Alex T-Ho-Ho-Ho-mson Profile picture
Liaison psychiatrist chairing weekly webinars for the #LiaisonPsych community and leading launch of Mental Health Emergency Centre. Committed to respectful care
Oct 1, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
The abuse shown in #Panorama is not shocking or surprising to those of us with experience of contemporary #InstitutionalAbuse in mental health services

Sadly, it resonates with ongoing interventions elsewhere in the UK

🧵:Some actions all MH professionals can take right now 2/
Other victims have been consistently describing similar concerns in other areas. We must acknowledge this, and reflect on what it takes for victims' accounts to be taken seriously and acted on

We need to decide whether we are happy continuing to rely on undercover reporters
Jun 26, 2019 50 tweets 10 min read
A thread:
Given recent news about prosecuting people across the UK for surviving suicide attempts, it's worth considering whether and when (if ever) clinical psychologists, psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses should endorse, encourage or incite prosecution as a clinical decision Firstly it is worth starting with the codes of ethics & conduct

Clinical psychologists: "Promote & protect the interests of service users & carers"

Psychiatrists: "Make the care of your patient your first concern"

Psychiatric nurses: "Prioritise people"
Feb 28, 2019 11 tweets 3 min read
Twitter is the ideal medium for short research reports, so get ready for some SCIENCE [thread]


1/ Background:
Despite controversy over the reduced sugar content, Irn Bru now comes in three varieties. Although the majority prefer the regular version, this may be influenced by assumptions or expectations about the taste of sugar-free fizzy drinks.