CrémantCommunarde #ResistHate🕊️ Profile picture
Jane Heybroek. Personal acct. Buddhist. Barrister. MA Reconciliation and Peacebuilding. Bodhisattva of the Earth. SIT DOWN AND TALK! #BeAPeacemonger ☮️
Mar 3, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
I haven't watched this for year, but now rewatching it, it is like the IDF used it as a training video. Let us, please, use the second part of this documentary as our own blue-print. We cannot allow Netanyahu and his administration to escape justice in the way Rajapaksa and his government have escaped.
Oct 29, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Was pondering earlier that, in many respects, those who suffered the ordeal by fire during the Corbyn years, being daubed as antisemites when they weren't, have actually had an enormous impact. 1/ 2/ I distinctly remember the first time I was called an antisemite. It was on here, of course, and led to fear and soul-searching and self-reflection and apology at various levels over different periods.
Jun 24, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read
As someone who spent a stint studying Third World Development, before switching to Law (then, subsequently did an MA in Reconciliation and Peacebuilding [brazen appeal to authority. Shut up!] what I see happening in the UK now is a Structural Adjustment Policy 1/ 2/ SAP's were the way in which countries from the developed North intervened in the less-developed South: "We will provide funding if you roll back on public services, education, etc., focus on restructuring to the benefit of big business through transport infrastructure" etc.
Nov 9, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
Buddhist thread for the day:
When my libel case really kicked off in Nov 2019, I took myself up to my Buddhist centre and chanted for 4 hours straight to find a way through. I had spent the summer in a state of high anxiety as I knew failure would bankrupt me. 1/ 2/ While I was chanting I suddenly remembered this Gosho ("writing worthy of respect") from Nichiren Daishonin… A warning against begrudging one's fief.  Your letter dated
Nov 3, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
So anyway, there was this woman who came from a nice middle-class background but found herself in difficult circumstances. She still had her nice middle-class family to support her, and the - then - excellent social security safety net. 1/ 2/ She was a single mum, having separated after an apparently abusive relationship with the father of her child. Fair do's. Given the safety-net, she spent her days sat in a cafe in Scotland writing. The stuff she wrote was good, actually.
Oct 28, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Who remembers The Man In The White Suit - Martin Bell? He stood as an anti-corruption independent and took Neil Hamilton's seat off the Tories in 1997. 🧵 2. Of course, being high-profile due to his journalist background, he was able to get a lot of media attention. But there is nothing to stop any of us standing, either as an independent or for one of the #PAL parties, on an anti-austerity, anti-corruption platform locally.
Oct 12, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Anecdote time: I used to live in France & cut my political teeth there. Everyone and their dog is political. You'd go over the road to the little resto for your set-meal lunch for a five and the local bank manager would be sat at the same table as the local road-sweeper 1/ 2/ and the discussion would ALWAYS be politics. Loud arguments, fists on the table as people disagreed. And at the end of the meal people would shake hands (or kiss if it was women) and off they'd go til the next day. I don't have the same politics as all my French friends
Jun 10, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
1. There are moments in history when we can look back and say "why didn't people do more to stop that?"
One of those moments is happening now. I, frankly, don't give a monkeys if I am disbarred for saying this publicly, but we must, at all costs, resist the removals to Rwanda. 2. I am an immigration lawyer. I might not be one for long if I continue to say this, but the Home Office policy of removing asylum seekers to Rwanda is illegal, no matter what our High Court has said today.
Jun 9, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Puisque j'suis en France maintenant, et les parametres habituels s'appliquent, etant donne les quelques verres de rouge, je suis oblige de partager quelques chansons francaise qui m'ont inspires
1er: William Scheller
2eme: Claude Nougarou
Mar 26, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
Some of you might be wondering about the usefulness of switching off as much as you can for one day, the 1st April.
A🧵 2. Power companies work on the principle that they are able to predict in advance how much energy the nation will use on a given day - even at a given time (ad break during the World Cup, anyone?)
Nov 14, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
1/ I cannot believe it! Sir Day-Late-And-A-Dollar-Short does it again! Conspicuous by his absence throughout #COP26 , he pops up after the ball is over to say this? Just checked his timeline and not a single tweet about climate in the past 10 days! Where is the opposition?! 2/ We are facing literally the biggest existential crisis humankind has ever known. The Paris Accords have gone, and we now have an even bigger mountain to climb than we did 6 years ago due to inaction and broken promises. (Don't suppose Keith can say much about those, tho)
Nov 3, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
1. The thing is, everyone falls into the same pattern time and time again:
a) Outrage on Twitter
2) Sign petitions
3) Email our MPs
4) Rinse and repeat ad nauseam. 2. (You know I'm pee'd off if my come in paragraphs with sub-paragraphs, btw)
Nov 2, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
1. The Tory govt. - ably assisted by Labour, who imo under Blair were one of the worst govt's in terms of civil liberties - are seeking to push through social media legislation in the name of "safety" that, effectively, amounts to a new sedition law: 2. Free speech is not the freedom to incite hatred, criminal acts, or put people in fear of their lives. Freedom of expression is defined in Art. 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, in the following terms: Image
Oct 6, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
1. Raab may be right to say that it's ridiculous for someone convicted of domestic violence to claim right to family life with his victim to stop his deportation. If (unlike Theresa May's cat story) this genuinely happened, you can bet your bottom dollar the courts rejected it. 2. But what Raab is seeking to do is take that right away from everyone - however sustainable their claim may be - on the basis of a few that might push their luck.
Oct 2, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
What is #DowntonAbbeySyndrome?
A 🧵 1. This is my Scottish Papa, Joseph Nicol Bell - 2nd from the right in the back row. He lied about his age to sign up to fight in WW1. He was injured in the Somme.
Sep 30, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Keir Starmer was DPP between 2008 and 2013.
Some of these spy cops are likely to have infiltrated protest and opposition movements during that period.
No wonder he wanted to abstain on the Spy Cops bill.
Congratulations to @fruitbatmania
Don't support her persecutors! 158 page judgment.
I'm going to be busy reading over the next hour or so. 👓
Sep 19, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
1. At the time of the #ChickenCoup, on the anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne in an area of Liverpool known for one or two rough pubs, a window was smashed at the side of a building that just so happened to have Angela Eagle's constituency office at the back of it. 2. I'm sure you all remember the claims that a brick (it wasn't) had been thrown through her window (it wasn't) by Corbyn supporters to threaten Eagle. In fact, the police later confirmed it was a bit of masonry, but never found out who did it.
Sep 15, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
1. People often think that Buddhists should be nice. It is a myth perpetrated by a West that has no understanding of Buddhism.
Thing is, sometimes being "nice" is not compassionate.
It is not "nice" to blithely sit by and let a govt. destroy a country and its people. 2. It is not "nice" to see suffering all around you and sit in your corner, gazing at your naval and wishing for a better world.
It is not "nice" to be silent and calm when the world around you is crying out for help.
Sep 15, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
1. Many years ago I was invited by the Graun to Graun Towers for a round table discussion on racism. I had been "spotted" as someone on their Comments pages who posted a lot about it, and it was felt that my input might be valuable. So off I trotted, middle-class white me. 2. During the course of the discussion, a Black woman was talking about how racism on social media was harming her, and middle-class white me said "well, can't you just log out?" I was a bit shook by her response.
Sep 14, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
1. A word about threats of libel, from someone who has been through the mill. If you have a lawyer who is prepared to work on a no-win-no-fee basis, an insurance company who is prepared to back them, you will almost always win against an ordinary person on twitter. 2. When I say "win", I mean you will be able to force a grovelling apology out of them with a metaphorical gun held to their head - in all likelihood drafted by your own lawyer - because the costs of defending a libel suit are excruciating, and beyond most people's means.
Aug 18, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
1/ I just remembered something really odd.
In the run-up to the Iraq invasion, me and a bunch of friends did a little protest in our little town, holding up a banner saying "Choose Peace". A young woman pulled up at the side of the road and started shouting at us. 2/ She was really upset because her brother was in the armed forces and was likely to be deployed. And she was angry at us for protesting against it. We tried our best to explain that the reason we were protesting was because we didn't want him to have to go.