🧵What if I were to show you this same Institute(Fetzer)
-who launched THE ENTIRE FIELD of Emotional Intelligence & the org (CASEL) that sets the 5-core competencies for ALL Social Emotional Learning programs-
was CRAZY?
Their purpose?
The intention of the Institute was to “HELP USHER IN THE AGE OF THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, which would lead to the RESURRECTION OF CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS.”
Of course they were told NOT to make that part public. (4th pic)
🧵Fair Question: What is Social Emotional Learning (launched at the Fetzer Institute) in schools really about then?
Is it to help students have a worldview that creates in them a “Christ Consciousness” to usher in a Global Spiritual Transformation?
(AKA Age of Archangel Michael)
🧵Read the CRAY coming out of these following pages clipped from their internal documents talking about the channelings they did, etc...
...and tell me you’re not concerned that these people basically conjured up one of their fellows to write the book, that created the field...
🧵...that THEY funded to create the research to support the full embedding of Social Emotional Learning in education.
Like my friend @ConceptualJames says, WTF is SEL‼️
I have serious questions (as should you) about whether or not this is SOCIAL ENGINEERING for "The New Age."
🧵I’d ask CASEL about this, but they already blocked me for asking ?s about the brainwashing into collective critical consciousness they're doing through Transformative Social Emotional Learning.
“Transformative” is now taking on a WHOLE NEW MEANING.
🧵This all gets REAL CONCERNING when you figure out the next step for Fetzer is intentionally weaving “spirituality” (read: occult Theosophical/New Thought RELIGION) into Social Emotional Learning " via their Collaborative for Spirituality in Education.
🧵#utleg #utpol I think it’s way past time for us to review our state’s (or any state, for that matter) participation in CASEL’s Collaborating State Initiative @mschultz_12 @KenIvoryUT @johnforutah @ColbyforUtah @KennedyForUtah @BasedMikeLee
🧵I’m going to be taking a VERY LONG break. My family has expressed they need more of my time and attention & that’s what matters the most.
Thank you to my almost 25K followers!
I’m going to leave my profile up & make this pinned post a resource to my most important threads...
🧵…since this “free speech” platform has shadow & search banned me to the point where my posts don’t show up in anyone’s feed that follows me unless they get an alert when I post
& my posts are “unfindable” even when putting specific words in the search bar. 🫥
🧵First off, this extremely hyperlinked doc is the culmination most of the work I’ve done these past 4 years and explains ALL the agendas and how they’re operating together for specific outcomes:
🧵What were these "young tech guys" Evolutionary Leader Barbara Marx Hubbard mentioned up to when she said they were developing THE NEXT STAGE OF DEMOCRACY in the quoted post?
They were literally building the technology to install a gift/resource economy in place of capitalism.
🧵The goal is to be able to "obsolete government & institutions"-inc $-thru the use of blockchain technology. (Hmmm...what's being pushed thru the Independent Party platform?)
Do they really believe that people just put their needs out there on Noomap & they'll be magically met?
🧵Like "task management but on a more spiritual level." -Noomap as described by its co-creator Bret Warshawky...
It's the Theosophical global consciousness goals of the Evolutionary Leaders & the UN.
🧵The Association for Global New Thought merged w/ Deepak Chopra's Alliance for a New Humanity + Coalition for One Voice to form the Evolutionary Leaders.
Besides Gandhi-King, they've been spreading their syncretistic religion thru MANY initiatives at the UN they're involved in.
🧵Notice Barbara Marx Hubbard’s Wheel of Co-Creation in the background of those AGNT Awakened World conferences?
Her One Church is currently pushing a new idea of communism-Synergistic Democracy-thru Evolutionary Leader Christopher Life’s involvement with the Independent Party.
🧵The Association for Global New Thought also did the Synthesis Dialogues with the Dalai Lama, which was a special invitation-only dialogue about the future of humanity and the planet.
Let me guess-the future of humanity and the planet is GLOBAL CONSCIOUSNESS & ONE-NESS
🧵The WIN (Well-Being in the Nation) Network that was mentioned in the video above is trying to shift how the US measures health thru their WIN measures.
👂 at 1:37 to hear how these subjective measures could be used to argue that certain "disadvantaged" groups need more fed $$.
🧵The Federal Plan shifts funds from the federal gov't to specific groups & initiatives that will allow our entire US economy to move from one that measures GDP for economic growth
to these subjective measures of SOCIAL DETERMINANTS of health & well-being
🧵Evolutionary Leader Deepak Chopra's company JUST Capital is part of a cabal of entities working w/ the Federal Plan to move the US to a deceptively termed "well-being" economy.
Companies like his get DATA on businesses' "JUST" practices to rank & score them. WHO defines JUST?
🧵As mentioned in the video above, his index is just one of many the conspirators behind the Federal Plan for ELTRR are plotting to use to take over as a measure of our economic growth.
To do this, they have to embed HEALTH & WELL-BEING into every sector so it has to be tracked.
🧵To watch the whole video on the Federal Plan for Equitable Long-Term Recovery and Resilience the clip above comes from that covers it in detail, visit my YouTube channel, Parents of Patriots.
🧵Is it weird to anyone else that if you click on the link to the Dignity.us initiative started by the White House in 2022, it now redirects you to Tim Shriver's Dignity Index website?
It's almost like it was ALREADY planned to be the "best idea" to be scaled up. 🤔 x.com/iamlisalogan/s…
🧵Isn't it strange that 3 of 4 task force members chosen for were already on Shriver’s COVID COLLABORATIVE?🤔
One being John Bridgeland, who's on Shriver's UNITE board too, 1 of 3 non-profits Shriver brings into states to change education & VOTING policy. Dignity.us
🧵Isn’t it interesting that in 2021, a year BEFORE the Summit,
Bridgeland & Shriver wrote an article about uniting Americans around a NEW POLITICAL SYSTEM?
Could that be a SYNERGISTIC DEMOCRACY where ranked choice voting (popular vote) replaces our Constitutional Republic?🤔