Humza Kazmi Profile picture
DC area immigration attorney. Tweets are one part politics and activism, one part gaming and nerdery.
Sep 30, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read

Y'all have seen me talking about the Tanton Network (FAIR, CIS, NumberUSA, etc) and how it's created the modern anti-immigrant movement.

(If not, see @HMAesq 's posts about it here:… )

But the Tanton network isn't operating in a vacuum. (1/n) The Tanton orgs are fundamentally part of a grouping constructed around white supremacy. Tanton's concern around 'demographics as destiny' and white ppl no longer being a majority in the US draws from the same well as groups like the Proud Boys. (2/n)…
Jul 6, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Rest in peace, Maestro, and thank you.

A few other Morricone faves:

Jun 13, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Sudden #osr #ttrpg thought as I was drifting off to sleep.

GP => XP works well for gameplay loops bc of concrete nums component of play, in a way that something like DW's questions don't (for me at least).

So for me, a satisfying alternative to GP => XP has to be numerical. Long story short?

Alternative XP idea of "gain XP based on (total HD of group x steps improved on reaction roll table"
Apr 2, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
(RPGs; CW sexual assault)

Genuinely shocked that a major, well-known figure in indy RPGs (@/skinnyghost) streamed a scene where he ran a sexual assault on a player's PC, and played it off as a joke. (1/n) This was an interaction so gross the players quit the campaign; it's been cancelled. This happened a week ago; the show was cancelled 2 days ago...and hardly anyone is discussing this. Holy crap, y'all.

H/T to EA for posting about this. (2/2)
Jan 29, 2020 63 tweets 9 min read
I'm at the Rayburn House Office Building today, where I'll be livetweeting the Judiciary Committee's hearing on judicial independence and due process in immigration courts.… Image The hearing's going to begin in 15 mins, so still a bit of time. Four witnesses scheduled - the VP of @AILANational, the Pres of the @ABAesq , the Pres of the immigration judges union...and the law and policy fellow from the Tanton network's Center for Immigration Studies.