Alex Martinelli Profile picture
Data Scientist @Zalando Previously @IBMWatson. CV, Generative-Models, Representation-Learning. Drawings+Generative-Art @
Feb 7, 2022 34 tweets 19 min read
A collection of #geometrynodes tips and tricks (full node-tree + optional demo video)

Starting with a simple but very useful value-loop. Can tweak the RGB curve from the current linear behavior to your preferred setup.

#b3d Can also add your tweening function in between.

Here using cx^2 + (1-c)x

(for more details about tweening see: )

#b3d #geometrynodes
Nov 3, 2021 12 tweets 14 min read
#nodevember2021 day 1-2, 3-sided

#nodevember #b3d #animationnodes #abstract #loop #nodevember2021 day 3-4, 4-sided

3D recursive subdivision in geometry-nodes. A popular one, but was a good exercise for me to do it purely in GN after old work in AN

#nodevember #b3d #geometrynodes