Katie Teeling Profile picture
Oct 29, 2024 100 tweets 14 min read Read on X
Today, I’m attending the Arrival of Accountability event in Red Deer with @Hennig1Leah, hosted by Take Back Alberta and the 1905 Committee. Initially, this event was billed as an Injection of Truth part 2, hosted by the Calgary-Lougheed Constituency Association. #abpoli #cdnpoli
He says that AHS isn’t the only organization to blame, and that the College of Physicians and Surgeons are also responsible for the harm caused by the COVID-19 vaccine.
Makis then discusses the Manning Report, which was meant to investigate the “government overreach” during the pandemic, and the “persecution” of nurses, doctors, and surgeons in 2023. He said that the Manning Report was never released.
Makis adds that @ABDanielleSmith and @mickeyamery have said they will look into the colleges, but that should have “happened years ago.” He references Deena Henshaw as an example, who he says went on the government website and “tampered with vaccine data.”
He adds that she removed the evidence showing that vaccines were dangerous, then fled to BC for “protection, after collecting a bonus.”
Next, Makis discusses the Davidson Report, where Dr. Gary Davidson was directed by Smith to review data that AHS “relied upon during the COVID-19 pandemic.” However, he says Davidson and the task force he created have “no teeth,” because AHS “refuses to hand over data.”
He says that AHS is run by “woke leftists” who are obsessed with using their pronouns, including Verna Yiu, who he says insists on introducing herself with her pronouns. Makis adds that AHS is ran by a “leftist mafia” made up of “NDP millionaires.”
He mentions the amendments Smith will introduce to the Bill of Rights, which include protections for the unvaccinated. He says that the NDP will “use the Bill of Rights to wipe their behinds with,” and that it “has no teeth.”
He then discusses his personal experience working in the healthcare system, where he says he had 5 managers who he “tripped over” when they were around. He says that the “bureaucratic bloat” needs to be purged at AHS.
Makis says that “2/3 of AHS managers and NDP appointees” need to be fired, as “too many people have been harmed, too many lives have been ruined” as a result of COVID-19 vaccines, which he says took 6000 lives.
The next speaker, Dr. Christopher Shoemaker, begins his speech. Shoemaker also attended the first Injection of Truth event. He discusses an X post he saw from US Senator Rand Paul, where Paul said he would release a transcript outlining the crimes of Dr. Fauci.
Shoemaker says that Fauci is responsible for the creation of the COVID-19 virus and pandemic, which is met with applause from the crowd. He then shows a video, in which Shoemaker says that Fauci gave the virus to Moderna, who then profited off the vaccine they created.
In the video, Shoemaker says the COVID-19 vaccine is not a vaccine, but an “agent” that will destroy society and is full of “known toxicities.” At the end of the video, Shoemaker calls Fauci the “world’s biggest traitor” for his role in the pandemic.
Continuing his speech, Shoemaker discusses “our beloved premier Smith,” where he says he has faith in her and the UCP. “She is the only chance we have to make Alberta Canada’s Florida.”
He says that the “hallmark of good medicine” is keeping an eye out for new medicines that will protect patients. He adds that censoring doctors during the pandemic for “questioning” the mandates and “protecting their patients” was wrong.
He mentions off-the-label treatments for COVID-19, such as ivermectin, which were proven to be effective against the virus, he says. He asks the crowd why these treatments weren’t used, then says it was so a “scam” could be created to make money.
Shoemaker adds that these medicines had been “sitting there on the shelf, ready to be used” after being on approval lists for 35 years.
He then makes a public request to Smith, encouraging her to “do what Tennessee did,” where a medical directive was released, telling health care professionals that they could not keep alternative treatments from patients.
He says that he “saved” his own life with ivermectin in 2022, when he was working in a COVID-19 clinic. He said that his “own immune system” protected him for a year and a half. Shoemaker says that he only got COVID-19 after getting a vaccine.
He adds that the “idiotic jabs” should not be taken by anyone, as they damage your immune system. He then speaks about the vaccine specifically and excess deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic.
He said that in March 2021, excess deaths began a “mountainous climb,” where they rose 500% in Canada. “As the jabs went into our arms, the death rate went up,” Shoemaker adds. “The jab goes in, and produce little razor blades.”
He adds that these “razor blades” go into other areas of the body, mentioning specifically brains, hearts, and placenta for pregnant women, which can then go into “babies’ brains.”
Finishing his speech, he calls for all governments to ban mRNA vaccines. “We are all citizens of the world, and we’ve all been lied to,” Shoemaker says.
Next, a Q&A begins, involving a panel with both Makis and Shoemaker. Elnaga asks a question to Makis regarding vaccines for children. Makis says that if he were to give a vaccine to children under the age of six months, he would be committing “medical malpractice.”
Makis adds that the youngest child to die following a mRNA vaccine was 5 years old, and that there are over 500 deaths in children as a direct result of the COVID-19 vaccine. He says that he’s seen many complications in pregnant women as well, including stillbirths.
He adds that vaccines were never approved for use in pregnant women. Makis mentions Smith’s statements regarding giving parents the choice as to whether they will vaccinate their children, which he says he strongly disagrees with, as there is no informed consent for parents.
To Smith, he says, “do not tell parents they have a choice—they do not.” He says that doctors are under threat of losing their medical license if they discuss the “side effects of vaccines,” which means there is no choice.
Shoemaker is asked what immediate action should be taken against AHS, which he says he won’t answer, as he isn’t from Alberta.
Next, both Makis and Shoemaker are asked how people should engage with the government, following tonight’s event. Shoemaker says that attendees and those concerned can write letters, discussing their loved ones who died after receiving a vaccine.
He adds that he sent letters to every premier in Canada, but received no response. Makis echoes Shoemaker, saying that people need to make themselves heard.
Makis discusses a story he heard about a woman in Ontario, who was offered MAiD instead of treatments for her vaccine injuries. He says “there is nothing these bureaucrats love more than watching victims suffer in silence,” encouraging attendees to speak out.
Shoemaker speaks again, saying that long covid only exists in those who aren’t given adequate treatment, mentioning again his use of ivermectin which cured him of COVID-19.
Elnaga asks the crowd how long attendants drove to attend the event, with some responding that they drove over four hours to attend.
The next panel begins, touching on legal issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. The panel includes Lani Rouillard, Katherine Kowalchuk, and Roger Song, who are all from the Council of Alberta Lawyers.
Song is asked the first question, asking if he supports the initiative announced by the UCP to investigate the different institutions involved in the COVID-19 pandemic. Song answers, saying that these institutions need to be “brought back to their mandate.”
Song continues, saying he is originally from China, where he decided he couldn’t allow his children to live “under that regime.” He said that he received an email from the Alberta Law Society, saying that all lawyers had to receive mandatory training, or get suspended.
He said that this program was an “indoctrination,” and that something in Canada was “wrong” to give the Law Society this power. He adds that 60 lawyers were suspended, even after concerns were raised that the Law Society was forcing “cultural indoctrination.”
Song adds that this “EDI program” was illegal, and that the Law Society had no right to introduce it.
Kowalchuk is asked the next question regarding recent court cases that upheld COVID-19 mandates, and what people can do to protect themselves from potential government overreach. Kowalchuk says that her and Rouillard created Lawyers 4 Truth to educate people on these risks.
She adds that these mandates are meant to “create little communists.” She says that Canada used to be a “country that recognized the power of God and the rule of law, which has slowly been deteriorating.” She says that academia and other institutions have been infiltrated.
She says that this has been so effective, that primary school students are being taught that “men can be women and women can be men” and “land acknowledgments day in and day out.” She says that universities have been infiltrated with “EDI logic.”
Kowalchuk mentions the affirmative action policies held by both the U of A and U of C law schools, which are discriminatory. She says that the Law Society of Alberta is “enamoured” with EDI initiatives, including a competency program required to practice law.
She adds that these “woke mind viruses” need to be eradicated, or nothing is going to change.
Rouillard is asked about the amendments to the Bill of Rights, asking how people can protect themselves against further government overreach.
Rouillard says, “a governing body receives its power and legitimacy from the people,” and that if the government limits freedoms, “is that not communism?”
Rouillard offers a “word of wisdom” to those in the crowd, saying that the current system will inhibit lawyers from protecting their clients. She adds that she isn’t “allowed to speak poorly about the system,” but that she is “at a loss.”
Kowalchuk is asked about Smith’s comments regarding her “wings being clipped,” and if there is any institution higher than the premier. Kowalchuk says that God is higher than the premier, and that He is where “we get all of our laws from.”
“Danielle Smith did say that her wings were clipped at the Tucker Carlson event, which I was surprised she said that,” Kowalchuk says. “We are being governed by unelected bureaucrats” in the WHO, she adds.
“I recognize that this is the way it is, and the way it has been, which is why I’ve been so dedicated for advocating for change in a meaningful way,” Kowalchuk says. She adds that that means electing officials who aren’t “cowards, who are compromised” or who live by lies.
“Danielle Smith, if you are listening, don’t tell lies,” she adds. “There is a lot at stake here.”
Song is then asked, “Danielle Smith has spoken out against discrimination on several occasions. However, Government of Alberta job postings continue to promote EDI hiring practices. Is this approach just?” Song responds that it isn’t just.
He says that God decides diversity, and that EDI initiatives “excludes God.” “Who is going to define what is equity? What is diversity? What is inclusion? The person in power, which is a dictatorship,” Song says.
“Let’s go back to our culture of Christianity. Let’s go back to God,” he says. “God is mercy, God is justice.”
The final question for the panel is about Bill C-293, and asks how this legislation might impact Albertans, “particularly in the event of another pandemic.” Rouillard answers first, saying that the COVID-19 pandemic was “round one.”
“We should be terrified of what’s coming next,” Rouillard says. “Are you going to fall for it next time?”
The next panel includes former Cypress-Medicine Hat MLA Drew Barnes, former Drumheller-Stettler MLA Rick Strankman, and former Calgary-North East MP Arthur Hanger.
Barnes is asked the first question, regarding the UCP’s comments that they “haven’t had time” to enact legislation on parental rights, trans issues, or the Alberta Bill of Rights. He is asked what the steps are to create legislation, and how quickly it can be enacted.
Barnes answers that Smith is “fearful,” and not going to do what it takes to create legislation. He adds that there are only 4 steps to create legislation, and that all steps “could have been done already.”
“Premier Smith, you were asked to lower taxes, provide choices for health care, and protect Albertans from Ottawa. It’s high time to get started,” Barnes adds.
Strankman is then asked if he believes the UCP is moving in the right direction “under current leadership, or if it needs to refocus its priorities.” Wearing a hat that says “Make Alberta Great Again,” Strankman answers that Albertans are struggling.
Hanger is asked the same question asked to the legal panel regarding Smith’s wings “being clipped.” He answers that when he ran, he asked himself what he was running for and what his authority is.
He says that there is a specific set of priorities that lay out what Albertans want from their government, which he says when he was in government, were “common sense,” but very controversial. “These issues were really from the hearts and minds of Albertans,” he says.
He says that Smith has the “top authority given in this province. If you have that authority, use it for the benefit for those who seek to give you that position. She has not done that.”
He asks why Smith doesn’t tell Albertans what is keeping her from fulfilling her promises. “If she doesn’t have the will or the moral obligation, she will never do it,” Hanger adds.
Elnaga mentions the AGM, saying that it is the “largest AGM in Canadian history.” He asks each speaker what three specific actions they would like to see Smith take to “create a strong and freer Alberta.”
Barnes answers that Alberta needs to collect its own taxes, which will allow the province to earn more money and protect itself. As well, he says Alberta needs its own constitution and an independence referendum because of the “broken relationship with Ottawa.”
Strankman says that the “anarchy in the legal system” that he heard during the legal panel surprised him. He mentions Song’s comments regarding the rights of Albertans, and that they are given by God. He seconds Barnes’ suggestions.
“If you run into your MLA, you need to tell them your opinion. If they don’t take it back to the nut house in Edmonton, then tell them again,” he finishes.
Hanger answers last, saying that Smith should begin by declaring to the people of Alberta that the “burdens laid on the backs of people here will be lifted.” He adds, “get out of our schools, get rid of the LGBT and EDI garbage.”
“These things can be cleaned up, all you need is the will to do it,” he adds. He finishes, suggesting the province leave the energy sector and “abandon the carbon capture nonsense.” He adds that there are only two genders, and “God created us that way.”
“It’s nonsense, and it’s distracting,” he adds. “I urge [Smith] to go tell the people the truth.”
Barnes adds more suggestions, which include decentralizing the Alberta healthcare system again, and creating a new college board which would be “parallel” to the current College of Physicians and Surgeons.
The next panel is made up of “commentators and activists,” Elnaga says. He then introduces Take Back Alberta’s David Parker, Coutts protestor and Fort Macleod councillor Marco van Huigenbos, “X fact checker” @Martyupnorth_2, and 1905 Committee member Nadine Wellwood.
@Martyupnorth_2 Peter Wickler, a UCP board member, is also introduced, as well as this panel’s moderator Cameron Davis, who is a political consultant and former marine.
@Martyupnorth_2 Davis says that all the members of the panel insure that “government tyranny does not get out of hand” and ensure that the “grassroots voices across Alberta are heard.” He asks his first question to Wickler, asking what changes he would make to strengthen the party.
@Martyupnorth_2 Wickler answers that during the 2023 election, there was a lot of engagement between MLAs and CAs, which hasn’t occurred since, which he described as disappointing.
@Martyupnorth_2 He then discusses fiscal responsibility, which he says he hasn’t seen from this government, which has a larger budget and more ministers than those that came before it. Lastly, he discusses political will. He says he doesn’t understand why “we can’t do anything” about vaccines.
@Martyupnorth_2 He refers to COVID-19 vaccines as a “kill shot.” He then discusses a case he read about in the press, where a murderer was released after 2 days, but Coutts protesters have been held for 2 years.
@Martyupnorth_2 Wellwood goes next, and is asked about Smith’s upcoming performance evaluation. She says that she has seen “a lot of talk about accountability, but hasn’t seen it.” She adds that she hasn’t seen any courage from politicians, which is needed.
@Martyupnorth_2 She says that she would never tell anyone how to vote in the leadership review, but that voters should listen to their conscience. “I see a lot of fear, comments like ‘there is no one else.’ That is the wrong way to approach things,” she says.
Wellwood adds that that the 1905 committee wants to hold Smith accountable to “true conservative values” and offer critical oversight that Smith’s inner circle should be providing.
Marty Belanger (@Martyupnorth_2) is asked about his concerns regarding Albertans placing too much faith in one leader. Belanger answers that people are trying to silence him, and that he learned a long time ago to “question everything.”
Belanger says that elected officials need to be held accountable and do what they are elected to. He says that he is receiving pushback from his followers for holding Smith accountable, which is necessary “to get good leaders,” he says.
He adds that all politicians need “that recall fear” if they don’t achieve what they set out to.
Von Huigenbos is asked about the “shift in his opinion” regarding Danielle Smith, and the fact that he has said he will not be voting in favour of Smith during her leadership review. He answers that he “really got behind Smith” and what she stood for during her campaign.
“I got behind a campaign that focused on accountability, that promised a full review of the government’s involvement during the COVID-19 pandemic,” he says. “That is the train that I jumped on board. Unfortunately that train never reached the station.”
He says that Smith lost him when she “fell through” on her campaign promises. He adds that there is a grace period for newly-elected politicians, but that things were “not transpiring the way we thought they would.”
“It was clear to me that things were not well in Edmonton,” van Huigenbos said. He adds that it was clear what “got [the UCP] to the top” was not “how they were going to run things.” He adds that Albertans were promised accountability, but did not receive it.
Parker is asked how he would respond to people who feel that Smith is the only “viable option” for the leader of Alberta. Parker says that he is “massively disappointed,” but with the “people of Alberta,” not Smith. He adds that “no one is coming to save you.”
“If Danielle Smith doesn’t do what she said she would, we have to do to her what we did to Jason Kenney,” he says. Parker adds that he wasn’t necessarily a supporter of Smith, but that she was his friend, which is what makes it so disappointing, he says.
“People have fallen in love with the ring of power,” he adds. He says that he has failed Albertans by not realizing that “it is human nature to want to be close to power.”
Wellwood says that “whatever the government gives to you, the government can take away.” She says this is why “we can never hand over our power” to other people, such as the government or special interest groups.
Belanger is asked how he responds to the commentary that there is no one left to lead Alberta. He answers that people probably felt that way under Kenney, but a review was held and “Smith stood up.” He says that no matter what, “there is a person after Danielle.”
“You can’t fall in love with a politician,” he adds.
Wickler is asked what the most significant threats to Albertans is. He says he attended the event because he wants to “see changes.” He discusses the UCP board, which he says are passionate about the party and Alberta. But, he says there is a fear of change.
“I’d like to get rid of that fear,” he adds.
Parker is asked about the opposition he faced from the Kenny government, and if he’s faced similar opposition from the Smith government. He says it’s worse, as he is being investigated by Elections Alberta, which is being pushed by the premier’s office.
“They’re gloating in the premier’s office that I’m going to prison,” Parker adds. “The fact of the matter is that I’m treated worse by the woman I opened the door for.”
Van Huigenbos is asked why it’s important for the UCP to stay united. He initially responds to Parker’s answer first, saying that it’s clear the current government is “attempting to bribe me to work against David [Parker],” despite using Take Back Alberta to get elected.
And that concludes my reporting of the event. Thank you for tuning in!

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