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May 6th 2023
good morning👑happy Sunday! Today on #Insiders are ABC radio host Patricia Karvelas, 9fax columnist Sean Kelly and AFR senior corro Jacob Gerber. The interview is with shadow treasurer Angus Taylor.
opening spiel: budgets are about choices. Speers says, as he did last week, that we will find out about Labor Party priorities on budget night. Labor wants to do it all, he says, which is not true. #Insiders
budget editorialising. Surplus v structural deficit. The tax change on gas production, which I missed. Is this a montage? Karvelas voice over, Chalmers jogging. Gallagher saying strong a lot. Hume posturing. Lowe on inflation. #Insiders
Read 43 tweets
May 1st 2023
ACOSS's firm view is that JobSeeker, Youth Allowance and related payments are inadequate for all.

We must #RaisetheRate to at least $76 a day so that people can cover the basics.

A 🧵- comments attributable to @cassandragoldie 1/5
There are more than 1.1million people receiving these payments. People studying, people who are caring, single parents, people who have an illness or disability and people trying to find paid work, young and older people all facing financial destitution. 2/5
8 in ten people on JobSeeker - 684,000 - have been struggling to survive on the payment for 12 months or more.

374,000 ppl on JobSeeker and Youth Allowance have an illness or disability that prevents full time paid work. 3/5
Read 5 tweets
Apr 22nd 2023
good morning ☀️ happy Sunday! Today on #Insiders are dailyaus journo Tom Crowley, murdoch politics editor Samantha Maiden, and murdoch columnist Peter van Onselen. The interview is with Finance Minister and Minister for Women Katy Gallagher.
opening spiel: reviews of the RBA and defence got lots of coverage; reviews on women and “helping the poor” are a headache for the government. #Insiders
the government has not rushed to accept recommendations of “its own handpicked advisory panels”. The single parent payment recs are in the womens advisory - for the obvious reason - and #RaiseTheRate is in the poverty committee recs. #Insiders
Read 42 tweets
Apr 22nd 2023
Bread is something we tend to take for granted. It sustains life.

So I thought I'd take a look at price rises of this staple by reviewing my online shop @woolworths invoices.

I focussed on one simple product:

Woolworths Wholemeal Soft Sandwich Bread.

My invoices reveal..
SEPT 2016. $1.50
MAY 2017. $1.50
MAR. 2020. $1.60
NOV. 2020. $1.60
JULY 2021. $1.70
JUNE 2022. $1.90
SEPT 2022. $2.20
APRIL 2023. $2.20
TODAY. 😡😡 $2.70
The price of a basic house brand wholemeal soft sandwich bread loaf has increased $1.10 through the pandemic.

This is a 69% price hike in three years!!!
With a steep rise this month.

I guess I'll look at milk next..

#RaiseTheRate @JEChalmers

Read 10 tweets
Apr 20th 2023
fear of editors is no excuse. The opinions of wealthy media operatives and their boomer audiences are not of greater value or legitimacy than the material hardship of people on centrelink payments. Many of whom are also workers so the ideologics are also rubbish, COMRADES.
there is literally a real life social experiment in the covid supplement and its data and analysis are widely available. Not raising the rate CREATES and exacerbates mental and other health conditions. Raising the rate will cut demand for relevant services OVERNIGHT.
anyway fuck the constant public dEBaTe and eC0N0MiC arguments. People matter more than nuclear submarines. Landlords and franking boomers don’t need handouts. None of this is contestable. Raise the fucking rate. RAISE THE RATE. #RaiseTheRate.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 27th 2023
THREAD: @AusUnemployment at today's #PovertyInquiry

First, @CatherineCaine reminds the government: "when you were in Opposition, many of your members, including the current PM, made clear...statements about the inadequacy of income support & the need to increase it immediately"
Next, AUWU member Lee-Anne: "Long gone are the days when [Job Service providers] would do anything to assist"

"I still cannot scrape together just a couple of hundred dollars to access training I would dearly love to do" #PovertyInquiry
Andrew, another AUWU member: "I am buying my medication on AfterPay." #PovertyInquiry
Read 9 tweets
Feb 11th 2023
good morning☀️happy Sunday! Today on #Insiders are guardian aus politics editor Katharine Murphy, ABC politics editor Andrew Probyn, and 9fax (AFR) politics corro Phil Coorey. The interview is with federal Treasurer Dr Jim Chalmers.
opening spiel: orthodox and wrong economic statements about inflation and unemployment. The political fallout of an “independent” RBA. #Insiders
we then conflate the resignation of adulterous enforcer of unlawful persecution of poor people from the lower house with Senator Lidia Thorpe announcing her move to the Senate cross bench. #Insiders
Read 36 tweets
Dec 5th 2022
We're kicking off with the #PovertyInquiry hearing 🧵👇 #BTPM

1st session will hear from @QCOSS_, @BasicRightsQld and Zig Zag Young Women's Research Centre.

The #ParentsNEXT inquiry doesn't start til 11:30 AEDT, there was an error on the @Aust_Parliament website for that one.
@QCOSS_ @BasicRightsQld @Aust_Parliament From @QCOSS_: Low income households spend more on fuel, food, housing, electricity and water than households with higher incomes.

Median rent in Brisbane has increased by 13% and fuel by 17%.

Income support payments have increased 4% due to indexation. #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@QCOSS_ @BasicRightsQld @Aust_Parliament A @QCOSS_ survey found that poor mental health, stigma and shame are stopping people from seeking support.
Read 52 tweets
Nov 26th 2022
good morning☀️happy Sunday! Today on #Insiders are Guardian politics editor Katharine Murphy, murdoch politics editor James Campbell and former Costello staffer/murdoch columnist, current Costello-chaired 9fax (SMH/the Age) columnist/author of new book Niki Savva.
the interview is with employment and workplace relations minister Tony Burke. #Insiders
opening spiel: Andrews makes history, federal implications, tuff times for Liberal Party politicians. #Insiders
Read 53 tweets
Oct 29th 2022
good morning☀️happy Sunday! It’s an Oz fest at #Insiders today. Rosie Lewis, current corro at the Australian, ABC radio host Pat Karvelas and 9fax (smh/Age) chief corro David Crowe, both formerly of the Australian. The interview is with federal Treasurer Dr Jim Chalmers.
Speers has penned another of his dull nothing-nothing goes-nowhere who-can-say opeds. These are always 800-word cladding on core anti-Labor CPG themes like bR0KeN pR0MiSeS or c0sT BL0w0utS or whatever vested message they land on each week.
opening spiel: bill shock, alarm, the sky is falling and the federal Treasurer has to manage household budgets apparently #Insiders
Read 43 tweets
Oct 25th 2022

Labor pretended to care about vulnerable and poor people. A thread of Labor MPs that said we should #raisetherate and then did nothing.

People on welfare cannot afford basic needs. Starving. Sick. Cold. We can do better.
Anthony Albanese (Albo) refuses to raise the rate after sharing no-one can live on it.

Tanya Plibersek refuses to raise the rate after sharing that $40 a day cannot get a person a job, it will force them into poverty.

Read 24 tweets
Oct 8th 2022
good morning happy Sunday☀️today on #Insiders are TSP chief corro Karen Middleton, 9fax (Age/smh) columnist Sean Kelly, and murdoch (Oz) assistant editor Cameron Stewart. The interview is with liberal party leader Peter Dutton.
opening spiel is Speers kicking the media campaign to influence tax policy along. #Insiders
more from Speers on whether the federal government is un/likely to change tax policy. The montage is a media-run tax policy campaign clip. They are out of control lol #Insiders
Read 40 tweets
Oct 7th 2022
A Thread:
A year ago, I was working (underemployed). I rented and had approx $36000 in assets.
Landlord decided not to renew lease after 4 years.
Not a bad tenant. Always paid rent, and no damage to property.
Paid rent throughout covid, without even a thought.
Car broke down with major repairs and it was essential for my job as a support worker, transporting customers.
I consequently lost my job.
No one would rent to me due to low/lack of income.
Public housing waiting list over 10 years.
Became homeless.
Everything went into storage.
After a couple of days on streets, mentally broken I found my way to start couch surfing.
I had a plan to retrain, get work and fix my car, and get life happening again.
I used my jobseeker payments to pay off my current loan and debts...
Read 25 tweets
Sep 8th 2022
not hearing any of that infamous balance on the wireless today.
be a good day to #RaiseTheRate.
RN busy prosecuting the myth of royal neutrality.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 7th 2022
🚨 Check out our latest paper in @IJBNPA

We ask "Is high food insecurity the new normal?"

Our study showed the prevalence of #foodinsecurity in #Tasmania #Australia was 28% during lockdown, 20% after restrictions eased and 23% at 1 year post lockdown.… Image
Food insecurity is unlikely to return to pre-pandemic levels (or lower) without intervention!

Vulnerable groups such as young adults, temporary residents and families with dependent children are still struggling to put healthy food on the table every day. Image
The Tasmanian Government know that emergency food relief is NOT the solution to #foodinsecurity.

BUT substantially MORE investment is required for initiatives if they are serious about building food system resilience & reducing #foodinsecurity… Image
Read 7 tweets
Sep 5th 2022
Government Budgets.
There's no such thing as "not enough money" to be able to #raisetherate.
Source: The government itself.…
Don't believe me? Read the government's Budget Review.…
In fact, there's a fun little nugget of information here.
The "1 trillion debt" shock propaganda is just that, because not only is Australia one of the lowest gross debt countries around, as the economy improves (which #raisetherate would do), the debt actually drops!
Read 4 tweets
Aug 11th 2022
just #RaiseTheAge cowards. Stop giving police more powers to wreck lives. Take one away.
AG talkfest today. They would rather expand police powers to criminalise and incarcerate Black people than take away the police power to target and criminalise Black children. Image
the chief law officers in every jurisdiction are going to announce today that these blokes are the solution to domestic violence. Image
Read 17 tweets
Jul 7th 2022
there is no data on Aboriginal and Tortes Strait Islander women so your report is jeopardised - Veronica Gorrie👏🏼👏🏼 #QandA
and what about police violence, says Gorrie. Aboriginal women are falsely identified as perpetrators by police.

This happened to my niece. She was thrown in the wagon - it was a wake - and driven 90 kms away “for her safety”. She was terrified. They could have killed her.
it’s because they don’t give a shit about us they do not care about Aboriginal women - Gorrie.
Yes it is.
Read 17 tweets
Jun 25th 2022
good morning from unceded Darug lands☀️this Sunday on #Insiders are Guardian politics corro Amy Remeikis, 9fax columnist and former Labor staffer Sean Kelly, and murdoch foreign affairs writer Greg Sheridan. The interview is with federal Treasurer Dr Jim Chalmers.
opening spiel: hopes fade of wage rises says Speers, based on a plea from the RBA governor, who spent the last seven years calling for wage rises and for the federal government to #RaiseTheRate. #Insiders
what Albanese is not saying - a specific wage rise beyond the 5+% for workers on the minimum wage - and where he is going - to patch up relations with France (not said: which were trashed by Scott Morrison) and to shake hands with Zelensky. #Insiders
Read 44 tweets
Apr 14th 2022
Pretty disappointed with how #TheBusiness portrayed me. I told a much larger story than this, and though it is well summed up with an angst around affordability that doesn’t go away, including rent, petrol, food, essentials (not mentioned) it was so much more than that. #auspol
There was no mention of the #RoyMorgan #unemployment statistic of 8.5%, nor that the ABS figure of 4% is fanciful in not counting anyone as unemployed who works just one hour a week, or has weeks off having worked in the gig economy, or who is sick, injured, etc. #auspol
That employees are working those #jobs created by the need to clean up after the recent #floods. That right now employment going down - is to be expected - as the #casual labour market has soaked up the extra workers needed and under and unemployed people have stepped up. #auspol
Read 19 tweets
Jan 29th 2022
good morning☀️happy new year! This week on #Insiders are Guardian Politics editor Katharine Murphy, 9fax (AFR) correspondent Phil Coorey and Perth radio host and columnist Gareth Parker.
The interview is with Labor leader Anthony Albanese.
opening spiel: speculative claim about omicron wave, statement that “political bruises remain”.
What’s the Morrison government perspective, skip?
Well, it “wasn’t the summer we hoped for, especially for the government”. #Insiders
montage is politicians and journalists on omicron. The Albanese line about being easier to get covid that rapid antigen tests gets a run. So does Chalmers locating responsibility where it belongs. #Insiders
Read 42 tweets
Nov 20th 2021
good morning from unceded Darug lands☀️today on #Insiders are ABC broadcaster Pat Karvelas, 9fax chief corro David Crowe and Perth radio host and columnist Gareth Parker.
The interview is with shadow Treasurer Dr Jim Chalmers.
This thread is not fact-checked.
Opening spiel: “ugly protests death threats and fake gallows”. Speers says federal and state leaders are “split” over the violence.
What’s the Morrison perspective, skip? The condemnation lie came first. Then the phoney freedom comms. #Insiders
the montage, unwisely in my opinion, gives coverage to the worst threats made by protestors. Hanson gets a go too. Labor is framed as criticising the federal leadership when Labor leaders also unconditionally condemned the extremists. #Insiders
Read 47 tweets
Aug 10th 2021
Hi everyone 👋

An update from me.

For 16 yrs I have had the incredible privilege of being a Greens Senator for WA. I will be forever grateful for the trust & support you have given me.

I want to let you know that my time in Parliament is finishing soon.

I am extraordinarily proud to have been part of our Greens Senate team and the only party prepared to call out growing inequality and advocate for genuine climate action.

Leaving the Senate is not a decision I’ve taken lightly.
Being your voice in Parliament has been one of the biggest honours of my life. After more than 16 years, it’s time to hand on the baton.
Read 8 tweets
Feb 13th 2021
This week sees my life and peace of mind, housing security and finances all messed with by the Department of Housing, Qld and the Department of Education, Skills and Employment - JSP’s oversight body. Social Housing screw up! & threats of loss of JobSeeker from anon body. #auspol
I am so over this draconian system. Where is the recourse? I have an active on-foot complaint about Job Search Providers, unresolved - and some anonymous JSP sms’s me today, Saturday morning, saying I’m jeapardising my JobSeeker payment - they don’t say how. #auspol #RaiseTheRate
This directly affects my ability to pay my rent and survive.
Read 31 tweets

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