Katie Teeling Profile picture
Jun 17 127 tweets 15 min read Read on X
Today, I’m attending the Injection of Truth Town Hall hosted by the Calgary-Lougheed constituency office in Calgary, and will be live-tweeting the event. Check out the following 🧵 for everything being said and shared. #abpoli #ucp #covid19
The room is nearly full, with 500 people present. An organizer said a further 500 bought online tickets and there are 200 watch parties. An introduction video plays to start, including news clips and testimonies pertaining to the COVID-19 vaccine.
@JustinTrudeau is included in the video, the crowd boos when he appears on screen. They boo again when the video shows Dr. Deena Henshaw.
@JustinTrudeau The Town Hall is held at Southside Victory Church, with Pastor Craig Buroker starting the event. He says that during the COVID-19 pandemic, his church “stood up” against the restrictions put in place by AHS.
@JustinTrudeau He said they were fined, and made the news twice. He says that scripture clearly says that in the “last days,” governments at all levels will start taking control over people, which “we’re seeing globally.”
@JustinTrudeau “I thank you for standing up, and for you guys for standing together,” he says, before leading the room in a prayer.
@JustinTrudeau Eric Bouchard, MLA for Calgary-Lougheed, goes next. He asks the crowd, “is this the way we start the best summer ever?” He asks everyone to stand up and introduce themselves to someone they don’t know.
@JustinTrudeau He then says that everyone has something in common: “we’re all standing up for the truth.”
@JustinTrudeau He thanks the other MLAs who are here tonight, including Jennifer Johnson, MLA for Lacombe-Ponoka.
@JustinTrudeau He then tells the crowd that cancel culture is alive and well, reading aloud an email he received from someone speaking out against the event. The email tells Bouchard to go join the “other Neanderthal UCP MLAs,” which elicits a laugh from the crowd.
@JustinTrudeau Darrell Komick, president of the Calgary-Lougheed constituency office, speaks next. He tells the crowd that they “don’t know how much hate exists,” and that hate is “propagated by fear.” He says he hopes attendees have no fear following the end of the town hall.
@JustinTrudeau “why is it that something as painful as unexplained deaths in Alberta is going unanswered? Well, we asked,” he says. He tells the crowd that they have answers backed by facts, and thanks the crowd for being curious and for being open to asking questions.
@JustinTrudeau He says 6000 people are watching the live stream online from all over the world.
@JustinTrudeau @SNewmanPodcast is hosting the event, and introduces Eric Payne, a pediatric neurologist, as the first speaker.
@JustinTrudeau @SNewmanPodcast He says he includes his credentials in his opening, as critics of the event have criticized speakers the most for being “anti-science,” which he says he has dedicated his life to science. He says that speaking out has been “detrimental to his career.”
@JustinTrudeau @SNewmanPodcast He says that he was charged with vaccine non-compliance for six weeks, until the mandates were dropped. In his presentation, he includes a slide of all his disclosures or conflicts of interest. One is that he served on @ABDanielleSmith COVID-19 Task Force until 2023.
@JustinTrudeau @SNewmanPodcast @ABDanielleSmith “Children do not readily pass COVID-19 to adults,” he says. “They’re not going to kill Grandma, that was a lie.”
@JustinTrudeau @SNewmanPodcast @ABDanielleSmith He says COVID-19 vaccines were never tested in their efficacy to stop transmission. “The reality is that [vaccines] are neither safe or effective, and actually do more damage to children than COVID-19.”
@JustinTrudeau @SNewmanPodcast @ABDanielleSmith He then discusses “deaths with or from COVID,” with the slide saying 97.1 per cent of Canadian deaths with or from COVID-19 occurred in those older than 50. He says there’s a distinction between dying from and with COVID, with most people dying with COVID-19.
@JustinTrudeau @SNewmanPodcast @ABDanielleSmith Payne then says that Henshaw announced the first death of a child from COVID-19, but then retracted it after being “called out” by the child’s doctor and family.
@JustinTrudeau @SNewmanPodcast @ABDanielleSmith He then presents data that “suddenly went missing when things start getting really, really bad.” He says that those with 2 doses of the vaccine were more likely to get COVID-19 than those without the vaccine.
@JustinTrudeau @SNewmanPodcast @ABDanielleSmith He says that during the pandemic, “all you had to do was watch Israel and the United Kingdom to see the data fall apart,” as their vaccine rollout was months ahead of Canada’s. He then says that after each dose rollout, deaths, hospitalizations, and covid cases increased.
@JustinTrudeau @SNewmanPodcast @ABDanielleSmith In his final slide, he says that what is shown is all the necessary proof that shows “we had no business giving vaccines to children.” He says that for each child saved by a vaccine, 34 were diagnosed with myocarditis. He says that for every child saved, five died in the ICU.
@JustinTrudeau @SNewmanPodcast @ABDanielleSmith Newman goes on the stage and says it “hurts” when he hears a doctor have to defend their credentials, since they’ve been attacked so many times.
@JustinTrudeau @SNewmanPodcast @ABDanielleSmith Dr. David J Speicher, a microbiologist, says he isn’t a “left-wing, anti-science conspiracy theorist” and that he “looks at the science, and personally studied vaccines.” He says he’s received all the “traditional vaccines, but would never put this in me.”
@JustinTrudeau @SNewmanPodcast @ABDanielleSmith He discusses the residual DNA found in the vaccines in April 2023, and says that his study on that DNA is the “biggest study globally.” His work was crucial in the call to halt the distribution of the vaccine.
@JustinTrudeau @SNewmanPodcast @ABDanielleSmith He says he’s personally looked at and tested 38 vials of the COVID-19 vaccine, 32 of which were from Canada. His slides say that the higher the DNA load, the more adverse effects.
While Speicher is speaking, event volunteers are collecting signatures to be sent to the Government of Alberta.
“Much of what we’ve been told is untrue. There is high DNA and tons of things that could cause harm. We need a moratorium on these vaccines, and freedom to be vaxxed or not without consequences. As scientists we need access to vials to do research on these things.”
He finishes his talk by saying evidence is being destroyed. “Our own government mandated these things, told us to take them, harmed people, and need to admit it and provide support for those people, not just MAID.”
Byram Bridle, an associate professor of viral immunology and cancer biology, says he was asked to answer the question: what emerging evidence is there to ban the mRNA vaccine?
He says that he focuses on vaccinology for the promotion of human focused health. He said that he stood up against “abusive child-quarantine policies,” and that his concerns about COVID have been proven correct by “primary scientific data.”
He says that an “ideal vaccine” is one that is effective against lifelong prevention after one dose. He asks the crowd how many doses, with attendees shouting numbers between 5 and 18.
He says that it is “widely recognized that multi-dosing with LNPs is dangerous.” He says that all those who accuse him of spreading misinformation need to “face the science.”
He says that “Big Pharma” admitted to the toxicity of vaccines, that can “lead to dangerous side effects especially if a patient has to take repeated doses over months or years.”
He says that Moderna was “all in” on the Moderna vaccine because they were a start up company and needed to figure out how to roll out the vaccines, despite the fact that they were toxic, or they would “go under.”
He then lists the known toxicities of LNPs, like the “three different ingredients” that could cause anaphylactic shock or further allergic reactions.
He asks what those who accuse him of misinformation will do in the face of peer-reviewed science, then answers “emotional triggering.”
He says that he rejects the accusation that “events like these cause vaccine hesitancy. Events like these are the only places where people can trust what we’re saying about vaccines.” He then says vaccine hesitancy is the result of legacy media and the government.
He says that accusations of one-sided debates only happen because scientists and supporters of vaccines “consistently fail to show up.”
A picture of @CaulfieldTim on screen is met with boos.
@CaulfieldTim Bridle says that if “you fail to show up, you will always lose,” and asks legacy media to “set the stage” to have another debate.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi is the next speaker, saying he had a good life until COVID-19, when he worked the front lines. He says that because he doesn’t “have the talent to dance on TikTok in an empty hospital,” he researched instead.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi He says that while he was in an empty hospital, his neighbours thought he was in a full hospital. He said he “made it his mission” to warn people about the COVID-19. He says he is not allowed to use the word physician, which he is “proud of.”
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi He shows a picture of coronavirus on the screen. He says that if he took the protein spikes of the coronavirus, and infected people with them in small amounts, they would be a vaccine, which is “not what they’re doing.”
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi He says that vaccines are a Trojan horse—they give you a vaccine, but it’s really “Odysseus getting ready to kill the Trojans.”
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi He then talks about “mechanisms of injury, which any of us present could write books about.” He says that the spike proteins were toxic, which is “old research.”
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi He then talks about the Golden Rule, which is that “you never vaccinate your way out of a pandemic” because vaccines drive “evolution of the virus.”
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi He asks the room if anyone has known anyone who got cancer since “the jab.” Multiple people raise their hands in response, which Trozzi says is sad.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi He says he could continue, but this slide is to show why people are concerned. He then says that Canadian data relating to the COVID-19 vaccine is a “sham.”
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi He then discusses the Cleveland Study from April 2023, and says that “every shot makes you more likely to get sick with COVID.” He adds that every shot “boosted your risk” of 17 per cent.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi He then reads a title of an article he wrote titled “Children Should Be Free and Never COVID Injected,” causing the crowd to applause.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi He says that kids have innate immunity, especially those are breast-fed, and that pathogens are evolving. He then says that he isn’t condoning evolution, and thanks God for the gift of life, but says evolution is a part of science.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi He says kids don’t get sick, but they do get immune. He compares herd immunity to lighting a fire with wet wood, and says that immunocompromised people should isolate, while others should get to life their life, especially kids.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi He then presents child mortality rates from January 2021 to March 2022 from the UK. He says that the mortality rates for kids with all their COVID-19 vaccines are 82 times higher than those with none.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi He calls vaccines a genetic experiment. He says that the question asks of speakers, why are the unexplained deaths of children in Alberta up 350 per cent since 2020, was a typo, and that the real number was over 3000.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi Trozzi answers that kids should’ve been playing outside, not receiving vaccines. He says that stroke units were created for kids following the COVID-19 vaccine.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi He says, “Thank God for the UCP.” The crowd cheers. Trozzi says there’s more that needs to be done for kids, like ensuring proper nutrition, exercise, water, sunshine, vitamin D, temperance, air, sleep, and “trust in God.”
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi Newman then introduces Dr Chris Shoemaker, a comprehensive Ontario physician, who calls the event a “conciliatory tour,” and calls on the crowd to do better for Alberta and the rest of Canada.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi He then presents a video where he gives an interview with Laura Lynn on the heart damage caused by COVID-19 vaccines. He says that the “explanation is right in front of you.” He says that the vaccine causes “nucleic material” being taken into the heart in large amounts.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi He says that non-human spikes cause the body to think “your heart is not your heart anymore,” and calls on scientists to test the “very truthful science.”
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi He then shows a second video of Dan Hartman, whose son died following a COVID-19 vaccine. In the video, Hartman said that in order to continue playing hockey, his son had to get a vaccine, despite a fear of needles.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi “If he had had a choice, he wouldn’t have gotten the vaccine,” Hartman says in the video. After receiving the vaccine, Hartman’s son was “found dead on the floor by is bed.” After an autopsy, the cause of death was “unascertained,” Hartman says.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi Of Shoemaker, Hartman says the world needs to trust him, as he’s trying to help the world, which is what a doctor does. “I want the truth about these vaccines. Every country around the world is admitting to vaccine deaths, except Canada. I haven’t heard of one.”
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi Shoemaker continues his speech, asking politicians if it’s fair that there are “thousands of stories” like Hartman’s. “As a doctor, I know death happens so easily. You have to be careful as you cross the street—you have to look both ways, or a bus takes you out.”
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi He says that immune systems protect the body “99.9 per cent of the times.” He says that the COVID-19 pandemic was started and planned 5 years before the pandemic started.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi He then talks about ivermectin, which was proven as the “right drug to cure COVID and Long COVID” 12 years before the pandemic.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi “They hid us, they called it horse medicine. It was used for humans for ten years before ever used in animals. It can mop up viruses as well as parasites—it does it beautifully.”
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi He calls on @ABDanielleSmith to ban all COVID-19 vaccines and to start regular availability of ivermectin in all pharmacies by July 1.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi @ABDanielleSmith He says that Alberta “should be like Canada’s Florida” before ending his speech.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi @ABDanielleSmith @MakisMD is the next speaker, who thanks the organizers for hosting the event despite “anger and hate and bitterness” from the media.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi @ABDanielleSmith @MakisMD He says he believes the event will be remembered as a turning point in history. He says that he has been fighting corruption in @AHS_media for the 9 of the 11 years he’s worked as a doctor in Alberta.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi @ABDanielleSmith @MakisMD @AHS_media He says that AHS has spent over $5 million in legal fees to threaten Makis and his family for “exposing AHS sabotage” of his cancer program at the cross cancer institute.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi @ABDanielleSmith @MakisMD @AHS_media He says that hundreds of kids have died as a result of the COVID-19 vaccine, which the government has covered up. He says this is a crime, that no one has been punished for. He says he has reported these deaths on his social media, which is why AHS is shutting him down.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi @ABDanielleSmith @MakisMD @AHS_media He says that according to Health Canada, there have been zero deaths as the result of the COVID-19 vaccine, which is a cover up.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi @ABDanielleSmith @MakisMD @AHS_media He says that Alberta doctors don’t tell their patients about the risks of the COVID-19 vaccine. He says that 200,000 pediatric vaccines injuries have been reported in Canada.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi @ABDanielleSmith @MakisMD @AHS_media He says that children who receive the COVID-19 vaccine are at a heightened risk of cancer for “the rest of their lives.”
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi @ABDanielleSmith @MakisMD @AHS_media He asks who is responsible for these increased deaths, and says that AHS has been run by leftists installed by the @albertaNDP, which @jkenney did nothing to fix until @ABDanielleSmith fired the AHS board.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi @ABDanielleSmith @MakisMD @AHS_media @albertaNDP @jkenney He says that those in charge of making decisions at AHS are occupied by “NDP allies,” who are making millions of dollars.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi @ABDanielleSmith @MakisMD @AHS_media @albertaNDP @jkenney He then discusses the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta. Makis alleges that the CPSA reinstated licences to doctors who were proven pedophiles.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi @ABDanielleSmith @MakisMD @AHS_media @albertaNDP @jkenney “They’re giving pedophiles access to Alberta’s children,” Makis adds.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi @ABDanielleSmith @MakisMD @AHS_media @albertaNDP @jkenney A member of the crowd yells “pedophiles,” as another yells “clean them out.”
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi @ABDanielleSmith @MakisMD @AHS_media @albertaNDP @jkenney “These are the corrupt institutions that want to jab your children under 6 months old, every three months if possible.”
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi @ABDanielleSmith @MakisMD @AHS_media @albertaNDP @jkenney He then shows the crowd the people he says are “attacking Alberta’s children,” Dr Luanne Metz and @CaulfieldTim, who are met with more boos from the crowd.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi @ABDanielleSmith @MakisMD @AHS_media @albertaNDP @jkenney “These are the types of people we are up against. These are the people attacking us,” Makis says.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi @ABDanielleSmith @MakisMD @AHS_media @albertaNDP @jkenney He calls on the end to the COVID-19 vaccine, and says “no one is benefiting from these shots.“
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi @ABDanielleSmith @MakisMD @AHS_media @albertaNDP @jkenney He says that the CPSA needs to be dissolved, or have their name changed to the “college of pedophiles and sex offenders of Alberta.”
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi @ABDanielleSmith @MakisMD @AHS_media @albertaNDP @jkenney The next speaker, Jessica Rose, joins virtually. Rose has a master’s in immunology and a PhD in computational biology.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi @ABDanielleSmith @MakisMD @AHS_media @albertaNDP @jkenney After some technical difficulties, Rose begins her presentation, which discusses whether science justifies the banning of the mRNA vaccines.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi @ABDanielleSmith @MakisMD @AHS_media @albertaNDP @jkenney Rose discusses DNA contamination from the COVID-19 vaccine. She says that what she thinks happened is that DNA was left behind when it shouldn’t have been, causing a contamination.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi @ABDanielleSmith @MakisMD @AHS_media @albertaNDP @jkenney She says that DNA has been found in tested vials, with results being reproduced. She says that not only was DNA found, but it was found in too high amounts.
@CaulfieldTim @DrTrozzi @ABDanielleSmith @MakisMD @AHS_media @albertaNDP @jkenney She says that when asked, Health Canada wouldn’t confirm or deny if they asked Pfizer to remove “SV40 sequences in COVID-19 shots.”
She says that cancer signals in COVID-19 vaccines have been “getting stronger overtime, despite “vaccine administration going down.”
She discusses the fact that healthy babies, following receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, died, which she hadn’t heard of before the pandemic, she says.
She says that there is a “lack of true understanding” when it comes to COVID-19 vaccines. “We think we know, but we don’t know,” Rose says.
She says “In my expert opinion, it’s a simple yes” in response to the question, is there science that justifies banning mRNA vaccines.
“It’s very simple—you do not have to take a medical product or undergo medical procedures if you do not want to,” she finishes.
Barrister Jeff Rath is the final speaker. He starts his speech by asking if everyone in the room is a united conservative. He says that all conservatives united together to remove @jkenney and elect @ABDanielleSmith.
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith He adds that if people were in the right riding, they “stayed home on the couch” to ensure Jason Copping and Tyler Shandro were not re-elected.
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith He says that his office is involved in two class action lawsuits concerning vaccine injuries and COVID-19 deaths. He says that these shots “have killed more children than COVID-19.”
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith He says that government officials, naming Dr Deena Henshaw specifically, lied to terrorize parents into administering COVID-19 vaccines.
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith He says that he is proud that @ABDanielleSmith is his leader, and that those who advocated for administering COVID-19 vaccines for children need to be “run out of AHS.”
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith He says that legacy media and government officials are “gaslighting” attendees into thinking they’re “anti-vaxxers,” which they’re not, he says, as the COVID-19 vaccines are not vaccines.
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith After a short break, volunteers distribute thank you notes that give instructions on further actions that can be done to support Alberta kids.
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith Next, a panel of all the speakers—except Rose—gathers to discuss where Alberta “can go from here.”
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith Bridle says he “travelled across the world to be here,” since he views Alberta as somewhere where change can happen. He says that AHS needs to be gutted and that “those people have mislead you:”
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith Rath goes next, saying that health professionals conspired under the term vaccine hesitancy to scare people, even though “these vaccines harm people.”
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith “They conspired to commit assault and battery against every Canadian,” he finishes.
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith Payne says that the time to help vaccinated children is “long overdue,” and references the ongoing water shortage which garners applause from the crowd.
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith Shoemaker implores health experts to listen to “all experts, but do listen to us.”
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith Makis says that he believes that “Alberta can be the first province to bring back ethics” and can “lead the country in this.”
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith Speicher says “it’s time to fund actual science,” which he’s done without any compensation. Instead, people are going to @CaulfieldTim for “misinformation.”
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith @CaulfieldTim Trozzi says that during the COVID-19 pandemic, humans have undergone a biological operation through the COVID-19 vaccine.
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith @CaulfieldTim “This is mind-control stuff,” he says.
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith @CaulfieldTim Back to Rath, he says “we have to get behind @ABDanielleSmith” and encourage her “to ignore the noise from legacy media.” He says that the people who “listen to that crap won’t vote for her anyway, since they’re communists who vote against common sense.”
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith @CaulfieldTim He adds that @ABDanielleSmith can’t “listen to the leftists whining in her ear, some in her own cabinet.”
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith @CaulfieldTim Makis says he has “breaking news” to share: a paper he co-authored with several doctors, including Trozzi, on vaccine injuries just passed peer review and will be published.
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith @CaulfieldTim For final thoughts, Payne says he’s very thankful for being at the event. He said when he moved back to Alberta, he “thought I’d be living the dream,” but his life has been uprooted.
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith @CaulfieldTim Speicher goes next, saying he’s lost five jobs since the pandemic and hasn’t worked a paid job since May. He said that as a good scientist, he asked questions about the vaccine, which resulted in an investigation.
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith @CaulfieldTim He mentions Caulfield again, calling him a coward.
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith @CaulfieldTim Shoemaker goes next, alleging that government officials were told about COVID-19 deaths and injuries in privy council, but never announced it.
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith @CaulfieldTim Trozzi goes next, saying that he had a quiet life before the pandemic. He said he worked hard, and that he loved emergency and trauma medicine. “It’s a real shame to have me and my colleagues removed from our citizens,” he says
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith @CaulfieldTim “You cannot serve God and be a slave to money,” he says, ending his final thoughts.
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith @CaulfieldTim Next, Makis says that when he moved to Alberta, he had high hopes. But he was “sabotaged by AHS,” and his “life has been a living hell ever since.”
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith @CaulfieldTim “I fight for my kids, and I think you should fight for your kids. We must defend our province, and we can’t let it go to communism, which is where it’s headed,” he says. He calls on the crowd support @ABDanielleSmith
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith @CaulfieldTim After 4 hours and an hour overtime, the room has cleared to half capacity.
@jkenney @ABDanielleSmith @CaulfieldTim And that concludes my reporting on the town hall! Thank you for tuning in. #abpoli

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Mar 24, 2023
Hey everybody! I’ll be live-tweeting the Board of Governors meeting this morning for @The_Gateway! For coverage on the @HaltTheHikeAB protest, check @Emily_AWilliams profile! #abpse #uasu
Kate Chisolm starts by saying that last night, she was presented with a tuition signed by over 2000 students, faculty, and staff, and an open letter from students asking the BoG to reject tuition increases. She says the open letter had 16,000 signatures as of March 23.
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