Source for all of this. I almost skipped this because I knew the firefighting gear was contaminated. But thought it was a little long for just one product.
Click on 3 dots (the hamburger).
Click Find and Replace.
Type in aura OR the respirator number. To the right in tiny writing it shows 1/1.
If more then 1/2, click on little arrow to jump to each one.
Sorry, folks, we can see the 9211+ Aura is right there.
Scroll to the right
Columns D- F. Labels below.
Aura, 9211+ has "0.01 - 1%" as the "(#1) % PFAS Range"
F029-Flame retardant is the purpose.
Notice Column D?
That is "Date Product No Longer Contains Interntionally-Added PFAS (Reformulation/Discontinuation)".
The blank line means nothing
scheduled. I am sorry.
Not done yet.
Scroll to the right to column K, and check for another vendor, which is the second vendor involved.
Q is 3rd.
W is 4th.
AC is 5th
AI is 6th
AO is 7th
I presume that if there are multiple vendors, they fill in from the left.
Let's check for the Aura 9205.
After clicking on the down button, no 9205 is on this list by either Aura or 9205.
Neither is the 9200, the 8511, the Vflex 9105.
One caveat - it appears that 3M is in the process of discovery. The language used is careful to say they may add
An script could be written to check on the most common respirators and alert if one is added. Just in case someone is feeling frisky.
Went to look for the 6000 series.
Tried 6000. Not clicking 2,070 times.
7000001934 is the MPN. It is NOT ON THE LIST.
So, does this work consistently?
I check the Secure Click FF-802. Yes.
So, if you get too many results look for the "MPN" on web sites. 3M calls it the "SAP Product Code", column B.
6800 elasto,
VFLEX 9105
Aura, 9211+
HF-800 secure click not on the list - but many of the filter cartridges are. ("Secure Click").
Please do not ask me. Please ask each other. Please help each other.
I have not eaten breakfast due to pounding on this, and it is 5 pm.
Waffles for dinner because why not.
@crwequine Just added to the thread how to check the 26K long list of products.
How the heck did @profahnhmc spot this?
(pfas.3m .com/ pfas_uses ) -shove those words together.
contains the sentence "To learn more about 3M products that use PFAS*, click here."
Sara Anne Willette's visualization tool - is not a list. It is a visual representation of a group of accounts, so that she can remove herself from them.
It uses only publicly facing data, available per the X TOS, and the API, not scraping.
There are some accounts 👇 and their followers that SHE JUST WANTS NOTHING TO DO WITH.
It is her choice to remove herself from any account she wants.
The actual data?
✔️ account creation date
✔️ the username of the account,
✔️ who they follow.
All obtained legally per TOS.
The LOCATION that you saw in the blurry used to get you all fired up!?
Picked up from the front page of the profile, but NOT USED.
I live in Temporarily Enabled, USA - but it is not my physical location.
Because if you are TRULY concerned about ozone, you would not be slipping into threads of people showing pictures of their new FAR-UVC Torches - for any other reason, but to share the good word that the miniscule ozone generated could be eliminated.
An important topic since way before 2020, but given fresh vigor with our collective interest in clean air. Not just disease free air, but VOC, PFA, microplastic, mold, UFP, PM 1, PM 2.5, etc.
The outside air will infiltrate inside.
That ☝️picture is not typical.
Typical ACH - there can be general estimates, but every house is different. You can determine your own, as shown by @jljcolorado with help 👇👇. Jump to the section shown 👇.
The thread about that article is here. Some excellent discussion on it by some very good scientists, including those Dr. Jimenez acknowledges. Those folks are also on Xitter.
1 lamp was good enough to disinfect room. Produced "negligible" ozone. -0.62 ±0.03 ppb
Even with 4x the needed strength? 6.98 ±0.24 ppb.
The conclusion? One lamp does not impact the air quality.
With 4 times OVERKILL.
Under 10 ppb. Secondary organic aerosols (SOA)? minor increases in particulate matter (16% increase particulate matter, 10 % increase in particle number count).