The principle aim of all governments, is to prevent any disruption to the Business as Usual BaU model.
Yet the only way we can address the climate and ecological crisis, is by stopping and changing BaU, as it is this business as usual, which is driving the climate crisis.
This is why they have adopted the dishonest strategy chosen by fraudsters and crooks all over the world, and that is to promise climate action, and to then just do nothing, and hope everyone forgets about what they promised, and failed to do.
This is best typified by the cheque's/check's in the post scam, where a fraudulent operator, pretends to have sent the outstanding money owed, but never actually sends it - they just pretend they've sent it, then hope everyone forgets they never paid as they promised.
The idea is to:
A) To appear very reasonable, and willing to take the necessary action, whilst planning all along, to do nothing.
B) To wear everyone down, and hope we'll just forget they never took the necessary action, and to carry on, with business as usual.
It is deceitful, manipulative, and generally used by crooked operators. That makes our governments and politicians crooked operators. Consistently, crooked and deceitful, because not once in the last 30+ years since they've been promising action, have they ever taken it.
Don't take my word for it, listen to the UN Secretary General @antonioguterres, who calls our leaders, liars. They have lied and made false promises over again over 30+ years, and not once have they ever tried taking any genuine action.
Our leaders are consistently acting like fraudulent operators, and I suggest the most likely explanation for this, is that they are fraudsters. If it quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, it most likely is a duck.
PS. If you let someone do this to you, again and again, they will lose all respect for you (I mean the public here), will walk all over you, and treat you like a mug. They have been emboldened because of how they have got away with their lies.
PPS. All climate activists, being berated by the media and establishment, for taking disruptive action, are doing, is holding our leadership to account. Don't be stupid, and attack those doing what we should all be doing. Don't shoot the messengers.…
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I want to clarify something. I am only too aware, that the current system, is an interlocked, and interdependent system of powerful actors. That politicians and governments, can't easily take climate action, without coming up against all sorts of obstacles.
This is why I say, only whole system change, can possibly address the climate and ecological crisis, because the necessary action, would by necessity, change the whole system. I underestimate nothing. Pretending we can change everything, within the current system, is pretence.
However, in our present system, governments are the only organizations, which can theoretically, suspend the current system, to change it. I know some people say, we can only address this crisis, by overthrowing the present system.
Just to highlight a crucial issue. This principle aim of government, has only become transparent through their actions over the last 52 years and especially since the 1992 Rio Earth. They falsely claim to represent their people.
However, at the 1972 UN Environment, and especially, at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, governments gave a clear commitment to address the climate and ecological crisis. They have not done any of what they promised.
In the words of the UN Secretary General @antonioguterres, the last 32 years, has been a "litany of broken climate promises", and our leaders have been "lying".
Some time, we need to have a conversation about "Manufactured Consent", because it is a huge factor in the climate and ecological crisis, where it is falsely implied, that humanity has consented to the business as usual system, driving us to global suicide.
I don't necessarily mean Noam Chomsky's definition of it, or Alex Carey's original framing of it. Neither of which I've read. This is because, as usual, I'm far more concerned about the phenomenon, rather than other people's framing of it.
By manufactured consent, I simply mean the illusion, that because of supposed democracy, people have consented to our current system, and the governance of it, which is clearly a lie. The overall framework, was imposed on us well before the majority had any vote.
I've made this point before, that the biggest problem for the Conservative Party, is going to be their loss of corporate and vested interest backing. As vested interests and rich donors, were only interested in influencing government policy.
For this to be viable, the Conservative Party, either had to be in power, or at least have some realistic prospect of winning power, or at least influencing government policy in the near future. The Tories have so few MPs, they have no prospects or ability to influence.
In fact, the modern Conservative Party, had become little more than a vehicle for vested interests, if it had ever being anything other than that. The main difference is, it had become nothing but that.
The @guardian should be thoroughly ashamed for publishing this steaming pile of sophistry. It's why I regard it as having a troublesome position. Yes, it has better climate crisis coverage, but that is because the rest are dire, it's just less dire.
The premise of the argument is that whilst the sentences given to @RogerHallamCS21 et al, are harsh, that @JustStop_Oil are using the wrong tactics, because they are inconveniencing ordinary road users. This is such an ignorant argument, from a position of privilege.
Firstly, the elephant in the room, and this is why this argument, is sophistry, about traffic delays, people missing appointments, is it tacitly implies, that without @JustStop_Oil protests, the traffic would flow freely.
I see there are a lot of gullible Tory Press reading muppets, trotting out the lie that people died because of @JustStop_Oil protests, ambulance delays etc.
Are they not aware of how many people died, because of ambulance delays in general.
I mean, come on, it is not @JustStop_Oil protests that delayed ambulances for up to 15 hours. However, it is the policy promoted by the same said Tory Press and their proprietors that caused these deaths. Where are their trials and prosecutions? 2/3…
Anyone opposed to taxing the very rich, to pay for these public services, is culpable for massively more deaths, due to ambulance delays, than @JustStop_Oil. The wealth of the very rich is massively increasing. They can afford to pay far more tax.