Alberta MD War Room Profile picture
Alberta's Most Followed War Room--double the followers at $30mill/yr less. Stompers of UCP Mediocre Bros. Médecins Sans F__ks™️.
Feb 14, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
This is the ICU bed the Edmonton Police Service put Pacey Dumas in on Dec 9th, 2020.

EPS--who would not even TICKET the people terrorizing #YEG streets this weekend.

The convoy was blockading bridges.
EPS assaulted Pacey AT HIS OWN HOME.

The convoy? White.
Pacey? Indigenous.🧵 SEVEN cops showed up at Pacey's family home because they heard someone saw him with a folding knife earlier. SEVEN COPS.

Pacey was 5'7, 110 pounds.

Listen to his lawyer describe what happened next.
[Oh and btw she used to be a lawyer for EPS. She's not anymore.]
Sep 16, 2021 51 tweets 10 min read
Jason Kenney starts off saying we are in an emergency even though we all wish we could turn the page and leave COVID where Matt Wolf says it is and have another Stampede. So he is declaring a public health emergency and blames it on everybody else. He says we have to do 3 things
More health care capacity
Stop hanging out with each other
Get vaccinated

Resign was not mentioned
Sep 9, 2021 40 tweets 7 min read
So this CMOH presser will begin "shortly" and we don't even know why Shandy goes to these anymore. He's like the Kardashian brother. Nobody really remembers he exists but when he shows up we remember what a weenie he is. OK here we go Shandy says they don't want people in hospitals any more so they are putting up 0.7 times the budget of their war room to pay for care aids to keep people at home.
Sep 3, 2021 50 tweets 6 min read
The hold music lyrics: we suuuuuuck, ur fuuuucked

Sing along It looks like they r running late. He's totally back from that holiday a new changed man
Jul 28, 2021 29 tweets 4 min read
Dr Hinshaw shows up wearing a mask for some reason and does the performative thing with the hand sani.
She says she's pleased to be back.
Then she talks about the numbers going up and blames unvaccinated people but not herself. She says two doses of vaccines is important for delta variant but for some reason doesn't mention that her reopening strategy was only based on one dose %
Jun 10, 2021 30 tweets 5 min read
Jason starts this press conference saying he wants to celebrate going to Stage 2. Then he puts up the most useless slide we have ever seen. He says thanks for getting vaccinated and "welcome to Stage 2". You can now go to your favorite restaurants except Bottega 104 which is only open when it is not supposed to be in order to serve boring assholes breaking rules.
Jun 8, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
We are only going to cover the questions today and we are pretty sure we do not have to explain why.
Apr 6, 2021 36 tweets 5 min read
Jason Kenney starts off the presser with his heartfelt condolences to over the families of over 2000 Albertans who died because of his incompetence. He says there is a race between the variants and the virus and the variants are winning.

[Actually the wild type virus isn't losing either. YOU are Jason you stupid joystick.]
Jan 5, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Second question from Rick Bell: "Quite bluntly, what is your reaction [Hinshaw] to the white hot anger of Albertans about what's happened in the past few days and Naheed Nenshi is really bad too."

Tyler says he's not asking for forgiveness because the UCP got 1M votes. CMOH says she understands why Albertans are angry but we're all so tired and so we should be compassionate with the people who went on vacation?

Tyler comes back to say thank you for sacrifices which was a better answer than the CMOHs. wtf.