We Were Lied To About 9/11 Profile picture
For 23 years we have been lied to by our Gov about what happened on 9/11. The time for real justice is now. If you need to label me, call me a human being.
Jan 2, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
(1) "A lot of people have lost track of the 9/11 issue over the years, but Jon Gold has doggedly stuck with trying to uncover the full truth. He's been a champion for the 9/11 Families, the 9/11 First Responders, he has committed civil disobedience for this cause, wrote a book... (2) ...did a radio show, turned that radio show into another book, gave the makers of 9/11: Press For Truth the money they needed to finish that film that I was a part of, and more. He's worth listening to, and we need more people like him."
May 8, 2022 11 tweets 6 min read
@caitoz (1) 9/11 was the "greatest scandal in American political history." By far. How many millions did we kill, displace, torture or wound in the name of 9/11? How many infrastructures of countries have we destroyed in the name of 9/11? How many civil liberties did we lose... @caitoz (2) ...in the name of 9/11? How many police have become militarized in the name of 9/11? What is going on in the Ukraine RIGHT NOW is a DIRECT RESULT of our actions after 9/11. Completely destabilizing the Middle East in Putin's backyard in the name of 9/11. Putting military...
May 7, 2022 30 tweets 6 min read
#wewereliedtoabout911 #911Justice #911Truth #OmarAlBayoumi #PrinceBandar Philip Zelikow is the "smoking gun" of 9/11 as far as showing that we never had and desperately need a real investigation into 9/11. Outside the reach of those with a vested interest in suppressing the truth
May 7, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
My first book talks about Bandar's financial connections to 9/11. That was released in January 2012. Do I win something? (1) It was this information... 911truthnews.com/the-facts-spea…

"In Fact #14, I mention that “the co-chair of the Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11, Bob Graham, wrote an article that said, “…the (Saudi) agent secured and paid for an apartment. He arranged flight lessons.
May 7, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
#wewereliedtoabout911 #911Justice #911Truth Here is my new book. It's a free gift for everyone. Please read, share, retweet the hell out of this. Thank you. wewereliedtoabout911.com Here are links to both of my books for free...

9/11 Truther: The Fight For Peace, Justice & Accountability

We Were Lied To About 9/11: The Interviews
May 7, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
For some reason, the pinned tweet I had of my second book has disappeared. Can someone help me find that tweet please? It's the one that says it's a gift for everyone, etc... Thanks. #wewereliedtoabout911 #911Justice #911Truth Here is my new book. It's a free gift for everyone. Please read, share, retweet the hell out of this. Thank you. wewereliedtoabout911.com

That's what it says. It had 112 Likes or something, but A LOT of information in the thread.
May 7, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
#PaulJosephWatson #InfoWars #AlexJones (1) bylinetimes.com/2022/05/06/wip… (2) How many of you openly admit that at one time, you listened to Paul Joseph Watson? I never did. I barely listened to Alex Jones. There is no shame in once listening to him. Everyone makes mistakes. As I wrote in my first book...
Jun 23, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
#SoldierSuicides (1) Posting because of this story yesterday...

nbcnews.com/news/military/… (2) I've been covering it for years. As I said yesterday "I'm guessing their conscience got to them after realizing they killed, wounded and displaced people so rich people could become more rich. Or, they lost friends, etc... something like that. It's horrible."

Let it sink in.
Jun 10, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
#wewereliedtoabout911 #911Justice #911Truth #SuspiciousBehavior (1) What qualifies as suspicious behavior? Bush telling his principals 10 days after his inauguration to "go find me a way" to go into Iraq? Cheney meeting with nearly every oil executive in existence... (2) ...and discussing Iraq's oil fields months before 9/11, even though those executives denied meeting with him before Congress? People in the Bush Administration discussing creating a "cassus belli" for war with Iraq prior to 9/11? FBI Superiors blocking subordinates...
Apr 1, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
.@RepAdamSchiff (1) Don't create a "9/11 Style Commission" for the coronavirus.

"The 9/11 Commission was mandated to follow the facts surrounding the events of September 11, 2001 to wherever they might lead and make national security recommendations based upon those facts. (2) Sadly, prior to even beginning their investigation, like you, the 9/11 Commissioners agreed amongst themselves that their role was to /fact find, not fault find/.

This decision resulted in individuals not being held accountable for their specific failures.