LGB Alliance Profile picture
We promote the rights of lesbians, bisexuals & gay men, as recognised by biological sex. #SexNotGender. Please donate: https://t.co/5Rw1xoDGRF
Martin Cleaver - 🇪🇺🇺🇦❌❌ Profile picture 🐐AliceB🦖🇺🇦🌻 Profile picture Why can't we? Profile picture Genevieve Morgan#poundlandselfpublicist Profile picture *{i Stand With Jo Rowling}* Profile picture 16 subscribed
Nov 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1./ We are shocked by today’s judgment in the Court of Session. For years proponents of GRA Reform assured the public it was merely an administrative measure. Instead it’s now clear it would have profound consequences undermining both women’s rights and those of LGB people. 2./ We have long argued the laws protecting LGB people are being undermined by conflating sex with gender identity. We are grateful the EHRC submission reflected our concerns and disappointed judges “have not found it easy to follow” the important point the EHRC made.
Jan 10, 2023 17 tweets 8 min read
We have today sent a formal complaint to the President of the UN HRC, endorsed by many other groups & individuals internationally, about the conduct of Independent Expert for SOGI Victor Madrigal-Borloz. He pursues his own agenda instead of his mandate.
Endorsed by:


And many others.

Sep 23, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
Today is #BiVisibilityDay
2021 ONS estimates put the prevalence of bisexuality at 1.1% of the UK population, rising to 5.3% of 16-24 year olds.

We saw yesterday that attitudes to LGB people generally had improved, but here are some stats on bisexuality specifically (thread)

From reading Prof Michael Biggs’ paper on the history of puberty blockers we find that of the first 70 children on the “Dutch Protocol”, 8.6% were bisexual.

One further child did not know their sexual orientation yet.

Aug 10, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
With just 30 days to go before Mermaids begin their challenge to our charitable status, we will be sharing one reason every day until then showing why LGB Alliance is so needed by LGB people. (Thread)🧵

crowdjustice.com/case/save-lgb-… 1: We made a short film to celebrate the lives of older gay men and are ensuring that 30% of the tickets to the very swanky London premiere are free or discounted 👇

Mar 31, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Why your support for LGB Alliance is effective and really matters (thread).

The govt's decision to abandon plans for a Bill to ban Conversion Therapy is a sign of the confidence that, in general, conversion therapy practices for LGB people are already illegal in this country 2/6
The UK is a fantastic place to be lesbian, gay or bisexual. It’s also a fantastic place to be transgender. Nowhere in the world are trans people more visible, or their rights better guaranteed.

The UK leads the world with our legislation on equality.
Mar 10, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
We welcome these early findings from the Cass Review. It confirms our view that this service has not been subject to the normal quality controls elsewhere in the NHS. This is even more important with highly experimental treatments. 1/5
It is a completely unnecessary failure of the NHS that it has thus far failed to gather data and ensure effective treatment for these children.
Mar 7, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
We thank @DalgetySusan for her passionate dissection of @kezdugdale's article in support of @scotgov's Gender Reform Bill. The fate of 16 year old lesbians and 16 year old gay boys is what has always animated us. It’s why we were founded. 1/6

susandalgety.substack.com/p/responding-t… Image We happen to believe it’s a tragic irony that many prominent LGB figures assume 16 year olds know their own minds with utter certainty and should be encouraged to embark on a process of “changing their gender” with no safeguarding at all. 2/6
Jan 24, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
1./ LGB History.
It’s worth reminding ourselves how far we’ve come. In the @BBC archives there’s a film from 1967 that set out to “reveal the truth about homosexual men”. It opens in a gay disco, and a classic line, “For many of us this is revolting: men dancing with men”. 👀👇 2./ The film-makers then track down a doctor, “who is also a homosexual”. He confides people are often shocked gay men who are taken to court can find witnesses to their good character. “Why on earth shouldn’t a homosexual have a good character?”, he rightly points out.👇
Jan 22, 2022 17 tweets 5 min read
1./ An update on Gender Recognition Reform. Earlier this week we met Cabinet Secretary @ShonaRobison and her team, who plan to bring a GR Reform Bill before the Scottish Parliament within the next few weeks. We wanted to explain why this issue matters so much to LGB people. 2./ Our biggest concern is the impact of the lowering of the age when a young person can get a Gender Recognition Certificate from 18 to 16. The growing number of LGB detransitioners and desisters testifies to the fact that young people often make mistakes when they are this age.
Jan 21, 2022 21 tweets 7 min read
1./ Conversion Therapy Update. We were delighted yesterday to meet @MinFreerHMG, Baroness Stedman-Scott and the team working on the UK's proposed Ban We believe we made progress in showing how the wrong type of Conversion Therapy Ban could end up harming LGB youth. /1 of 21 2./ Our key concern is that there's a huge conversion therapy programme underway right now in the UK which the proposed Bill ignores. BBC Newsnight revealed homophobic parents and therapists often conspire to push LGB teens towards thinking they were 'born in the wrong body.'👇
Nov 23, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
1./ A History Moment and LGB Hero. When did the struggle for LGB equality begin? A key figure from well before the Stonewall Riots was Barbara Gittings. Here she is on local New York TV in 1983 recollecting the impact the Civil Rights movement had on gays in the 1960s. 👇 2./ Barbara first marched in a gay picket of the White House in 1965. Here she describes an Independence Day protest in Philadelphia in 1967. Later that year she'd help counter "expert" advice to the Defense Department that homosexuality could be "cured".
Oct 28, 2021 16 tweets 6 min read
1./ The reaction to a @BBCNews article about sexual coercion of vulnerable lesbians has been both revealing and depressing. It's fine for critics to try to find flaws but where is the empathy for the victims? No wonder #IStandWithLesbians is trending.👇bbc.co.uk/news/uk-englan… 2./ Some criticism has focused on the small sample of just 80 lesbians. But much greater claims have been made on smaller samples. One famous survey's claims that 48% of young trans people attempted suicide turned out to be based on only 27 young people. 👇theguardian.com/society/2014/n…
Oct 20, 2021 17 tweets 6 min read
1./ What's the TRUTH about LGB Alliance? Our critics like to claim we're funded by extremists and, despite the fact we've many trans supporters, that we don't support trans rights, even although we do. So WHY do so many people believe the myths? 👇pinknews.co.uk/2021/10/19/lgb… 2./ The myths began the moment we formed. Here's @Independent saying, "A new lesbian, gay and bisexual alliance group has been heavily criticised for excluding the transgender community, prompting people to label it transphobic." Evidence was there none. independent.co.uk/life-style/lgb…
Oct 10, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
1./ To celebrate #BlackHistoryMonth we'd like to draw your attention to a conversation we love between two of Britain's most remarkable lesbians: @BluskyeAllison and the great Linda Bellos. What does the word 'lesbian' mean to Linda? For her, she says, it's a badge of honour.👇 2./ Linda, who'd go on to become Britain's first Black lesbian council leader, was the first Black woman to work at feminist magazine Spare Rib. One thing she deplored there was the unwillingness to have robust arguments with her including on the subject of race.👇
Oct 9, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
1./ CRISIS!!!! We have some very bad news. Our management team are deeply divided. There have been bitter words. Doors have been slammed. Can you PLEASE help us🙏. We need YOU to choose the first track at our Conference disco on 21st October. 😂 2./ Some team members argued we have an LGB duty 👀 to keep the sound of the summer holidays going. They plumped for 'Summer Thing' by @dragonette etc a great sound of 2021 which might keep those memories of Mykonos, Lesbos or ..er..Hebden Bridge alive. 👇
Oct 7, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
1./ A thread. 👉Tonight we issued this press statement in support of Dr Kathleen Stock. "LGB Alliance stands with Dr Stock against the vile abuse and threats she has faced, not only in the last week, but over the last several years. 1/5 2./ We are encouraged that she now has the support of Sussex University, which is committed to the principles of rational debate, free speech and open enquiry - as any university worth the name ought to be. 2/5
Oct 6, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
1./ CPC21 has been full of wonderful, unexpected encounters that remind us no one has all the answers. Including us. Within the space of an hour today we spoke to a clutch of MPs who agreed with us but couldn’t speak out. Then a real life man of the cloth came up for a chat.👇 2./ What we know about religion could probably be written on the back of one of our tiny stickers we’ve been giving out supporting free speech. 👇 So imagine our surprise when the Rev Alan Kennedy said he was a huge supporter. Who knew?
Oct 4, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
1./ In a hugely important piece @AbigailShrier argues many young people are receiving what is, in effect, highly experimental surgery at too young an age: before they’ve had a chance to experience their adult body. Many may have gone on to become LGB.👇 2./ This concurs with this often overlooked insight from 2018 by the leading trans author and thinker Jack Halberstam where he counsels against radical physical change before a young person has had the chance to experience sexual function in their adult body. 👇
Oct 3, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
1./ Who are we and why are we at the Conservative Party Conference this week? Here are some selections from our website that may provide answers. Above all, we believe in protecting children and young people from the imposition of strange ideologies.👇lgballiance.org.uk 2./ We were, for example, delighted when the BBC withdrew its “educational” video which informed children that there were over 100 genders. News to us. We wrote on numerous occasions to complain about this wholly unscientific and confusing notion being taught to kids. 👇
Sep 29, 2021 14 tweets 7 min read
1./ Do you need a little pick-up after so many politicians struggled to master basic biology? Here's a behind the scenes look at the preparations for OUR conference. Yes, us: the only LGB group in Britain that focuses solely on LGB people. For a start, here's our tiny venue.👇 2./ The QEII Centre is modern architecture at its best. Powell and Moya's building is surprisingly subtle, with all those variations in the facade. Inside though the space is vast. Here's us plotting banners and decor for the day and trying not to be distracted by the views. 👇
Aug 11, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Why does @BBC Style Guide erase homosexuality?

“Homosexual means people of either sex who are attracted to people of their own gender" is a belief promoted by gender identity campaigners.

People with same-sex sexual orientation object strongly to being redefined.
#SexNotGender “Homosexual” means sexually attracted to people of one’s own sex.

Please be aware that referring to (subjective) “gender” instead of (objective) sex makes homosexuality meaningless. We are LGB people. Our sexual orientation is based on #SexNotGender.