Amor Et Virtute :
‘My poverty, but not my will consents'
Writer, Researcher Trainer, Presenter.
May 29, 2022 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
I enjoy & honour my sex-based rights/privileges as a Muslim off-white woman in secular or Christian-light democracy. Fought for by our foremothers. l campaign for other women/minorities to share the same freedoms & protections. Why @UKLabour
denying sex-based rights? #noselfID
Specifically men saying they feel like a woman, with Labour politicians giving away hard fought sex-based rights? Why are @UKLabour Old Girls Network supporting the Old Boys Network to erase women’s rights? Who gave them permission to do so?(2
May 4, 2022 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
Fascinating time politically at the moment. As well as challenging times l agree. I have spoken to more #labour women in the last six months because @UKLabour discriminatory stance against women, i.e. Self ID of men to access women’s spaces. (1
These are elected members as well as ordinary members. I have had calls from ethnic women, bullied by ethnic men, white women bullied by gay/straight white men, ethnic men bullied by white/brown men etc (2