Today’s excellent example of a dishonest “Transgender Child Mutilation Advocate (CMA)”, who is also “The Liar”, comes by way of @HasLahlStopped
Let’s break her down using her own words. 🧵
True to form @HasLahlStopped begins with the same lie all CMA say….
This is CMA @HasLahlStopped’s go-to lie….
Let’s do one more set before we expose CMA @HasLahlStopped
Look at how quickly we were able to make her show her lying ass. CMAs like @HasLahlStopped are easy to bait.
Whoops. “I never said…” 😂
This was a lie she said it on Sept 2023, but today with Title IX, it’s even more embarrassing for this CMA.
Always remember, it’s not that CMA @HasLahlStopped truly believe it isn’t happening, she SUPPORTS it happening, but is too much of a coward to say it out loud.
Now let’s take a look at how CMA @HasLahlStopped talks about Detransitioners. You’ll be hard pressed to find a bigger coward. The end will be worth it, but first…
CMAs like @HasLahlStopped hates Detransitioners because they are the canary in the coal mine. They destroy every CMA emotional blackmail.
Look at disgusting CMA @HasLahlStopped go!
One more for CMA @HasLahlStopped
“Won’t likely win her lawsuit…”
Whoops. Uh oh “Discovery”. We LOVE “Discovery” in lawsuits. April 17, 2024.
Transgender Child Mutilation Advocates (CMA) are angry and worried that our accurate label would catch on. @againstgrmrs @libsoftiktok @LandonStarbuck @robbystarbuck @DefendingEd @AmericaMission_ @Awake_IL
@noveltyintact is one such CMA. Is he correct? Let’s take a quick 🧵….
We’re going to stop calling the transgender cult “medical malpractice”. The reason being is “malpractice” is focused on an individual provider who was irresponsible and did not follow well established protocols.
This is not the case for irreversible sterilization drugs and mutilation surgeries of minors. There are no established protocols because all of is purely political.
“Malpractice” also potentially allows for insurance to cover the avalanche of lawsuits coming to doctors, counselors, and therapists.
It is not “malpractice”, it’s “fraud” and no insurance should cover lawsuit loss.
We’re going to refer to the transgender cult as “medical fraud” as the entire movement is built on lies and emotional blackmail having zero evidence behind it.
The transgender cult is the greatest medical scandal ever perpetuated on children. No one needs “science” to know that a child can never be born in the wrong body and that it is evil to mutilate children before they can obtain a driver’s license.
Language is a key component to the transgender cult. Let’s begin to label them exactly what they are, “medical fraud”. In 2024, the transgender cult will be taken apart.
Here are the devasting leaks that @shellenberger @_CryMiaRiver brilliantly put together that showed the WPATH knew puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones were damaging to children.
WPATH is used by every America medical and counseling organization to justify transgenderism.
Today’s example on how to break a Transgender Child Mutilation Advocate (CMA) comes by way of @portal2urmom
He starts off with the usual attempt at emotional blackmail, “they just want to live!”. Same tactic as “suicide/genocide!”
Here is how we quickly neutered him 🧵…
As we all know, CMAs are cowards & can never stand by their opinions live. What made CMA @portal2urmom special is he set himself up by saying we’re a bot.
What he didn’t expect was our offer. Since we knew he could never show his face live, it was over once he opened his mouth.
Now he’s in trouble. All he can do is twist in the wind hoping for a way out.
Four times we offered CMA @portal2urmom to get on a public livestream.
The following were his pathetic attempts to deflect and get out of it 😂
Transgender Child Mutilation Advocates (CMA) weaponizes your kindness so you second guess yourself when you stand up for your children. Today’s example comes by way of CMA @Eyyob6
We’ll show you how we completely exposed him and left him mute. Let’s break him down…🧵
CMA @Eyyob6 uses the accusation of “you’re a bully” to deflect from his own desire to brainwash children into the transgender cult. This is generally effective because good people don’t want to be considered a bully.
Another go-to for a CMA such as @Eyyob6 is accusing parents, who do not want their children to be serialized and mutilated, of lacking “empathy”.