Lori King Profile picture
I'm here for politics, art, books, music & meeting new friends along the way. i make many calls & have many meetings. As mouthy off twitter as on it.
Jun 28, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
To the weak willed defeatists so willing to throw Trudeau under the bus, give your fucking heads a shake. This man & his team put blood, sweat & tears into bringing party out of basement. Recruited strong candidates ( some now stabbing him in back) raised $, & volunteers 1/ For 20 years RW pubditry, feckless political journos & a massive Cpc team of dark $ corp think tanks, shady digital media groups & ratfucking maggots like kinsella have been working to bring him down. Now, to be sure some wounds self afflicted, but every elxn Lpc fought & won 2/
Aug 16, 2020 16 tweets 5 min read
Progressives, since @denisebatters such an advocate of feminism, lets remind her of cpc 'feminism'. I'll start. Remember when Mackay appointed Robin Camp to fed judge over cdn, alb born female lawyers on advice of Rona and Kenney cause he was good party supporter. #cdnpoli Or when laureen harper chose cats over missing & murdered indigenous women? #cdnpoli @denisebatters