Large-scale study of over 70,000 people shows that
the risk and SEVERITY of lasting #LongCovid symptoms increases significantly with each Cøvid reinfection and affects almost all human body systems, including the brain and heart
HEPA filtration systems work better than other forms of air decontamination reviewed.
If you combine results for poor interventions with good interventions, of course the overall combined result (in Julii Brainard’s review) will be watered down and unimpressive.
2/ Lab studies show that the virus’s ability to infect (enter our cells) can potentially grow by a factor of ~600.
This constant, continuing risk of severe illness will be with us for years.
This is like allowing TB to circulate freely … and doing nothing.
🦠 #CovidIsNotOver
3/ Technical addendum
“Further in vitro evolution enhancing binding by 600-fold provides guidelines towards potentially new evolving mutations with even higher infectivity.“