Adam McLaughlin Profile picture
Get off the revenue roller coaster and start building monthly recurring revenue with your web design agency: #BuildThatAgency 👇🏻
Aug 7, 2023 19 tweets 4 min read
The web design chicken and egg: How to build a portfolio without a portfolio

(aka. How can I get clients if I don't have work to show yet)

The answer is simpler than you may think... YES, it's really hard to get a paying client without having a portfolio to show them.

How do they know what they'll get?

One option: build 2 or 3 websites for free for the right clients.

2 Topics:

1) Finding the right free client
2) Handling a free project
May 1, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
How to price 'Websites-As-A-Service':

(A rough guide with many variables)

3 major factors to consider (and 1 clear indicator that it's time to increase your pricing)... I'm a big proponent of building recurring income in your #websitedesign agency, and one way to do this is to sell websites as a service instead of as a product.

You can dig into the how and why in this thread:

Apr 30, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
Things your client onboarding process MUST include for a custom web design:

(Most people screw up #2 - how's that for clickbait?) Speaking from experience, I got this wrong for a long time, with one piece here and one piece there.

I KNOW I lost contracts part way through the onboarding process because not having a system came off as disorganization.

Here's what has to be included:
Apr 29, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
Systems to build QUICK confidence with potential #WebDesign clients:

1) Quote Request Form
2) Confirmation Email / Thank You Redirect
3) Discovery Call Process
4) Quote Delivery 1) Have a quote request form AND INSIST NEW CLIENTS USE IT.

No more quotes over the phone, ballparks, or email requests.

If a client can't take 4-5 minutes out of their day to answer 8-10 questions, it's not worth your time to try and work with them.
May 9, 2022 21 tweets 4 min read
6 Things to ask client's on their discovery call:

• Who? (Will be involved)
• What? (is the goal)
• Where? (are you at with that goal)
• When (Do you hope to start hitting that goal)
• Why (is now the time for this project)

(6th question is at the bottom)

#Thread 👇 Before we jump into what may seem like 5 over-simlpified questions, let's talk about discovery calls:

Discovery calls have 2 questions to answer:

1) Are you a fit for the client?
2) Is the client a fit for you?

The rest is information to move ahead if both questions are 'yes.'