Katie Teeling Profile picture
Currently @albertaviews. Former Editor-in -Chief of @The_Gateway. Words in @TheTyee. Anthropology student @UAlberta. Contact: teelingkat@gmail.com she/they
Jul 31 84 tweets 12 min read
Today, I’ll be live-tweeting the Q&A with Danielle Smith being hosted by the Calgary-Lougheed constituency association. #abpoli #alberta #daniellesmith Image Calgary-Lougheed MLA Eric Bouchard is introduced by the constituency association’s president Darrell Komick. Bouchard thanked those in the room for attending, and the newly-elected board for the constituency.
Jun 17 127 tweets 15 min read
Today, I’m attending the Injection of Truth Town Hall hosted by the Calgary-Lougheed constituency office in Calgary, and will be live-tweeting the event. Check out the following 🧵 for everything being said and shared. #abpoli #ucp #covid19 The room is nearly full, with 500 people present. An organizer said a further 500 bought online tickets and there are 200 watch parties. An introduction video plays to start, including news clips and testimonies pertaining to the COVID-19 vaccine.
Mar 24, 2023 53 tweets 9 min read
Hey everybody! I’ll be live-tweeting the Board of Governors meeting this morning for @The_Gateway! For coverage on the @HaltTheHikeAB protest, check @Emily_AWilliams profile! #abpse #uasu Kate Chisolm starts by saying that last night, she was presented with a tuition signed by over 2000 students, faculty, and staff, and an open letter from students asking the BoG to reject tuition increases. She says the open letter had 16,000 signatures as of March 23.