Alistair Haimes Profile picture
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Jan 8, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
This is Toby Young (@toadmeister)'s response to my piece in the @spectator, which he very fairly follows by a frontline account from an in-house senior doctor in London.…

I thought I'd respond briefly to the response: short thread 1/n I am still a lockdown sceptic, and Toby sets out very well the principled objections to lockdown that I still believe too. 2/n
Oct 24, 2020 10 tweets 10 min read
Weekly round up of useful / reliable English covid statistics:

1. Incidence
2. Care home outbreaks / admissions
3. Hospital / ICU admissions and deaths
4. Covid triage
5. Cases
6. Contact tracing
7. Mortality
8. ICU profile: ICNARC

#ahcveng 1. Incidence

ONS: Incidence now up to 35k per day, 0.9% overall; huge variance regionally and by age group, with young getting infected *much* faster than old (good news), and this is backed up by Zoe (KCL/CSS) data: ()…
Oct 24, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
My experience of contact tracing.
My daughter was sent home from school to isolate Tuesday morning, following a positive test by her teacher (who had been isolating since Friday).

She rapidly developed (moderate) fever and kept falling asleep (fine now), so was tested /1 This was 2.30pm Tuesday.

Result came through 10pm Thursday; within half an hour we had phoned all contacts (piano teacher, school, houseguests, other direct contacts).

Contact tracers phoned us 17 hours later (Friday afternoon); we gave them all the same information. /2
Oct 17, 2020 13 tweets 11 min read
Weekly round up of useful / reliable English covid statistics:

1. Incidence
2. Care home outbreaks
3. Hospital / ICU admissions and deaths
4. Covid triage
5. Cases
6. Contact tracing
7. Mortality
8. Miscellaneous: nosocomial

#ahcveng 1. Incidence

ONS shows continued increase in incidence as the seasons change, driven by areas of the country subject to enhanced lockdown restrictions.

Great news: clear divergence between incidence in the vulnerable >70 versus younger age groups.…
Oct 9, 2020 14 tweets 11 min read
Weekly round up of useful / reliable English covid statistics:

1. Incidence
2. Care home outbreaks
3. Hospital / ICU admissions and deaths
4. Covid triage
5. Cases
6. Contact tracing
7. Mortality
8. Miscellaneous: ICU, France & Spain, GB Dec

#ahcveng 1a. Incidence

Zoe (KCL CSS) suggests incidence is slowing after a steep rise, whereas ONS and Imperial (REACT1) show sharp recent rise.……
Oct 2, 2020 18 tweets 14 min read
Weekly round up of useful / reliable English covid statistics:

1. Incidence
2. Care home outbreaks
3. Hospital & ICU admissions and deaths
4. Covid triage
5. Cases
6. Contact tracing
7. The Vallance-tracker
8. Mortality
9. Miscellaneous

#ahcveng 1a. ONS incidence

The headline is that during the most recent week (18 to 24 September) there were around 8,400 new infections per day not including those living in institutional settings, *down* from 9,600 previous week.

Still not rising in the elderly… ImageImageImage
Sep 25, 2020 15 tweets 10 min read
Weekly round up of useful / reliable English covid statistics:

1. Cases
2. Care home outbreaks
3. Hospital deaths / admissions
4. Covid triage
5. Prevalence
6. Contact tracing
7. The Vallance-tracker
8. Mortality
9. Miscellaneous

#ahcveng 1. Cases

1a. Pillars 1&2 - last couple of weeks & last month (current wave) & full curve. Bear in mind the left-hand side was heavily rationed for testing, the right-hand side far less so: the 'two waves' are not comparable.

Source: Gov dashboard…
Sep 24, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
"The scrutiny provided by our legislature was absent when it was most required.

The social costs of lockdown are extraordinary: the burden of proof for every day it was maintained should have been more extraordinary still. + "It should never have been down to a cabinet, let alone the coronavirus quad or a poorly prime minister, to decide when rights we have taken for granted since Magna Carta should be restored: their suspension should have needed justifying daily, with the bar set high. +
Sep 18, 2020 9 tweets 8 min read
1. Cases

1a. Pillars 1&2 - last couple of weeks & last month (current wave) & full curve. Bear in mind the left-hand side was heavily rationed for testing, the right-hand side far less so: the 'two waves' are not comparable.

Source: Gov dashboard… 1. Cases

1b. English pillar 1 (clinical need & NHS) cases and % positive. Again, bear in mind that the left-hand side was heavily rationed for testing, the right-hand side *far* less so. Positivity currently 1.6%

Source: PHE covid surveillance report…
Sep 15, 2020 8 tweets 6 min read
On Friday evenings I'm going to release a thread like this on English covid data that I think is useful / reliable. If you don't want to follow the rest of my ranting, the # will be #ahcveng

• Cases: pillar 1
• Care home outbreaks
• Hospital deaths & admissions
• Sundry 1. English pillar 1 (clinical need & NHS) cases and % positive

Source: weekly PHE surveillance report…

#ahcveng Image
Sep 14, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
That curve looks awfully familiar Image Wait, there it is again Image