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Multimedia journalist. Kashmiri. I mostly tweet news. Views my own. RTs & likes when something interests me. E-mail:
Jun 29, 2020 20 tweets 4 min read
More than anyone or anything, the political demise of Syed Ali Shah Geelani has vindicated leaders like Maqbool Bhat, who said no to Pakistan at a time when Geelani worshipped it, and ofcourse lended more credibility to the stand of likes of Qayoom Najar and Zakir Musa. 1/n Geelani's fans and friends may try to spin or twist the reasons behind his voluntary retirement from Hurriyat Conference, but each of them would agree on the fact that Pakistan is the villain in Geelani's political demise. 2/n
Jul 7, 2019 11 tweets 2 min read
Kashmir-based Ansar Ghazwat-ul-Hind's Al-Hurr media released maiden speech of its new ameer Hameed Lelhari. The speech contains a big claim, a conditional offer of unity and the commentary on the killing of Islamic State militant by suspected pro-Pakistan militants. Thread. Lelhari makes a huge claim, saying a Pakistani (spy) agency offered his group arms after the killing of Zakir Musa with two conditions. "One: AGH won't carry out any ops against India without its approval. 2nd: no major action against Indian forces will be carried out."
Jun 28, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
More than 24 hours have passed since a militant Adil Dass alias Hamas Bhai affiliated with Islamist State's local unit [Wilayah Hind] in #Kashmir was shot dead by suspected pro-Pakistan militants in Bijbehara south Kashmir. Thread. The allegations that Hizbul Mujahideen and Lashkar-e-Toiba gunmen shot Adil Dass and snatched his weapon have not been rebutted officially by any of these outfits. Though a morphed tweet imahge of Riyaz Naikoo is doing rounds which is nothing but fake.
Jun 6, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
Al Qaida's As Sahab media has now released a video statement of it's #Kashmir operative, Faisal Ishfaq Bhat, now based in Afghanistan. In around 30-minute-long statement, he details his Jihadi journey since 90s from Kashmir and association with Ghazi Baba. 1/n. In the first part of his speech, the al Qaeda operative Faisal praises Ghazi Baba's ideology & military strategy which he says was free from the influence of Pakistan secret agencies. He says he was initially trained by Ghazi Baba somewhere in Bandipora in mid '90s. 2/n