I'm seeing some people say they feel sorry for Joe Biden. Just to be clear: I hope every waking moment of his life is filled with suffering, humiliation, degradation, and endless pain. That depraved genocidal senile rapist Zionist scumbag is directly responsible for the mass murder and rape of not just Palestinians, but Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians, Libyans, every single US genocidal war going back decades, millions of lives, babies, children, men and women destroyed by this monstrous ghoulish freak.
If only a tiny bit of that is returned to him through personal suffering, it is not just an expression of the only bit of justice his victims can ever have, but it is what he deserves a million times over.
I hope he passes away soon utterly humiliated, shamed and despised by everyone, from the liberal class that propped up his genocidal rapist corpse, up to his closest friends and relatives. I hope he goes knowing he was hated and despised by everyone the world over, as he is.
after October 7 Genocide Joe's Zionist Israel lobby and regime owners wrote every atrocity propaganda hoax script for him to read, and he dutifully obeyed, even going so far to say he personally saw photos of the non-existent 40 beheaded babies:
at his recent Morehouse speech Genocide Joe once again went full deranged Zionist atrocity propaganda hoaxer, saying he saw non-existent photos of a daughter and mother being tied together and burned alive. And the liberal media class covered for him again
Genocide Joe is a depraved genocidal mass murderer, torturer and serial rapist, whose actual rapes were erased by the very same New York Times and liberal media class that fabricated a "mass rape" hoax to launder and continue the ongoing Gaza genocide
Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, the Israeli regime's official fabricator and disseminator of the "mass rape" hoax, gloats in public about how she has a direct line to Genocide Joe and Kamala Harris, and gets her hoax scripts read by them whenever she wants:
and of course Genocide Kamala Harris obliged, going so far as to promote and launder extensive video footage of rape-tortured Palestinians just so she can continue the Gaza genocide. That is the kind of depraved murderous scumbags she and Genocide Joe are:
Israel Hayom, one of Israel's leading media outlets that recently partnered up with one of Germany's leading outlets Der Spiegel to do joint "journalistic investigations", just published a piece on an Israeli reservist Rabbi from a "casualty identification unit" giving his testimony in the Israeli parliament about what he saw on October 7.
What did Rabbi Moshe Dickstein say he personally saw with his own eyes as he cried? He said he saw a non-existent baby stabbed in the head, a non-existent fetus cut from a womb, non-existent breasts cut off, non-existent naked women with their legs spread.
None of this happened. It's all fake. But they're still doing it every single day. Every single day these depraved grifter genocide-actors keep regurgitating these long debunked lies, and Israeli and Western media outlets keep pumping it out over and over again. The New Yorker's Masha Gessen says "well Israelis all believe this happened, so it must be true!"
Pure lying genocidal Zionist scum.
look at Rabbi Moshe Dickstein's face as he lies brazenly in front of the camera and cries. Look at his fake trauma he performs as if on a stage, as he recounts seeing non-existent stabbed babies, cut off breasts and fetuses. Look at these genocide-actors:
they're all following the same scripts. All the Zaka hoaxers, the "volunteers" like Shari Mendes, the "witnesses" like Raz Cohen, they're all genocide-actors performing trauma to launder an ongoing genocide. Look at their faces as they lie brazenly:
Kamala Harris was such a terrible politician, so widely despised even by the Democratic base, that she was forced to quit the primary before a single vote was cast. Now all these deranged liberals and pseudo-radicals think they can meme her into having charisma. Utter insanity
what good luck for Kamala Harris that the DNC cancelled the 2024 primary so she didn't have to compete and instead got handed the presidential nomination, and every hack liberal and pseudo-radical is celebrating it as a major victory for democracy. The purest fucking scum
go look back at the Kamala Harris campaign events ahead of the 2020 primary that forced her to quit before a single vote was cast. She is more of a charisma-void than even Hillary Clinton. And this is the person they're rallying around with idiotic online memes.
There's no policy, there's not even a rhetorical attempt to address the ongoing Gaza genocide which Harris has backed 100% and has pledged to continue to back.
There's absolutely nothing aside from "well at least her brain isn't leaking live on camera."
And this will be the pitch going forward. Just watch. Do you think she is going to even bother with symbolic nods to the pseudo-radical progressives who have already pledged fealty? Of course not. But she'll become even more extreme in her devotion to the Israel lobby, because they are the only ones she and Dem leadership care about.
The only thing that might have changed the calculus here is if the progressive caucus and the broad left actually asked something in return for their endorsements. But they didn't. They didn't ask anything. They folded immediately and gave their gleeful endorsements alongside Hillary Clinton and the rest of the Dem leadership, so any leverage they might have had is immediately gone, just as it was with Genocide Joe.
They call this "smart electoral politics". Fuck off you fucking careerist scum.
In 2017, as her first foreign policy vote for a resolution she co-sponsored, Kamala Harris joined Trump in criticizing Obama for daring to symbolically reprimand Israel at the UN for its illegal settlements. Instead, she demanded that the UN never dare interfere with her precious genocidal Israel.
In doing so Kamala Harris sided with Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan against Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi, themselves also Zionist fanatics but this even went too far for them.
Harris then also celebrated the occupation of East Jerusalem, which is illegally occupied territory under international law, reaffirmed just recently by the ICJ.
This is how fanatical and deranged Harris' Zionism really is and has always been. She is a totally deranged genocidal Zionist freak.
Kamala Harris also smeared BDS as anti-Semitic, and said any efforts at the UN to criticize Israel for its violations of human rights and international law are also anti-Semitic. She praised Trump's UN ambassador Haley for smearing the UN as anti-Semitic. This is Kamala Harris
I'm so coconut-pilled I'm overdosing! She's so epic and based! Remember the meme about being unburdened by the past? Her dad was a Marxist right? So epic and based. More of Momala's epic and based genocidal Zionist murderous depravity in this thread:
Kamala Harris is asked about the bombing of a refugee camp in Gaza and if she considers it a legitimate target. Harris ignores the question, and instead does a deflection pretending to care about the countless babies, children, women and men killed by Israel in the bombing.
So the reporter asks Harris again if she considers the bombing of refugee camps and mass murdering of Palestinians to be legitimate.
She says: "We are not telling Israel how to conduct this war."
This is the epic based coconut-pilled candidate the US "left" has coalesced around immediately with deranged memes
Kamala Harris is asked about the ongoing Gaza genocide, and what she thinks about many young voters opposing it.
Her response? Immediately deflect to October 7, say "Israeli women were raped", repeat genocidal atrocity propaganda hoaxes, "Israel has the right to defend itself", and then end with the typical bullshit liberal Zionist platitudes about a two-state solution to finalize the laundering of the Gaza genocide she's arming, funding and giving propaganda cover to
Kamala Harris especially loves the "mass rape" genocidal atrocity propaganda hoax. She has repeated it over and over and even went so far as to host a White House event to launder a propaganda film that includes video footage of rape-tortured Palestinians:
Kamala Harris literally promoted video footage of rape-tortured Palestinians just recently, and put that genocidal atrocity propaganda on the White House public media channel. Any "leftists" laundering her as some epic based hero are pure depraved scum. Fuck your bullshit memes
you fucking cunt scum did the whole "OMG JOE LOVES ICE CREAM LOL DARK BRANDON IS SO BASED" memes for years and now you're doing it for Kamala fucking Harris when she's not even been nominated yet? And you call yourself "communists"? Fuck you you fucking scumbags. Cunts
you're not even going to bother to criticize Kamala Harris for literally promoting video footage of Palestinians who were rape-tortured to death with dogs? After 10 months of pretending to be anti-genocide? Fuck you
the ICJ did not just rule that the West Bank is illegally occupied territory but also Gaza, as the genocidal Israeli regime always retained de facto control over it. In other words the ICJ reaffirmed that October 7 was a legitimate act of self-defense against a genocidal occupier
you can tell the BBC's Raffi Berg, who is one of the most odious Zionist propagandists there, was enraged as he was forced to write that the ICJ ruled Gaza to be occupied territory, which of course makes the BBC and the rest of the Western media class complicit in genocidal Israeli propaganda as they always denied and will continue to deny this truism
this is also why Zionists and the Western media class had to fabricate the most deranged atrocity propaganda hoaxes about October 7 and demonize Hamas as pure anti-Semitic monsters, all meant to erase the occupation as Mearsheimer brilliantly explains: