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Crypto is Life and will change the lives for billions of people. Bullish on Killer crypto Apps! Nothing I say is Financial Advice!
Feb 17, 2023 19 tweets 7 min read
With the crypto bull market in full swing and alt season is upon us, now is the time to be investing in the next 100x investment.

The investors that survived the brutal 2022 bear market are the ones that’s going to reap the most rewards in 2023 and beyond. I survived the painful 2018-20 bear market which led me to invest into $Luna at 30 cents in 2020. I was able to quit my full time job, the goal for many in crypto.

We all know that crypto is the only asset class that can give you financial freedom. But it’s still very difficult.
Jan 10, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
For anyone that missed the $VETME AMA, here is a recap.

Q: What has $VetMe achieved so far in a short time it has launched in a bear market?

A: We have all experienced scams and untrustworthy people in the digital space and @VetmeToken is building a platform built on the... ...blockchain that can safeguard transactions peer to peer with escrow service and OTC trading.

Along with filtering out the bad actors in the online space with their vetting platform and KYC Service. These services are built with a sophisticated algorithm with many features.
Jan 8, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
There are so many crypto projects out there in the market but a lot of them are just copycats.

Just Another Lending protocol or Dex.

@VetmeToken is building something truly unique in the crypto space.

They building a safer environment for everyone - Investors, traders, Professionals, and businesses alike.

The goal is to safeguard all transactions in the crypto industry with the help of their P2P Escrow service and OTC Dex platform.

Their Vetting and KYC services will help filter out the scammers in any online industry.
Dec 29, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Here’s why I think $QRDO is going to be the top asset in Q1.

You want to be on the fastest horse in crypto, right? Opportunity cost is important in crypto imo. So you can trade and accumulate more of your desired token.

Here are the 4 reasons why $QRDO is prime for take off! 🚀 Fundamentals:
This is the biggest infrastructure we’ve seen in crypto. It will integrate with all layer 1’s and attract a LOT of liquidity from exchanges and capital from institutions.

As of now, @QredoNetwork has kept its cards close to them. That changes next month
Dec 29, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
I sold most of my $LUNA for $QRDO.

This is a very scary move and I don’t recommend it because $LUNA is such a bullish asset

But $QRDO right now, is about to pop off. Notice how strong it has been the last 7 days? Best performing crypto asset and holding strong during this #bitcoin Dump! I know for a fact there’s going to be huge bullish news in January.

So you know for sure $QRDO is going to move quite Nicely.

But we don’t know how high it can go.

My conservative bet is $20 by end of January.

Bullish bet is $30.

Bearish bet is $15
Oct 25, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Disappointed take. I respect @hasufl but let’s educate him on the matter.

$UST is backed by the arbitrage opportunity of when $UST depegs from a $1 and market makers steps in and takes advantage of profit opportunity between $UST and $LUNA. The golden equation is that 1 $UST will always be exchangeable for $1 worth of $LUNA.

The price of $LUNA does NOT matter at all. It does not serve as collateral for $UST.

$UST can always keep its peg at any price point of $LUNA.

Just as long as $LUNA is greater than 0.
Oct 23, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I’ve watched $MIR since it’s inception back in December of 2020.
TFL and Do Kwon knew the risks when they created the platform.

That’s why they made it as decentralized as possible. No tokens to team, governance proposals only by community, threw away any centralized keys. All the TFL team did was write code.

And code should be protected as much as speech. It is their right to have freedom of code like their freedom of speech.

We should protect and embrace our engineers of the world because these guys are building our future.