Authorised by Dr. Cassandra Goldie, Australian Council of Social Service, Level 3, 219-241 Cleveland St, Strawberry Hills NSW.
Jul 4, 2024 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
A thread on the government's social security bill that has just passed the Senate. This bill implements the government's social security budget measures including lifting rent assistance by 10%,
providing $27.50 extra a week for 4,700 people receiving JobSeeker who are assessed as able to work 0-14 hours a week.
The bill also makes some small changes to the Carer Payment to make it more flexible, as recommended by advocates and the EIAC (which we welcome).
May 1, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
ACOSS's firm view is that JobSeeker, Youth Allowance and related payments are inadequate for all.
We must #RaisetheRate to at least $76 a day so that people can cover the basics.
A 🧵- comments attributable to @cassandragoldie 1/5
There are more than 1.1million people receiving these payments. People studying, people who are caring, single parents, people who have an illness or disability and people trying to find paid work, young and older people all facing financial destitution. 2/5