#5: Biden has the record for highest hourly worker wages of any president on average.
#6: The middle-class became the richest ever (net worth) in 2022 and is far richer than 2019 now.
As of Q4 '23, bottom 50% group net worth (real) up 53% vs. pre-pandemic, while 50th-90th group up 17%.
#7: The economy is nearly 10% larger than 2019 before the pandemic (real GDP).
The economy has grown at a robust 2.8% (quarterly annualized rate) under Biden, similar to Trump pre-pandemic and faster than Trump overall (2.0%).
#8: Inflation is the Fed’s job, and they are on the case. My job is jobs, and we’ve had rapid job creation throughout my Administration, even since we regained the pre-pandemic peak.
Biden: +270,000 jobs/month July '22 - April '24
Trump: +180,000 jobs/month Feb '17 - Feb '20
#9: Biden has delivered $400 billion in student loan relief to millions of borrowers and would have doubled that if Republicans and SCOTUS hadn’t blocked it.
#10: Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Act will continue creating great jobs for a decade, with thousands of projects in rural communities in Blue and Red states.
Even Republicans that voted against it are talking it up at home when they break ground. whitehouse.gov/build/
#11: Biden's expansion of ACA eligibility plus state ACA expansions have helped cut the number of uninsured to a record low and made healthcare more affordable for 10 million more people, many in Red states.
#12: Home ownership rates were higher in 2023 than 2019 for most groups, including young people.
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🧵Monthly economic review for March data. First, record 158 million with jobs, setting new records monthly since June 2022, when pre-pandemic peak regained. Biden has fastest monthly job creation of any president in # terms, 400k from start and 275k from July 2022. 1/
The unemployment rate was a very low 3.8% in March, the 26th straight month below 4%, a more than 50-year record per CEA. The rate has averaged 4.18% under Biden, essentially tying him for first place with LBJ for lowest of any president 1964-present. 2/
The jobs # come from the Establishment (Employer) Survey, while the unemployment data comes from the Household Survey, which was a rare "all-positive" in March! Nearly 500,000 more employed than February. 3/
🧵The Economist did a cover article on how great the U.S. economy is. First, real (infl-adj) GDP +8% vs. 2019, making "America...the only big economy that is back to its pre-pandemic growth trend." 1/ economist.com/briefing/2024/…
This strong growth happened with inflation falling, which economic theory says is unusual.
Why? Cushions" from the big deficits in 2020-2021 (e.g., excess savings still getting spent) and consumers & corporations who locked-in lower interest rates before hikes. 2/
Much of the excess savings (which peaked around $2T and is now around $400B) is at the top, the top 20% lately have accounted for 45% of consumption, up from 39% pre-Covid. This includes travel and luxury goods. 3/
🧵State of the Union economic briefing; the key facts you need about the economy. First, monthly job creation over 50% faster in 2023 than 2019, the most comparable pre-pandemic year. 1/ fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/?graph_i…
Unemployment rate averaged 3.6% in 2022 and 2023, both lower than pre-pandemic 2019. You have to go back to 1969 for a 3.5% year. 2/ fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/?graph_i…
Black unemployment reached the lowest ever in 2023 at 5.5%. Hispanic unemployment reached the lowest ever in 2022 at 4.2%. 3/ fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/?graph_i…
🧵Biden vs. Trump on the economy. The relevant frame is 2023 vs. 2019 pre-pandemic, as 2020-2021 distorted (mostly in Biden's favor).
First, monthly average job creation is the most important measure of how the economy is doing. It was about 50% faster in 2023 than 2019. 1/
The unemployment rate averaged 3.6% in 2022 and 2023, vs. Trump's best 3.7% in 2019. You have to go back to 1969 for a year with 3.5% unemployment. Black unemployment was the lowest ever in 2023. 2/
About 5.2 million more people worked in 2023 on average than 2019. We regained the pre-pandemic peak in June 2022, so the Republican talking point that these were recovered jobs became outdated then. 3/
🧵Monthly economic review, for the December data and full-year 2023. First, we added a solid 216,000 jobs in December. We're about 5 million jobs up from the pre-pandemic peak, which we regained in June '22. 1/
Job creation has averaged 408,000 since Biden inaugurated, and 268,000 since June '22, when pre-pandemic peak regained. Both are presidential records in # terms and faster than Trump pre-pandemic 2017-2019, as was Obama's 2nd term. 2/
The unemployment rate averaged 3.6% in both 2022 & 2023, below Trump's best year (2019) at 3.7%. You have to go back to 1969 for a 3.5% year. 3/