Gourlay Profile picture
Accidental Covid nerd. Registered Psychologist with Cambridge University Psychology and Theoretical Physics degrees. 🦋https://t.co/GcpGFH3GRf
Mar 6 13 tweets 4 min read
SARS-CoV-2 ANIMAL ORIGIN: The evidence?

What strikes me about the animal market spillover (zoonosis) theory is how hard it is to get a straight answer out of those claiming it’s settled science … when it isn’t. 🧵

@Muchfaster @lovmoz1 @R_H_Ebright @IntegralAnswers @Biorealism Image 2/ Proponents of “zoonosis” say there was a “spillover” at Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan, China selling (among other things) wild animals i.e. transmission of an animal coronavirus to humans in late 2019.

Why? Because most of the early cases in 2020 had links to that market. Image
Jan 25 14 tweets 5 min read
“Last year, the bill for sick leave in Sweden came to 92 billion kronor …

That's just over 14 billion kronor more than the year before …

But Social Insurance Minister Anna Tenje cannot explain why.”

FAFO in action.

tn.se/arbetsmarknad/… 2/ Hmmm … this is happening worldwide. Here’s a hint from Germany:

“Germans are becoming sick more often and for longer periods of time … Waves of corona infections are now rolling through the country several times a year … the consequences are dramatically underestimated.” Image
Jan 14 5 tweets 2 min read
We can end the pandemic wearing N95 masks (respirators).

Yet another study using real-world data demonstrating that universal masking reduces transmission by *at least* 9-fold.

This would extinguish the pandemic.

😷 #MasksWork

journals.aps.org/pre/abstract/1… Dr Richard Sear uses a conservative estimate of N95 filtering efficiency (90%). Real-world ‘exhaled breath’ data shows even better performance with non-fit-tested N95s: ~98%

which would then reduce transmission by a factor of 40

stopping the pandemic in its tracks. Image
Nov 26, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read

“The problem seems to be one of translating success in the laboratory to success in real-life settings”

Why? Poorly implemented interventions deliver poor results. Like wearing a mask poorly.

Answer … give up? No, do it better.

Image The paper
- by Julii Brainard
BA Geography (San Diego State)
PhD Environmental Science (East Anglia)

✅“trend towards the treatment groups to have fewer infections. This finding was more consistent for observational studies, especially HEPA cohorts” ✅🆗

Nov 18, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
“Is this how it’s always going to be?”

Good question. The virus mutates to get better at infecting us. There’s absolutely no sign that this is slowing.

🦠 #CovidIsNotOver

i.stuff.co.nz/national/healt… 2/
Lab studies show that the virus’s ability to infect (enter our cells) can potentially grow by a factor of ~600.

This constant, continuing risk of severe illness will be with us for years.

This is like allowing TB to circulate freely … and doing nothing.

🦠 #CovidIsNotOver
Nov 20, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
“Never-ending waves of severe #COVID19 disease”

How do we get out of this mess? Physical measures (masks, ventilation, HEPA filters …)

PLUS: ‘#NasalSpray’ strategies:
1️⃣ disable virus
2️⃣ disable host entry point (nasal ACE2 receptors)
3️⃣ boost nasal antibodies (secretary IgA) 1️⃣ Melbourne trial of nasal Heparin spray to disable virus spikes (necessary for access yo host cells):
