Amy Fried Profile picture
Nickerson Professor of Political Science, UMaine. Views own. 2021 book: "At War with Government: How Conservatives Weaponized Distrust from Goldwater to Trump."
Aug 19, 2020 8 tweets 6 min read
Susan Collins Engineered the USPS Disaster She’s Now Protesting #mepolitics… Sen. Susan Collins wasn't one of many behind the Post Office bill with the pension prepayment provision that's undermining its finances. She introduced it. Her role was recognized as she was few at the bill signing. #mepolitics ImageImageImage
May 29, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
I hadn't looked at Collins' campaign website before it put out a statement about a poll that called it "a coordinated hit job." Found it has NO section on policy. Doesn't say what she wants for health policy, for instance. Less than any other ME US Senate candidate. #mepolitics The Collins campaign was very upset about a poll (that did seem to have too high a % of Democrats and not enough unenrolleds) even though there's no reason to think that would affect voting decisions. Was it because they were concerned $ would flow to other races? #mepolitics
May 16, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Ah, it's just another day of a GOP candidate praising a Holocaust denier again. I'm referring to Malkin. This is a good piece about her:… #mepolitics Let's recall who Malkin is. CPAC decided they wouldn't let her speak. Young Americans for Freedom took her off their speakers' list. She praised Fuentes, a Holocaust denier who marched with neo-Nazis in Charlottesville. Yet GOP candidate @AdrienneMaine backs her. #mepolitics
May 15, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
The route between Biden's Senate office and the Capitol has no alcoves, contrary to Reade's description.… Image Biden staff said there was a policy against office staff being involved in campaign events, so, contrary to her claim, Reade wouldn't have been asked to serve drinks. Image
Sep 26, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
As someone who knows a lot about another presidential scandal, Iran-contra, I think Trump-Ukraine shares some characteristics but is worse. A lot worse. 1/ Like the Iran-contra affair, the Trump-Ukraine scandal involved privatizing foreign/national security policy and working outside of the normal apparatuses. 2/