alexander Dugin’s Great Reset theory 3/…
Much is always said about CIA, but in reality, the KGB, GRU, FSB, the war in Chechnya & Russias partnership with Assad in Syria, had a much more pivotal role in the rise of ISIS.
A mega 🧵 1/…
Its no secret Russia has been behind the rise of global terror since the beginning of the Era Of Dynamite in 1850, breaking records for assassinations & bloodshed, inventing modern tactics for State, political, far-right, left-wing & anarcho terrorism 2/…
In the 60s, the KGB helped create Middle East terror networks in Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, Yemen & others. Far Left terrorists like Red Army Faction, Carlos The Jackal in Europe, insurgency & guerilla groups in S. America & Africa 3/…
Before Troll farms, Twitter Bots, MAGA, Qanon & election interference was the premonition of one Russian Man, who re-invented modern information warfare. His work to this day has not been translated into English.
Thread on Sergey Pavlovich Rastorguev 1/…
When asked how Information warfare works, he simplified it through his own childrens fable, about the fox that ate the turtle.
“Information war is purposefully training the enemy to remove its own shell”
-SB Rastorguev (inventor of Information Warfare) 2/
Though Information warfare has been around for centuries, Rastorguevs philosophical approach differed from the approaches of Western strategists such as Libicki, Stein, Toffler & Ellul
So i debunked this jokers post about May 2 & posted videos of the the whole day, leading to him blocking me & reporting my videos. The lies about May 2 were used for recruitment & led to massacres, kidnappings, tortures & executions in Donbas of anyone with just a Ukr flag.
Lets not forget even Russian Neo Nazi Raevsky admitted they organized buses & trains to go to Odesa to start chaos & attack Ukraine protestors.…
Putin advisor Sergey Glazyev helped organize Neo Nazi violence for years. He was caught on tape organizing provocations in Ukraine, including Odesa
Kremlin insiders are rejoicing at the carnage & bloodshed in Israel & Gaza. Alexander Dugin hailed the situation in Gaza a victory over the US & Ukraine. Putins plan was always to open a second front in Israel. Lets looks at Russias role:
As Hamas attacks unfolded on Oct 7, Russian state media, Ortho imperialist & Eurasianist bloggers celebrated, calling the terrorist attack the best birthday present for Putin & Russia. Was it just a coincidence it was done on Putin's birthday? 2/…
Infamous Russian fascist Imperialist & antisemite Alexander Prokhanov of far right extremist think tank Izborsky Club, joyfully cheered for Israel to kill more Palestinians, stating every Israeli bomb that hits Gaza brings the end of West ever closer /3