Martin Kimani Profile picture
Exec Director @NYUCIC using global cooperation for peace, justice & inclusion; Former Perm Rep @KenyaMissionUN; Member, Perm Forum on People of African Descent
Kenneth Atunga Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jun 2, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
As a member of the @UN Permanent Forum on People of African Descent, it has been a privilege to participate in the second session this week in New York. Here is a🧵of key points I heard made (note: this is NOT the forum’s official report)
#PFPAD #UN #HumanRights #AfricanDescent 1/ An insistence on robust civil society participation and a call for the removal of structural and bureaucratic barriers to those attending annual sessions, including accommodations for language, disability, and event capacity
Apr 24, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Shakahola. Many people are very vulnerable to cults. Years ago, as I wrote my thesis, and later as we built a national disengagement & reintegration system for violent extremists, I found Professor Robert Jay Liston’s work on cult manipulation useful. Here are his 8 criteria. A🧵 The 8 criteria work in combination.
1 Milieu Control: control of the access to information and social support for the targeted individual. He or she is isolated from their friends and family. You experience this as a friend/relative suddenly becoming scarce and avoiding contact
Feb 17, 2023 23 tweets 8 min read
It was a pleasure being back to a much changed Addis Ababa & the @_AfricanUnion to feedback on lessons we learned in the UNSC. A special thank you to @JeanKamau and @KenyaEmbAddis for organising the event which I hope becomes a tradition for all A3 members. A wonky thread: 1/ Kenya’s commitment to Africa went beyond our actions in NY. We used the seat to support our pursuit of peace mediation in the Horn of Africa & the Great Lakes. We learned that the Council is a single link in a chain of actions that stretch from capital to practical initiatives