Milena Bereket Profile picture
African affairs & propaganda on #Africa analyzed & debunked with humor🥢 & sarcasm🍴 because there's no other way to stomach the insanity.....
May 12, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The Independent 🇪🇷 story turns 32yrs this May 24.

It's a story that has countless chapters that have yet to be adequately documented.

It's a story of a principled leadership driven by the pursuit of equity & social justice - not just for its own people but humanity at large. It's a story of a people denied, again and again, the opportunity to live in peace.

It's a story of a struggle to exist outside the constricting diktat reserved for Africans and Afro-descendants.

It's a fascinating tale of determination, resilience, & a commitment to truth.
Mar 21, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
TPLF went on a narrative-control offensive one day before it slaughtered Ethiopians in their sleep in Nov 2020. It's now, again, on a narrative-control offensive as it tries to project its own heinous crimes on others.

...and all of this with the help of its US/West godfathers. The coordination isn't lost on you, is it? Proof that TPLF has always been a neocolonial tool with no agency of its own. Its role is to facilitate US/West control of this region. It used Tigray as cannon fodder. It slaughtered Amhara & Afar. It worked to suffocate Eritrea.
Mar 20, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
...a new PR strategy just dropped courtesy of TPLF'ites: the politicization of transitional justice. As Ethiopia says, "yes, of course", they're saying "no, can't happen within a national framework" 🤦🏿‍♀️

Begs the question...why?

I guess they're banking on their US godfather to squeeze in ample space for goalpost shifting & loopholes...
Jan 22, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
If there was a way to measure resilience in the face of colossal amounts of provocation/hostility - lasting decades - Eritreans would break the scales. Young, old, women, men - Eritreans have paid dearly - patiently waiting for a time when insecurity/war is a thing of the past... ...but this skewed world only sees what empire wants it to see, never the complete picture, never context, never sequence of events. This is exactly why the narrative is hurriedly being reframed now. Those who committed unforgivable atrocities over decades are painted as victims.
Nov 16, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
There is a good reason - a very justifiable reason - for people to be unapologetically & very vocally anti-USFP in the Horn of Africa. The United States of Sanctions & Chaos will do everything in its power to keep our countries divided & in a constant state of subservience. Read this 👇🏿 arrogant briefing. Pay attention to the deliberate sequencing of questions. Read between the lines. Notice how Nairobi is given more value than Pretoria. Zoom in on every statement, said & unsaid. If this doesn't convince you, nothing will.…
Oct 21, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Hammer represents the "gardners" who've tried everything under the sun to control, silence, & had it been possible, erase Eritrea. This country has defied all odds & challenged every imperialist maneuvering. Added bonus? Ethiopians saying #NoMore & refusing to UNsee the truth! In his first interview after the signing of the Joint Declaration of Peace & Friendship between 🇪🇷 & 🇪🇹 Pres Isaias placed this new period (post 2018) in a broad/historical context, which includes the now *failed* hegemonic plans (via TPLF) for the Horn of Africa...
Oct 5, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
There's an elephant in the room that they're ignoring (perhaps deliberately sidelining?). So many questions. For one, if biased powers ("guarantors") from faraway continents are invited to the table, why isn't 🇪🇷 who has been the victim of these "guarantors" & their HoA lackey? I don't think anyone can truly understand just how hungry Eritreans are for peace. For proof, look back at images from 2018 - openly embracing Ethiopians; looking/planning forward; actively shifting their energy from doubt & imposed wars to peaceful coexistence & shared growth...
Sep 18, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
Reminder - 🇪🇹 was untouchable for almost 3 decades (meaning the US/West's best friend, no matter how destructive its policies were within the country itself!) as long as it held the noose around 🇪🇷 - a country whose only sin was saying #NoMore, believing: Africa for Africans... This is why when Eritreans #SayNoMore & join the call to #DisarmTPLF they're doing so b/c every aspect of their lives was affected by TPLF's warmongering in this region & by the US/West hostility & foreign policies that aimed at suffocating our development & peaceful coexistence!
Sep 16, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
There's an interview with Eritrea's Pres. Isaias where he breaks down the past eight decades into four stretches of time. Understanding each stretch is crucial to appreciating the sacrifices paid, the opportunities lost, the resilience needed to endure, and the strength gained... ...although there must always be forward movement, the knowledge, experiences, and lessons gained from the past must never be forgotten and must inform and serve as guide/compass, when making any plans for the future...
Sep 15, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
As someone who's familiar with the industrial aid complex & post-conflict reconstruction business, I sometimes cannot help but drive around Eritrea with a “what if…?” cloud hanging over my head. What if it was business as usual? What if we had leaders who settled for crumbs...? ✔️ Country signs declaration of independence at breakfast.
✔️ Country raises flag at lunch.
✔️ Country sings national anthem at dinner.
✔️ ...and before the break of dawn of the next day, development partners swoop in and take over the rest of the nation-building process...
Sep 15, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Good Morning HoA, please remember that the *narrative manufacturing* in favor of one group/country over another that you see happening today isn't new. The West has been at it for decades. The difference right now is that *so many more of us* are aware of the game & fighting it! Right now we have one common goal - #disarmTPLF & #SayNoMore to neocolonial tools that have held us hostage, deliberately keeping our energy and focus on wars, and even more deliberately kept us from talking/listening to each other & understanding that we're in this together!
Feb 18, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
The fact that we have people in our midst that believe there's "nothing to be outraged" by sanctions is outrageous. On moral grounds alone, what right does the US, a country that goes around the globe bombing others, killing/displacing millions, stealing trillions, have? Plenty has been said about how #sanctionskill - directly and indirectly - no matter how "benign" the language & "targeted" the clauses are. This is said by the people on the ground & the voices/analysts/experts that mainstream media loves to ignore. Again, plenty and fact-based.
Feb 16, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Rolling my eyes, reading statements from different Europeans about what this summit aims to do. Not sure which one is more outrageous - one that injects a comment about "uncontrolled population growth" or one that's entirely based on how to "outcompete China". #notgood4Africa Africa! I beg you, O! Speak in a united voice! Tell EU that investment/trade is welcome, but not in reaction to or to "control 🇨🇳's spread". Remind EU'ans that their developed countries are stained w/your people's blood. It's now time for Africa to get lion's share, not crumbs!