Aditya Dubey Profile picture
@uwmadison; Climate Activist; Legacy Award 2021; Youth Ambassador @earthdayindia @stc_india #PlantAMillionTrees #KillPlastic #RightToBreathe #MachineLearning
Sep 24, 2020 5 tweets 6 min read
Hi @JNarain3.
Thanks for ur concern.
No! lack of huge participation doesn’t & shouldn’t discourage me or u.
Infact it should motivate us to work harder to convince more ppl to join the campaign.
If ppl don’t join #FastAgainstEIA2020 then it’s our failure & not that of the ppl 1/5 A movement succeeds only if the citizens are convinced of- the #cause; #mode of campaign & the #ability of the individuals coordinating it.
1. Our cause is genuine as #DraftEIA2020 will destroy the environment;
2. #Satyagraha is a time tested & successful mode of struggle 2/5
Sep 10, 2020 4 tweets 5 min read
Sep 1, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
Hi! We need smartphones & tabs, new or refurbished, for students of underprivileged classes who are gradually getting excluded from the education system due to online classes during #COVID19 Pandemic.These kids r our country’s future & it’s our duty to help them. #HelpUsHelpThem Image So we already have commitments for 2 smartphones and one laptop. Happy me 😊😊
Aug 12, 2020 12 tweets 20 min read
#CallForUnity If we wish to succeed in our fight against the #Govt & @moefcc on any environmental issue, especially #EIADraft2020, then I believe all the environmentalists & activists have to start working together. A #CoalitionOfEnvironmentalists is the need of the hour. I knw we all have different approaches, different organisations, social media handles & more often then not we do not agree with each other. But one thing we hav in common is our love for the environment & our planet. Let’s use it to unite us against our #ruthless adversary .
Aug 8, 2020 5 tweets 7 min read
Today @AmanBanka00 & I hv sent an email to @ArvindKejriwal @capt_amarinder @mlkhattar @PrakashJavdekar to tk preemptory steps to stop stubble burning in Sep-Nov’20. Hopefully it will remind everyone concerned to take steps to fulfill their commitment on this issue.#RightToBreathe ImageImage @BhavreenMK @Tamseel_h @LetMeBreathe_In @60AQI @NSOOD6 @paveela @SeemaM4 @ChangeOrg_India @anujbanka43 @SaveTalabira
Aug 7, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
. @LetMeBreathe_In @Tamseel_h last yr u had done an excellent report on stubble burning issue for #Airpocypse. Will be gr8 if u could do a follow up report to check if any arrangements hv been made by @capt_amarinder @mlkhattar @ArvindKejriwal on the ground to remove stubble .1/4 or do we need to brace ourselves for same levels of AQI as last yr. @paveela Maam has informed that hardly any stubble removal equipment has reached farmers. The state governments r not responding to our req for information,which leads us to believe that nothing has been done 2/4