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4/8/15 16:23:42
Aug 11 15 tweets 6 min read
1/🔄Appreciate summary on 6 cats w/#H5N1 B3.13 from CO by Colorado Vet Med Assoc (CVMA):
– Only 1 assoc w/known infected dairy farm
– 3 = known indoor/outdoor cats; hunted mice/ small birds & spent time w/owners
– 2 = indoor only cats; Ø direct exposures

(H/t also @thijskuiken)
Image 2/➡️5 of 6 cases presented w/similar clinical signs & disease progression:
– Initial lethargy & ↓appetite
– Followed by progressive resp signs in some &
– Progressive neurologic signs in most

NOTE: – Presentation indistinguishable from rabies once neurologic signs presented
Jul 30 5 tweets 3 min read
1/⚠️Wyoming, we have an #H5N1 PROBLEM⚠️
– 45 WY cattle seqs (initially shared to SRA 6/14) were re-uploaded to GenBank, now w/actual collectn date & locatn
– Collectn date = 4/29 **BUT**
– WY's 1st & only affected herd was confd June 6

@HelenBranswell @Alexander_Tin @RickABright

2/ – This is either a mistake w/collectn date,
or WY did what OK did – collected samples from an infected herd & then SAT on them for over a month & likely only submitted them once the financial support program rolled out.

@RajlabN @cbarbermd
@HelenBranswell @RickABright
Jul 27 13 tweets 3 min read
1/⚠️@UKHSA upgraded it's situational assessment for #H5N1 B3.13 from level 3 to 4 (of 6):
✅This clear, accurate risk assessment is appreciated

—Points I'd like to touch on:—
1⃣Onwards transmission to poultry
2⃣↑Risk of reassortment
3⃣No apparent ↓xmsn w/↑biosecurity measures
Image 1B/ ***Disclaimers:***
– This assessment describes the chance of #H5N1 B3.13 causing outbreaks in humans (in general), not the risk to specific individuals
– None of this should be taken to mean a B3.13 pandemic in humans is imminent
Jun 24 5 tweets 3 min read
1/⚠️The #H5N1 detection in a cat from Harmon Co, OK is **genotype B3.13**
• There've been NO reported OK dairy herds affected
• But 10 of 12 retail milk samples processed in OK tested PCR +ive
• Only 1 detection in a wild bird in JAN this yr & none in poultry flocks

2/ Harmon Co is in southwest OK, on the border w/TX. – OK is in the central flyway & borders states that've had cattle herd detections (TX, NM, KS, CO – 3 of which had early detections)
– This cat could’ve traveled into TX & been exposed to B3.13 there (dairy herd, poultry farm…
Jun 9 7 tweets 3 min read
1/📢@CDCgov @EIDjournal early release by @utmbhealth team responding to an early #H5N1 dairy cattle outbreak (March):
• Illness in cattle 1st seen MAR 6
•⚠️Several workers had ILI Sx, missed work MAR 4–6⚠️

Image 1B/⚠️Workers w/ILI Sx MAR 4–6:
– Maternity worker treated for ILI Sx (Rx not specified)
– 2 milkers w/ILI Sx stayed home
– Notes "rumors of […] conjunctivitis among TX dairy farm workers"
– Ø conjunctivitis/ severe illness/ hospitalizations reported in workers from this farm
Apr 23 8 tweets 3 min read
More info (some concerning) on our ongoing, multi-state #H5N1 outbreak in dairy cattle from the always thorough & informative @sciencecohen:

1/science.org/content/articl… 🚨 Concerning 🚨 – Vets relay anecdotes of dairy workers w/flu-like Sx who don’t not want to be tested or seen by docs.

I’m guessing there’s been a lack of clear communication w/these workers (often migrants, non-English speaking or undocumented)

@RickABright #H5N1 #HPAI
2/ Image
Apr 20 4 tweets 2 min read
Good to see @CDCgov's #H5N1 update, but this isn't at all clear about (IMO much needed) surveillance in dairy farm/ other farm workers.

Epi field study/ site visit are good steps but likely not nimble enough to address the current situation.
#HPAI #AvianFlu

I rly hope the One Health Approach cited means more is in the works in terms of surveillance (in cows as well as humans), but IDK how much authority @CDCgov has at dairy farms.

@USDA @USDA_APHIS aren't recommending testing for asymptomatic cows and >>

#H5N1 #HPAI #AvianFlu
Apr 20 5 tweets 3 min read
Promising news: per @nmpf's CSO, research is underway from @US_FDA & @USDA
to eval impact of pasteurization (& other processes) on #H5N1 #HPAI in milk:
(Thx @Alexander_Tin)

cc: @RickABright @HelenBranswell @thijskuiken @MarionKoopmans @KrutikaKuppalli
1/ Some more details here also on the clinical course of #H5N1 #HPAI in dairy cattle & timeline on farms:

cc: @RickABright @HelenBranswell @thijskuiken @MarionKoopmans @KrutikaKuppalli @EckerleIsabella
2/ tinalexander.github.io/notes/2024/04#…

Aug 21, 2022 5 tweets 7 min read
@nicolamlow @angie_rasmussen Yup, the @PIDJournal report on the 2 cases exported to the UK is *much* more informative than that mess in @LancetRespirMed.

NOTE though, there have already been multiple reports from India that "tomato flu" is #HFMD (that the Lancet authors basically ignored) >>

@nicolamlow @angie_rasmussen @PIDJournal @LancetRespirMed Health alerts in May from the districts in Kerala that were 1st affected already stated the colloquially termed "tomato flu" is #HFMD


Feb 14, 2020 9 tweets 22 min read
14FEB (via @ChannelNewsAsia)
Singapore confirms 9 new #COVID19 cases, bringing the total to 67.

• 6 of the new cases are linked to the Grace of God Church cluster.

@KrutikaKuppalli @HelenBranswell @ScottGottliebMD @UNMC_DrKhan @MackayIM @V2019N

@ChannelNewsAsia @KrutikaKuppalli @HelenBranswell @ScottGottliebMD @UNMC_DrKhan @MackayIM @V2019N 14FEB contd
• Grace of God Church cluster now has 13 cases

• Unclear if the other 3 new #COVID19 cases have known links to travel/transmission chain.
(Awaiting @sporeMOH report.)

• 6 (-1) cases remain in critical care/ICU

• 2 discharges (total recovered cases = 17)
