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Liz Panton #POW 4 Newcastle East and Wallsend Profile picture Luna⚡Agent#744 💜🤍💚 Profile picture 2 subscribed
Apr 27, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
🧵Illegal knife enthusiast and all round shady bloke @sophie_frm_mars continues to slander Kellie Jay Keen and associates as Nazis / fascists, while calling for violence against 'fascists'.

To call these people👉 "fans" of KJK is another demonstrable lie, they disavowed... 1/x ImageImageImage ...her quite explicitly as a 'promoter of lesbianism', among other things... 👇

Plus ca change I guess? If you'd like a guided tour around some other 'Sophie' McAllister lies check out Meet the Trans Activists EP01 on my YT! Link in bio. 2/x Image
Mar 27, 2023 25 tweets 17 min read
🧵It's all the speeches this lot didn't want you to hear from the @StandingforXX #LetWomenSpeak rally yesterday at #SpeakersCorner Hyde Park! Huge thanks to @roseveniceallan and @ThePosieParker who was much missed.

Thread will grow as I get through them! Subtitles coming later! First up we had @RachelK01840150 with this barnstorming speech about the unpopularity of women who made historic gains for women's rights! 🔥

Jan 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Can anyone with good knowledge of Welsh devolution and law fill me in on something...

WTF is Mark Drakeford going on about in this article?

Wales does not have a devolved registrar general, it's integrated into the E+W one. So nobody is getting a 1/x… / "Welsh GRC"

Thankfully prison placement decisions are also not devolved but taken by the HMPPS, who given the noise coming out of Westminster surely *must* decide not to recognise Scots GRC's?

You didn't need a GRC to change gender on passport / driving licence anyway, 2/x
Jan 8, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
[🧵] GC data nerds! A date to put in your diary! 👇

25th of this month we get the UK census data on "gender identity" responses broken down by age group.

My prediction: Strong skew to younger demographics claiming an identity different from their sex.… Why is this interesting? Well, if the trans activist ideologues are correct, then the trans population is a stable, ongoing component of the whole population, and we should expect roughly even proportions of people identifying as trans across all age groups.
Jan 6, 2023 18 tweets 9 min read
Hmmmm..... @DragStoryHourUK are running this as a *paid* Facebook ad, with comments turned off!

a) Rattled much? 👀
b) Caveats are cool. Learn about caveats. You might have been ok with "Drag queens infrequently hurt children!"👍

Examples follow, will grow sporadically... Image 1)…
Dec 20, 2022 6 tweets 6 min read
Listen to what @FergusEwingSNP asks of @ShonaRobison here:…

Listen to her reply.

This is, to the *very best* of my knowledge, the BBC poll she is talking about 👇 Shona Robinson: "I could point to the BBC poll conducted earlier this year, that showed support for this bill - particularly among women, actually - and *SUPPORT FOR REDUCING THE AGE TO 16*..."

It was 53% vs 31% AGAINST lowering the age limit.


Dec 20, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Scottish parliament just voted 59 to 64 against an amendment that would have prevented registered sex offenders from being able to #SelfID under the proposed #GRRBill.

No democratic mandate whatsoever for any of this...

Shouts of *shame on all of you* from the gallery! 💪 "TherEs nO conNNecTioN beTweEn the TwaNs C0mUniTY aNd $eX oFfendErs!" we hear, over and over again, ignoring the anecdotes and evidence to the contrary, with varying degrees of credulity.

Why vote to make sure they can get a GRC then? WHY?

Dec 20, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
[🧵] Absolutely shameful #misogyny on clear display from Dr James Barrett. This man is as elite and respected as it is possible to be within the UK "gender medicine" establishment. @TaviAndPort 👆In a 2009 report, Barrett denigrated women prisoners who may object to the presence in their estate of a man convicted of killing his partner. This prisoner(AB) hid the corpse for 3 weeks.

5 days after release AB committed a violent attempted rape of a woman, which /
Dec 19, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
[🧵] Since #TransWomenAreConMen is trending, here's a relevant anecdote that I found while researching for a video.

In this court case from 2018, an applicant for a gender recognition certificate appealed against the panel's multiple decisions to reject their application.👇…

The whole thing makes *VERY* informative and enraging reading, but here are some highlights.... /
Dec 18, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Thanks for bringing this up! It's a nice excuse to vent a thought I was having earlier [THREAD].

Here's the enormous difference: "Water is wet" is a truth that is experiencing no meaningful pushback whatsoever. / Image /
Nobody is being prevented from saying it.
No movement exists based around disbelieving it.
No university anywhere in the world has a "Water is dry" department.
Governments / policymakers etc don't appear to have taken any position on water's wetness or dryness.
Nov 25, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Wow. Serious questions for @MedicalBristol as to why one of your lecturers has given this presentation, riven with demonstrable falsehoods, vague notions asserted as fact and flat out activist propaganda. 🧵 Hartland went on to characterise the large number of as yet unseen questions that the presentation generated as transphobic and hateful, and posted an image of his own hand with visible nail indentations, claiming he´d had no choice but to do that to himself... to remain calm?
Sep 17, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
WTF is this horse****?

Video is from tiktok with two dead hashtags overlaid on top plus a miss leading flyer with the wrong location on it?

Posted by 3 follower account?

Source below... Original:…
Sep 16, 2022 35 tweets 8 min read
Part 3) Police, and ( the highly unlikely event that it comes to it) how to get arrested like a boss.

So how exactly the police will conduct themselves at this rally is unknown. In general I think there is only a minuscule risk of arrest for peaceful attendees, / / but that said, there are a few reasons for concern. In particular:

1) Police have turned up at Kellie Jay-Keen's door for dubious reasons.
2) @GetTheLOutUK were, *I think*, effectively threatened with arrest for attending @PrideCymru.
3) At least 1 woman was threatened /
Sep 16, 2022 15 tweets 5 min read
(Sorry for break in the thread. link to previous part at end)

Part 2: Possibility that far-right goons turn up.

So 6 weeks ago I noticed that some actual fascists have decided to involve themselves in protesting against Drag Queen Story Hour. More here: I think this group, 'Patriotic Alternative' (PA), are not really all that vexed by drag queens and child safeguarding, and really are just hoping to be seen engaging with this political hot potato to raise their profile.

They *might* think to try the same thing with this rally.
Sep 15, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Some thoughts from me for attendees going to the @StandingforXX rally in Brighton on Sunday! (Not in any way endorsed, I'm just me up my tree, saying my piece)

First of all, thanks! You're all legends and I very much hope that it goes well and everyone gets to have a nice time! The rest of this thread will be about some of the bad things that may happen. I mention them *not* intending to dissuade anyone from coming, but rather in hope of helping ppl be well prepared and able to avoid worst case outcomes.

There's 3 things on my mind:
Aug 28, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
TIL that in 2018 “scientists” investigating phalloplasty techniques experimented on “11 female mongrel” dogs, giving them an invasive novel experimental surgery to construct a neophallus. 🤮

They remained in this condition for at least 7 months… Image Next up the quality of outcome was measured, on pain? On resistance to infection?

No silly! On “is it big enough to f**k if we electrocute it first?” JFC 😳

(The answer, apparently, was yes…) ImageImage
Aug 5, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Two key figures behind anti #dragqueenstoryhour protests have asked their respective audiences not to go to the Leeds event. This is out of the desire to distance themselves from ethno-nationalist group Patriotic Alternative. Stand up to Racism press release:…

(It is speculated elsewhere that Mark Collett, founder and leader of Patriotic Alternative, may reside in Leeds, so a considerable turnout of PA members may be expected?)
Jul 30, 2022 24 tweets 8 min read
🧵Lately there have been some protests outside "Drag Queen Story Time"(DQST) events around the UK.

Various pundits, and social justice activists have laid the accusation of "far right" against the protestors, for example:

I did the digging and found👇 *Drumroll please*

Yeah it's true.

Here's a screenshot from Patriotic Alternative's (PA) telegram channel, posted 24/07/22.

They relate that they have been flyering against DQST ahead of the Bristol events... Image
Jul 24, 2022 19 tweets 9 min read
A thread that will be rather #UntowardAboutPaedophiles

See if you can detect the theme...

Sought out sex with a (fake) 8yr old girl.
Caught with CSE images including some that appear to have been "revenge porn" of a 15yr old which he took from evidence!…

Caught with category A CSEM
Jul 5, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Bristol city council has just passed a far reaching and audacious "Trans rights" motion!

It contains the catechisms in it's first resolution... ...demands the kind of "patient knows best" healthcare we've all gotten horribly familiar with...
Jul 3, 2022 4 tweets 5 min read
Phew! Well that was a process...

46 minute mini documentary about what happened in Bristol on the 19/06/22 at the Standing for women rally.

Featuring footage, and excerpts of speeches, from: @StandingforXX @TyrantFinder @HackneyTerven @CarpathianRich @TervenP @SVPhillimore @RadicalCartoons Maria MacLachlan ( and numerous others (please tag in speakers @´s if you know them!)