Allen Wu Profile picture
May 30, 2023 22 tweets 4 min read
Alright #Cardano community, here we go - a simple change that will solve the pledge problem completely with no change to a0 required. 1/n 2/n Terminology that I will use:

Flat MinFee = the currently 340 MinFee that SPOs have voted to lower to 170, this is the amount of ADA reward every block-producing epoch that the SPO receives before distributing rewards to delegators.
Jan 31, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Been bedridden the last few days due to stomach flu, but with $DJED now live there's one point I want to put out there regarding what below 100% collateral looks like for $DJED and why "bank-run" (like UST) is not in the cards. Consider this a part 3 #Cardano 1/n 2/n Before I begin, yes I am still disappointed with the last minute changes to DJED, and yes I am aware that for smaller amounts you can trade on secondary. I’ve read some of the comments on both sides, but for now I’m not confident in my opinion on it.
Jan 29, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
Part 2: What happens to $SHEN near and below 400% collateral? I’ll quickly walk through my thought process: #Cardano 1/n 2/n Slight review: Collateral% is the amount of $ADA in reserve vs outstanding DJED liability (amount of DJED minted, which are essentially IOUs on reserve assets). 400% collateral is a point of interest for $SHEN because above it you can redeem $SHEN for ADA, below it you cannot
Jan 28, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
1/n As $DJED launch is imminent, I'm a little worried about people in the #Cardano community aping into $SHEN. There's a technically correct way to ape and a technically incorrect way to ape, so let me explain a little (mini-thread) 2/n What is $SHEN? SHEN is the reserve token (NOT governance token) of the DJED protocol. It “owns” a portion of the reserve, with specific rules on when it can be bought/sold via protocol. Before we go into it, we need to differentiate what it means to be
Nov 19, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Regarding the official #Monero account's misunderstandings yesterday, #IOG's Executive VP of Strategy, Rob Adams had this to say: 1/n #Cardano 2/n "Somebody said something about a backdoor, there's no backdoors in Midnight. I'm not even sure where that assertion would come from. There's nothing in the chain that says there is the ability for some random person to just get in and understand everything that's happening.