Brian from Pennsylvania Profile picture
Political Independent, JD, Pianist, Married, Fan of David Lynch, Tori Amos, Björk, Assigned Blue Eyes at Birth
Aug 22, 2021 25 tweets 9 min read
The Meaning of "Left"

Words are funny things. Used effectively, they're the foundational blocks of any civilization, giving meaning to everything from how to build a canal to PHD level critical theories. The more fixed and definite a word is, the better it functions in
(1/ realizing a meeting of minds. Numbers are great examples--the meaning of "twenty" is as close to unambiguous as it gets. Words for physical objects like "fork," "glass," "refrigerator" are also specific but even then mutual understandings begin to diverge. For instance,
Aug 20, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
I'm just a small voice in a big world but I'm endorsing Shahid Buttar (CA-12) and Alex Morse (MA-1) for Congress this year. I've followed both storylines closely in the past few weeks and decided that we have to remain more vigilant against unfounded smears.

Being on the
(1/9) left means we're naturally more inclined to believe victims of abuses whose voices haven't been taken seriously throughout history, an injustice upon an injustice. Our willingness to listen is a great asset yet it can also open the door for non-victims who want
Mar 6, 2020 25 tweets 6 min read
Corporate Democrats' Desperate Last Act

As if on cue, Joe Biden misidentified his wife as his sister in his victory speech on Super Tuesday, a night he'd just referred to as "Super Thursday." On Wednesday night, Joe Biden forgot Barack Obama's name... again.
(1/24) His defenders initially claimed that his wife and sister had "switched" places, but that was quickly disproved when the long form video surfaced. It comes on the heels of another short circuit during a Texas campaign event where he flubbed the most memorable lines
Mar 5, 2020 15 tweets 5 min read
Turnout Myths/Lies

I'm hearing a narrative metastasizing about turnout and youth turnout being down from 2016. I'm surprised this has taken root because it's an objective claim that is easily disproved, like misstating the population of New York. Election Night Results
(1/15) are not secrets or difficult to locate. CNN's Election Center is pretty good and these will link to Virginia-2020 and Virginia-2016, where the rest of the states are easily accessible.… (Virginia 2020)… (Virginia 2016)

Jan 17, 2020 21 tweets 4 min read
#NotMeUs -- Why do they hate?

Because we're an asset. Now we're the target. And we're the headline. All week.

Rude "bros" is the strategy coordinated in tandem with Warren's gut wrenching hit job. Provoke into anger then embarrass for anger... which further
(1/21) provokes. There will be preening celebrities, op-eds, and undisclosed paid surrogates echoing the same narrative.
They want to shame us.

It's well known in strategy in politics that one of the best tactics is to turn an opponent's biggest strength into weakness.
Jan 13, 2020 18 tweets 5 min read
Elizabeth #Warren has just proven she cannot unify the Democratic party.

For those not aware, she attacked Senator #Sanders directly today by reviving smears from the 2016 primary and recast herself in the performative victim role of Hillary Clinton that we all found so

(1/16) very endearing. This is the first time either Warren or Sanders attacked each other directly and given the desperation one might expect with her declining numbers, it was Warren who launched the grenade. She used an unverified and heavily disputed report of a lower level
Dec 7, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read

A grinning Peter Buttigieg refuses to answer whether or when he'll re-open his fundraisers to the press and when asked to give a reason why, he responds with one word:


[Walks off stage]


"Mayor, earlier today, you said you were open to (1/8) having a conversation about opening your fundraisers. And that's a question that reporters have been asking for months now. I'm wondering when do you expect to be to actually have that conversation and give an answer on that?"

P: Uh, again I don't have a timeline for ya. (2/8)
Nov 6, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
It's Not Centrism

"Centrism" is not centrist and radical corporatism is not "moderate."

"Centrist" and "moderate" are Orwellian terms used to sugarcoat and advance an embedded far-right ideology (in both parties) that is neither popular nor measured in its imbalance.

The... ...policies with the broadest support that would qualify as the American mean are leftist/populist:

Taxing Corporations
Ending Bribery/Corruption
Curtailing War
Equal Rights
Expanding Social Security
Medicare for All
Debt Relief
Legalizing Marijuana

On issue...
Nov 1, 2019 25 tweets 5 min read
Neoliberalism Mini-Primer and 2020:

Neoliberalism is simply an ideology that expands the private sector at the expense of the state. It's reputed to be arcane, but is fairly straightforward:

Private > Public = Neoliberalism

In a democracy, this inequation translates... ...directly into a dynamic of corporations v. people.

Neoliberalism has been the dominant ideology in the United States for forty years with roots dating back to the 1940's. Reagan and Thatcher were its exemplars in West and it captured the Democratic...