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Award-winning current affairs and documentary series covering the US and its role in the world. On @AJEnglish.
Feb 9, 2022 9 tweets 6 min read
🧵Hi there, I’m @YoungRJeremy, a Senior Producer with Fault Lines at @AJEnglish. I want to share an update with you about a story we started working on in 2020 and one man's chance to walk free this week after 25 years behind bars. Thread: In partnership with @TheLensNOLA, we spent more than nine months investigating the case of Brandon Jackson, who was convicted by a non-unanimous jury in 1997. This Friday February 11th he has a shot at parole after spending half of his life in prison.
Oct 28, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
Belinda Morales's fiancé Marcos was serving a life sentence at a Chino, California prison when the pandemic hit.

Like so many in prison, Marcos lived with chronic illnesses, including diabetes. Belinda was worried when the prison reported its first COVID-19 cases.

THREAD 👇 "I would tell him, are the guards wearing gloves or anything like that? And he said, mija, that’s not going to happen here. He says, they don’t care about us," Belinda told Fault Lines.

"I used to tell him: make a mask out of your socks, because it's killing people."
Jun 11, 2020 14 tweets 7 min read
As more Americans grapple with fundamental questions about race and the police, Fault Lines digs into our archives to share 12 episodes on the crisis in US policing.

From violence and impunity, to militarization and surveillance, a thread of documentaries about the police ⬇️ In Ferguson, protests in 2014 and their disproportionate, heavy-handed police reaction showed that the killing of #MichaelBrown sparked something bigger—exposing tensions that had been bubbling beneath the surface for years.